Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1349 Conjoined Twins

I drove to the Red Cross hospital, but I didn't know where to start. If you rushed in so boldly to ask someone, you would not only not get the clues you wanted, but you would also be kicked out as a lunatic.

Just as I was hesitating, a familiar sight appeared in my field of vision. It was the frighteningly thin old woman in the nursing home who was accompanied by her children for a physical examination.

She obviously saw me too. She broke away from her son's support and walked towards me quickly: "Why are you here?"

I didn't know how to answer for a while.

The old woman's son hurriedly ran over to me and apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my mother has some Alzheimer's disease. She may have recognized the wrong person."

But the old woman shouted dissatisfied: "You just recognized the wrong person, I have a good memory! I have seen this young man in a nursing home. Not only that, I also remember this hospital, I used to work here."

The old woman's son hurriedly smiled and said: "Yes, you are an old nurse here..."

The old woman nodded happily.

My eyes lit up. Since the old woman had worked here, would she know something about Uncle Chen’s daughter? In order to get something out of her mouth, I did not refuse the hand offered by the old woman and supported her very respectfully. The old woman said to her son: "Go upstairs and give me a call. The young man and I will go for a walk in the garden." .”

The old woman's son looked at me with some embarrassment.

I hurriedly patted my chest and promised, "Don't worry, I will take good care of Auntie."

The old woman's son went upstairs with confidence. The old woman and I went to the garden, and she suddenly asked me: "Are you still investigating Uncle Chen's affairs?"

I looked at her in surprise.

The old woman laughed strangely: "They all say that people become confused when they get old and don't know anything anymore. Don't listen to them, it's all nonsense. We are smart, we have lived a long time, and we have crossed more bridges than you. We have traveled many roads, what can escape our eyes?”

I suddenly felt that the old woman in front of me was not as confused as I imagined, but was actually quite smart.

This time I stopped being dismissive and said in an extremely polite and respectful manner: "I still feel uncomfortable because I can't solve this mystery."

"Hey!" The old woman sighed: "Actually, I didn't expect that one day I would see Lao Chentou in the nursing home. His life was so difficult. His wife died on the delivery bed trying to give birth to a child for him, and he wanted to take care of him. The two daughters have not remarried, but so what? Or are they going to die? People can't waste time."

"Auntie, have you known Uncle Chen before? Has he brought his daughter to this hospital?" I asked anxiously.

The old woman looked at me and smiled: "That's right! You must not know that, in fact, Uncle Chen's two daughters are a pair of conjoined twins..."

Conjoined twins?

I opened my mouth in shock.

"That's right." The old woman nodded confidently: "It is precisely for this reason that Lao Chen's wife died of dystocia and massive hemorrhage. Lao Chen was also worried that his remarried wife would regard his two daughters as monsters, so he never dared to remarry. "

At this moment, my mind was in chaos, and all the clues were like a dense web, almost overwhelming me.

The old woman continued: "I was the head nurse of this hospital at the time, so I knew some things. Although Lao Chen's two daughters are conjoined twins, they have good physical skills. It's just that their backs are stuck together. Chen had always wanted to perform operations on them, but the two little girls’ bodies were never up to standard. It wasn’t until that summer that Lao Chen took his two daughters for examination. This time they finally passed the test, and the two sisters were officially separated. But no Not long ago I heard that her little daughter drowned in the water..."

The old woman talked to me about a lot of trivial things that happened in the hospital. The more I listened, the more confused I became. It wasn't until her son came to pick her up for a physical examination that the old woman said goodbye to me with a smile, took her son's hand and left.

I returned home top-heavy and finally understood what Wang Ke had been trying to hide. His wife and sister-in-law were actually a pair of conjoined twins. During the time when he knew them, Wang Ke could not see them. He only knew that there were two girls accompanying him through the most difficult time in his life. A tough time.

So when did he know all this?

I got home, sat down at my desk and opened my mailbox, and found that Li Mazi’s friends from the traffic police had sent me a video. The file was very large, and the time span was a month. I started to read it carefully after Uncle Chen passed away, until it was about to break out, and I finally saw a familiar car appearing on the road leading to the mysterious lake. .

It's Wang Ke's car. He once used this car to drive me to his villa.

It was half past four in the morning when he drove to the lake, and the sky was still a little gray. Needless to say, Chen Yujie's body must have been moved away by him. What role did he play in this incident? I thought of Chen Yujie's infatuated eyes in the mirror. Could it be that she had always liked Wang Ke, but Wang Ke was unmoved and only liked Chen Bingqing. So later the sisters turned against each other and Wang Ke even killed Chen Yujie by mistake?

If explained this way, it seems that many things can be explained.

I looked at the sky that was lit up a little outside the window, and my mood was indescribably complicated. These secrets were finally solved for me, but I didn't feel happy at all.

After dawn, I set off in silence, preparing to go to Wang Ke's villa to have a showdown with him. When I was approaching the villa area where Wang Ke lived, I heard a loud explosion and thick black smoke pouring out from the direction of Wang Ke's house. I suddenly had a bad thought in my mind, something must have happened to Chen Bingqing.

Could it be that she discovered Wang Ke's evil deeds, so Wang Ke decided to kill him and silence him?

I stopped the car and ran over quickly. I saw that the police had surrounded the place and the fire brigade arrived quickly. After three and a half hours of fire-fighting and rescue, they lifted two charred bodies out of the flames. I couldn't tell which one was Wang Ke and which one was Chen Bingqing.

After on-site inspection, 120 medical staff showed that one of the people had no vital signs, but the other was still alive. They immediately sent the injured to the hospital for emergency treatment.

I looked at the sea of ​​​​fire in front of me, but suddenly there seemed to be an hallucination in front of me.

I saw the back of an old man walking staggeringly into the smoke-filled fire scene. His back was extremely familiar. It was Uncle Chen who had been dead for a long time.

At this moment, I felt that everything was not as simple as I imagined. Why did Uncle Chen pull out the soul-binding nail that restricted his little daughter?

What is Chen Bingqing hiding?

What happened to Wang Ke again?

I feel like I understand a lot, but I don’t seem to understand anything.

I was completely confused.

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