Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1348 Hospital Past

I came to Wang Ke's home. Compared to yesterday, Chen Bingqing's condition was much better, but she still didn't dare to leave the home I had set up, and just stayed in bed in a daze.

Perhaps it was through this formation that Wang Ke believed in my ability, and his attitude towards me became much closer.

Chen Bingqing still looked shocked: "This formation is so effective. Last night, my sister came to claim my life again, but she was blocked from the formation."

"Oh, really?" I dealt with her for a moment, lowered my head and checked, but found that the formation did not fluctuate at all, which proved that there was no so-called evil ghost at all.

The Nine-Nine Return Formation method only has this benefit. If an evil ghost appears, no matter which direction it appears from, the water bowl in that direction will be contaminated and turn black. But the water in the nine bowls now was very clear, which showed that Chen Bingqing had not seen the ghost at all. Was she lying, or was her nerves so tense that she was hallucinating?

Chen Bingqing threatened that the formations were effective and asked me to help her set them up at home. I couldn't help but sneer in my heart. This formation requires my fresh blood as a sacrifice. I can shed as much blood as I want, and I will cover it for your whole family. But no matter what I thought in my heart, I still looked calm on the surface: "You should rest for a while. I have some things that I need to discuss with your husband."

Chen Bingqing's eyes changed slightly, looking a little uneasy, and she looked at me extra cautiously: "Is there something I can't know?"

The implication is that she wants us to talk in front of her.

I smiled and said, "The yin energy in your house is too strong. We need to set up a big array. Some things need to be prepared in advance. Some of them may be very bloody. Are you sure you want to listen?"

After Chen Bingqing heard what I said, she waved her hand: "Then you go downstairs and talk."

Wang Ke and I went downstairs, and he asked anxiously: "Tell me what you need to prepare now, and I will find someone to arrange it right away."

I motioned him to sit down on the sofa and asked: "I found the burial place of your sister-in-law, but the body was missing. There was only a torn quilt there with the word 'hospital' written on it. You Do you know what past history she has with the hospital? What hospital is it and what is its name?"

Wang Ke's expression changed and he sighed softly after a moment of silence: "It's the Red Cross Hospital, where I met the two sisters Bingqing and Yujie. I was in a serious car accident at that time and my eyes were damaged. , there is a danger of blindness at any time. I was in a very bad mood at the time and felt that I would live in darkness in the future. I tried every means to die, but failed. At this time, I met Bingqing…”

"Although my eyes had just undergone an operation and I couldn't see anything under the gauze, I heard her laughter from a distance, which made me feel particularly comfortable. At that time, the sisters were also in the hospital preparing for a very important operation. We got to know each other slowly. Although I couldn't see anything, I liked their voices very much. Bingqing was gentle and Yujie was lively. We quickly became friends. It was also during that time that I slowly I slowly fell in love with the kind-hearted Bingqing, and she was like a ray of sunshine that shone into my life, changed everything about me, and made me completely give up the idea of ​​suicide."

"Their sisters were also preparing for surgery at that time? What kind of surgery was it?" I asked in confusion.

Wang Ke avoided my sight in a panic: "Yes... it's an ordinary operation. Because they are twins, they compete for nutrition in the mother's body, and their heart function is inherently deficient and needs to be corrected."

I found that Wang Ke has a particularly interesting phenomenon. Every time he wants to lie, he can't help but avoid my sight.

I smiled at him and was about to say something when I looked up and saw the woman in the mirror opposite. The woman was staring at Wang Ke without blinking, her eyes looking so infatuated and longing.

Wait, could it be said that Chen Yujie’s ghost was never looking for her sister? She came to see her brother-in-law Wang Ke?

Is there any emotional entanglement between her and Wang Ke?

I asked decisively: "What is your relationship with Chen Yujie?"

Wang Ke was stunned, as if he didn't understand why I asked: "My relationship with her? It's the relationship between brother-in-law and sister-in-law. I have always regarded her as my sister, and there is only Bingqing in my heart. Although they They are twins, they look exactly the same, but their personalities are completely different..."

When he said these words, I kept staring at Chen Yujie's expression in the mirror, but I didn't find a trace of anger in her expression. Not only was there not, I felt that she was very happy, that kind of heartfelt expression. Happy.

what on earth is it?

Chen Bingqing's scream came from upstairs again, and Chen Yujie also disappeared from the mirror in an instant.

Wang Ke ran upstairs anxiously, but I sat on the sofa and thought about everything that had happened recently.

What's the connection between all this?

What is Wang Ke trying to hide?

After leaving Wang Ke's house, I decided to go to the Red Cross Hospital to investigate. Although more than ten years later, the doctors and nurses at that time had probably resigned, but I still decided to try my luck.

On the way to the hospital, I called Li Mazi. He was probably waiting at the airport. He sounded extremely tired: "Brother, traveling is so tiring, especially visiting scenic spots during the day, and at night... Don’t talk anymore. If you talk too much, you’ll shed tears. What do you want from me?”

"Do you know anyone from the traffic police team?" I asked straight to the point without being polite.

"Traffic police team? What's wrong, your car was ticketed?" Li Mazi thought for a while: "Don't tell me, I really know this guy. I give you his phone number, and you just say he is my friend. Absolutely I’ll make it clear to you.”

"Okay!" I said and hung up the phone decisively.

Li Mazi quickly sent the phone number to his mobile phone. I dialed it directly. I was picked up after a few rings. The other party had a very calm voice: "Hello, is this Mazi's friend? He called me. , can you tell me? On which road section did your car get fined?"

I smiled and said, "It's not about the ticket, it's like this. I want you to make a copy of the road surveillance video for me. Isn't it convenient?"

"Do you want to adjust the surveillance?" The other party was very generous and agreed immediately: "Tell me, which section of the road do you want? As long as you don't do anything illegal and let me take the blame."

I told him the only way to get to the mysterious lake, and he promised to send it to my email before getting off work in the evening.

It seems that Li Mazi's friend is much more reliable than him.

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