Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1346: Ghost in the Villa (Additional update)

Sun Lili carefully took back the photo and seemed to cherish it very much: "I begged Uncle Chen for a long time to give this to me. It is also my only souvenir."

My mind was filled with the dazzling lake behind Uncle Chen, and I suddenly thought of what Mouse had said to me before.

He said that the place where the body was buried might have been a lake in the past, but it dried up later. Could that be where it was?

Thinking of this, I hurriedly asked Sun Lili: "During your contact with Uncle Chen, did you hear him mention anything that remains fresh in your memory? Including her daughter, son-in-law, or her deceased little daughter."

"No." Sun Lili shook her head firmly: "Uncle Chen's relationship with his eldest daughter and son-in-law is very bad. Every time they come, Uncle Chen will look particularly panicked. If the younger daughter is mentioned, Uncle Chen will be very nervous. I was so sad that I didn’t dare to mention these topics to him. If there are things that are still fresh in my memory..." Sun Lili thought about it carefully for a long time, and suddenly said to me: "By the way, during the time when Uncle Chen was paralyzed in bed , when I was taking care of him when he had a high fever, I heard him repeating something like left and right being reversed..."

Left and right reversed?

What does this mean, a riddle?

Sun Lili said: "That's all I know. If you find out the cause of Uncle Chen's death, please tell me."

I agreed, said goodbye to her and left. On the way home, I kept thinking about Uncle Chen and his little daughter.

Uncle Chen had a pair of twin daughters, but the younger daughter drowned in an accident. Weird things have been happening at home since then. He and his eldest daughter could not bear to be disturbed, so they asked Monk You Fang for help and planned to insert a soul-destroying nail into the little ones. The daughter's heavenly spirit sealed her soul completely. Uncle Chen couldn't bear it, and he didn't make up his mind until his two dogs were dismembered by his little daughter's evil spirit. However, after opening the coffin, he found that his little daughter's body was gone.

Many years later, Uncle Chen found Mouse and promised him a large sum of money to find his little daughter's body and pull out the soul nail that was suppressing her soul.

But there are also many doubts in the middle.

There was no body of my little daughter in the coffin at that time. Where was the nail that bound her soul? And who inserted it into the corpse that was later discovered by the mouse?

Why did Uncle Chen have to pull out the soul-imprisoning nail? What exactly does he want to do?

Who is hiding and who is lying?

When I returned to the antique store with all kinds of questions, I saw Wang Ke. He was sitting in the car waiting for me. When he saw me coming back, he got out of the car and ran towards me: "Please! Come on...go to my house and have a look. If this continues, my wife and I will be tortured to death." of."

"What happened?" I was shocked by Wang Ke's appearance.

"My wife's condition is very bad. Something may happen if this continues." Wang Ke anxiously pulled me into the car and pushed me. I didn't even have a chance to resist, so he took me to a private villa in the city center.

The atmosphere in the villa was also very strange. The curtains were all drawn, there was no light in the whole room, and everything that could reflect human figures was blocked by cloth.

Wang Ke shouted nervously after entering the door: "Bingqing! Bingqing, where are you?"

Wang Ke was very uneasy when he didn't get a response from his wife. He hurriedly turned on the light and rushed into the room. I hurriedly followed his footsteps and found Chen Bingqing unconscious on the ground in the bathroom on the second floor. Her face turned a strange blue-gray color, her lips were purple, her eyes were closed tightly, and she had lost consciousness.

Wang Ke was startled, screamed and ran to Chen Bingqing, hugging her in his arms: "Bingqing, are you okay?"

I checked her breathing. Although it was weak, she was still breathing: "It's okay, she is just too weak. Help her to the bed."

Wang Ke was so frightened that he naturally did what I told him. After placing the unconscious Chen Bingqing on the bed, I asked him to open all the curtains: "The more this environment is, the more sunshine we need to see! Normal people You’ll have random thoughts in such a dark room, let alone your wife’s sensitive period right now?”

Wang Ke opened the curtains according to my instructions, and the dazzling sunlight fell into the room. Chen Bingqing on the bed suddenly screamed and sat up: "It's her! She's here! She's coming to me!" Wang Ke hurriedly pulled her out Holding her in her arms: "Don't be afraid, I'm here, I'm here! Why did you see her again? Didn't I cover all the mirrors and reflective things with cloth?"

"It's useless, it's useless at all! Her ghost is still there, her shadow is everywhere! She's clinging to me, and she will never let me go in this life." Chen Bingqing grabbed her hair and said, "I'm eating. When I drink water, she is on the spoon, when I drink water, she is in the water cup, when I wash my face, she is in the basin... She is everywhere, as long as I am there, she is there... Wang Ke, what should I do? I... …Will I be killed by her like my father?”

Wang Ke quickly comforted him. Seeing that the current atmosphere was not suitable for conversation, I quietly withdrew and went to the living room on the first floor to wait for him.

After opening all the curtains, I found that the room was very clean and the decoration style was very modern. There are photos of Wang Ke and Chen Bingqing printed on one wall. They are on a beautiful island. They are wearing swimsuits and hugging each other and laughing. Chen Bingqing still smells half of an angel's wings on his left back.

After a while, Wang Ke came down from upstairs and saw me staring at the photo. He immediately stepped forward and said, "This was our honeymoon trip after we got married. Now that I think about it, that period was probably the happiest day."

Wang Ke asked me to sit down. He was completely focused on his wife now, so naturally he was not in the mood to entertain me. He just gave me pure water from the refrigerator: "I'm sorry, please be patient."

I smiled nonchalantly.

Wang Ke asked with some worry: "Bingqing's current situation is not optimistic. I'm really worried about her. Is there any way you can solve... get rid of my sister-in-law's ghost? If this continues, my wife may also Something unexpected happened.”

"If you want to solve the problem, you must understand the truth about that time." I took a sip of water and asked him with a smile: "Can you please tell me why Uncle Chen is so disgusted with your wife? When your youngest daughter suffered an accident and left you, Finally, wouldn’t normal old people value their only relative as a life-saving straw? Why is the relationship between your wife and your father-in-law so bad? "

"Because..." Wang Ke thought for a while and decided to tell me the truth: "Because my father-in-law always felt that my wife was responsible for my sister-in-law's death. He even... he said that my wife killed my sister-in-law."

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