Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,353 Corpse Storage Coffin

"Oh?" I asked a little strangely: "Did you notice something was wrong?"

Li Mazi looked out the door again and said cautiously: "I found that many people seemed to have died in this village!"

"So many people?" I was suddenly surprised.

"Yes!" Li Mazi nodded firmly, his face becoming extremely ugly.

"How did you find out?"

"Not long after you left, your nanny also disappeared, and I was the only one left in the funeral shed. I felt a little sleepy, and was suddenly woken up by a squeaking sound. When I listened carefully, I saw that the sound came from It came from inside the coffin."

"I was startled at first, thinking that the old man had faked the corpse, so I got up and ran out. But after running a few steps, I felt something was wrong. It sounded like a rat. I thought maybe a rat had gotten in and was biting the old man. Corpse."

"Although the old man had nothing to do with me, I couldn't just watch and ignore it, so I told the others. But the strange thing was that they all acted as if they hadn't heard and ignored them. Later, I left on my own. Go over there and knock on the coffin to scare away the mice.”

"As soon as I knocked on the coffin, more than a dozen mice of various sizes emerged from the corners of the coffin. Then I lay down and took a look. Guess what?" Li Mazi asked pretending to be mysterious.

"What's wrong?" I glanced at him doubtfully.

"There are a lot of feet in the coffin! At a glance, there are five or six corpses! They are just piled up in the coffin." Li Mazi's face turned pale.

"So many corpses?" I frowned.

"Also!" Li Mazi subconsciously glanced outside the hospital and said, "Many people in this village have injuries on their bodies. No matter men, women, old or young, they all have many scars on their bodies. It seems that they are bruises from frequent fights."

After Li Mazi said this, I also recalled that many of them did have scars.

There were bruises left from the fight, and many people died... Could it be that there had just been a fight with weapons in the village?

But why did they hide all the bodies and stuff them in a coffin?

Everyone in the village is so weird, only the nanny looks normal, which in itself is abnormal!

The problem must be with her.

"Brother, I think this village is really evil. If it doesn't work, let's first..." Li Mazi looked up at me and swallowed the word 'run' hard.

"We are in the business of ghost things. We can't just make money and ignore our conscience. Should we just open our eyes and watch the evil spirits harm people and ignore their fate?" I looked serious.

"Let's do this, you just pretend you don't know anything and continue to guard the tomb. I'll follow the nanny and see what tricks she is playing!"

"Are you... still going?" Li Mazi was a little scared: "The shed is full of dead bodies! What if..."

I took out a medium-sized magic talisman and handed it to him: "Take this talisman. If anything seems wrong, tear it up immediately."

Li Mazi saw my firm attitude and knew my temper. Although he was extremely reluctant, he couldn't say anything more. He grabbed the magic talisman and shook his head and walked out.

I pondered for a while, and then, under the pretext of asking for a water glass, I quietly moved closer to the room opposite the small courtyard.

There are two houses in this courtyard. One is where Li Mazi and I stayed. It should be where old Li Tou lived during his lifetime; the larger house opposite should be the residence of the nanny.

I approached the door and listened carefully, but there was no unusual sound.

He knocked on the door tentatively again, but still no one answered.

After making sure no one was in the room, I gently opened the door and got in.

The room was completely dark, and even the windows were covered with thick curtains, blocking all light. Perhaps because there had been no sunlight, the whole house was filled with a musty smell.

I was afraid that I would knock over something and alert my nanny, so I immediately took out my phone and turned on the lighting function.

Under the illumination of the mobile phone, the scene in the house became clearer little by little.

The house is not big and is divided into two rooms, inside and outside.

The outside room is the kitchen, and the walls on all sides are completely smoked black. There is a rice vat next to the stove, dry firewood piled in one corner, bacon hanging from the beams, and some spoons and spatulas hung neatly beside the iron pot. It looks like an ordinary farm household.

The furnishings in the bedroom are also very simple, a large wooden bed that is slightly wider, two mahogany boxes with peeling paint, and a row of small leather pockets hanging on the wall next to the boxes.

Um? What's this?

These small leather pockets were very worn and looked very old, but it was still extremely strange to appear in such a dilapidated residence.

I approached it very strangely, took off a leather bag from the wall, opened it, and was stunned.

It turned out to be a camera, an old Canon from more than ten years ago.

I was very confused and opened several other leather pockets one after another. They were all filled with cameras. Although they were of different brands and older styles, they were all the latest fashionable products at the time.

After looking through it carefully, each leather pocket was engraved with names, Huanhuan, Xiaorui, Xuanxuan...

There were five cameras in total, and five names, all of which seemed to be women's names.

How could there be so many cameras hanging in such a dilapidated farmhouse?

Where have their owners gone?

I was full of doubts when the courtyard door rang, followed by the sound of footsteps.

I moved to the window, gently opened the curtain a small crack, and looked out.

It's the nanny!

She was holding something in her hand, looked at me very strangely, then turned around and walked towards the opposite cabin.

I quickly hung the leather bag in place and quickly approached the door, wanting to take this opportunity to run out. It would be troublesome if she was blocked in the room!

Before she could open the door, she walked out of the hut opposite, frowning slightly, scratching her head with confusion on her face, and said to herself: "Where have you gone?"

She might be looking for me!

Seeing my sister-in-law leaving the yard, I opened the door and walked out.

Just as he was about to run to the hut opposite, suddenly the figure flashed and she was back again!

The yard was completely bare, and there was nowhere to hide. It was too late to return or run to the hut.

In desperation, I immediately turned around, walked slowly towards the hut, and shouted loudly: "Sister-in-law, is sister-in-law here?"

"What's wrong?" Sister-in-law pushed open the courtyard door with one hand and asked.

"Oh, nanny, I'm thirsty and want to find a glass of water." I pretended to have just walked out of the house.

"I just sent it to you. You're not in the house. Where did you go?" She asked seemingly casually, but she stared at me closely.

"I..." I hesitated and pretended to be embarrassed and said, "I didn't find the toilet just now. It was just behind the room..."

"Oh." She seemed relieved and said with a slight smile: "I've sent them all to you. Big brother, I don't have a man in my family, so there are many things I don't take good care of. Please be more considerate." As she said, She turned and went back to her room.

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