Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1347: Deceit Corpse

Before I could speak, Wang Ke explained anxiously: "But this is impossible. It was just an accident. It was really just an accident. My wife will not kill anyone."

"What kind of accident was it?" I asked curiously.

Wang Ke slowly lowered his head: "My sister-in-law drowned in the bathtub."

In the bathtub?

"Why does Uncle Chen think this matter has something to do with your wife?" I continued to ask.

Wang Ke glanced at me and said evasively: "I don't know, maybe... maybe it's just to express anger?"

Until now, he still refuses to tell me the truth. I smiled slightly and let him continue without exposing him.

"Later, my father-in-law talked to me alone twice, and each time he told me to be careful about my wife, and said that she was completely fake..." Wang Ke looked very distressed: "His mood is getting worse and worse, and his mind is not clear. He was always talking nonsense! Finally, there was no other way, so my wife and I discussed sending him to a nursing home, hoping that his mood could slowly calm down there."

It turns out that Uncle Chen was not taciturn at first. Not only was he not, but he also liked to talk. But no one believed him, so he gradually stopped saying anything.

"Wang Ke! Wang Ke, where are you! Wang Ke!" Chen Bingqing's sharp cry came from the direction of the bedroom on the second floor. Wang Ke hurriedly left me and ran upstairs to comfort his wife.

I sat on the sofa and thought about what Wang Ke said to me. Uncle Chen felt that it was his eldest daughter who caused the death of his younger daughter, so he became increasingly alienated and wary of her. So does the death of Uncle Chen’s younger daughter have anything to do with his eldest daughter?

I was thinking when I looked up and saw a thin figure standing in the mirror opposite. I was so startled that I almost jumped up from the sofa. She stood in the mirror, wearing a dirty white nightdress, her hair was messy, but her face was exactly the same as Chen Bingqing, even more beautiful than her. She didn't seem to see me, and kept listening carefully. There was movement on the floor, and his eyes looked particularly sad.

Could this be the ghost of Uncle Chen’s little daughter?

Could it be that Chen Bingqing really killed her sister, so she came back to avenge her sister?

In the blink of an eye, the mirror returned to its normal appearance, and the person inside disappeared. But Chen Bingqing's scream on the second floor was heartbreaking and seemed particularly sad.

I hurriedly got up and ran up, only to see her jumping around crazily on the bed, trying to break free from Wang Ke's restraints and jump out of the window. Wang Ke saw me and shouted for help: "Quick! Help me think." Think of ways to!"

I had no choice but to close the window first, and then worked with Wang Ke to press Chen Bingqing to the bed. I went to the kitchen downstairs to get nine empty bowls. Each empty bowl was filled with water, and then I took some water from between my middle fingers. A drop of blood essence and blood was put into each bowl of water, and a simple Nine-Nine Return Formation was performed.

Perhaps it was due to a psychological effect. As soon as the formation was set up, Chen Bingqing became much quieter. She lay on the pillow panting and looked at Wang Ke with tears in her eyes: "What did we do wrong? Why is she like this?" Won’t you let us go?”

Wang Ke comforted her for a long time before Chen Bingqing fell into a deep sleep. Wang Ke and I walked lightly downstairs. Wang Ke said worriedly: "You have also seen the situation. If this matter is not resolved, my wife and I's lives will be greatly affected."

"Don't worry, I will help you get it done as soon as possible." I patted his shoulder and said meaningfully: "The premise is that you have completely believed me and told me the whole truth."

Wang Ke was stunned for a moment, lowered his head in a evasive manner, and after a while he said hoarsely: "Of course."

I didn't bother to expose his lies, so I left his house after a few brief explanations. After returning home, Yin Xinyue was waiting for me with a worried look on her face. Seeing her pretty figure wrapped in the hazy darkness, I suddenly felt extremely warm and rushed over to hold her in my arms without thinking.

Yin Xinyue groaned, but surprisingly did not resist.

"Aren't you afraid that I am a bad person?" I asked her with a smile.

"I'm so familiar with the smell of you." Yin Xinyue didn't bother to resist and snuggled into my arms and said, "But don't think you can escape your crime in this way. Why did you go there? Why did you come back so late? ?”

I had no choice but to be honest and lenient, and told her what I had been doing for Uncle Chen these days. Yin Xinyue said nothing, but asked curiously: "Do you really think it's Uncle Chen's little daughter who is causing trouble?"

"She is the biggest suspect at the moment, and I did see her in the mirror at Wang Ke's house. I was just about to meet her, but she suddenly disappeared." I sighed tiredly: "But Wang Ke and Chen Bingqing also have Suspect, they don’t know what secret they are hiding.”

"Then what are you going to do?" Yin Xinyue asked curiously.

"Of course we'll start from where the body was buried!"

Early the next morning, I called Mouse and set out according to his memory. Although Mouse is unreliable, he has a good memory. He led me to the burial place with ease. The land under the big tree was still green. The mouse pointed and said, "This is it."

I looked at the surrounding environment and looked for the angle. Sure enough, this was the place where Uncle Chen took his two daughters to fish in the past. The lake has dried up and the trees are much thicker than before, but the shadows of the past can still be vaguely discerned.

The mouse took out a shovel and started to dig, but the hole got deeper and deeper. In the end, he only found a tattered quilt that was rotten into shape, but the body was nowhere to be found.

Mouse looked like he had seen a ghost: "What's going on? Could the corpse run away? Otherwise, why would it suddenly disappear?"

I suddenly had a bad thought. Could it be that the soul-binding nail didn't seal the soul at all? It was to seal the corpse. If that was the case, it would be troublesome.

I knelt down and carefully inspected the torn quilt. Because after so many years, the quilt had rotted so badly that it was so dark that the original color could not be seen. There was only the word "hospital" printed on one corner of the quilt, but the specific hospital was no longer identifiable.

This can be considered a blessing in misfortune, and I finally got a little gain. When Mouse and I left, he was still repeating endlessly: "Why did he suddenly disappear? I obviously buried the body. Could it be that it was a fake corpse?" .”

But I was wondering why the body was wrapped in a hospital quilt? Does what happened back then have anything to do with the hospital?

What kind of hospital is it?

I was puzzled and suddenly thought of a good idea. Although I don’t know what happened to Uncle Chen’s youngest daughter Chen Yujie in the hospital, but as her brother-in-law, Wang Ke must know.

I decided to spy on Wang Ke again!

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