Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1354: The Warm Bed (Additional Update)

I went back to the hut and took a look. Sure enough, water cups, kettles, and an old oil lamp were placed on half of the wooden piles.

She didn't send these things with the quilt. It was obvious that she wanted to find an excuse to do it again.

She had just returned suddenly, and she must have guessed something, but she kept pretending as if nothing had happened and dealt with it very naturally; and judging from her speech and behavior, she was by no means an ordinary farm woman.

This woman is anything but simple!


She couldn't find me just now and returned suddenly. She must have suspected that I had entered her house.

In desperation, I said I went to the back of the house for convenience, maybe she would check it out too!

Thinking of this, I quickly poured a glass of water, sneaked behind the house, and sprinkled the water in the corner.

As a result, as soon as the water hit the ground, a plume of white smoke immediately rose up, and the grass blades splashed by the water dropped withered.

This water is poisonous!

Does this woman want to kill me? I suddenly felt a chill.

its not right!

At noon, Li Mazi and I had dinner at their house.

If we wanted to poison, we would both be dead long ago, so why wait until now?

Yes, it’s Li Mazi!

Li Mazi must have found out about the mouse in the coffin!

Furthermore, she felt that the two of us might have discovered something, so she wanted to shut us up completely.

She didn't want to kill us at first, but now it's completely different. With this woman's shrewdness, she might have guessed our intention of staying!

So Li Mazi is in very danger now. Has he been poisoned by her?

When I thought of this, I immediately ran out.

"Brother, what are you doing?" I had just run a few steps when my nanny opened the door and asked, tilting her head.

"Oh, my brother has diabetes and must take medicine on time. He forgot to bring it just now, so I have to send it to him." I finished speaking in a hurry and ran out quickly.

However, the funeral shed was empty, no one was there!

Li Mazi is not here!

Has he been killed?

It was true that he proposed to come to Lutai Mountain this time, but it was my idea to insist on entering the village and asking him to pretend to be a dutiful son and stay at the memorial shed to find the truth. If Li Mazi died like this, then I...

"Woof! Woof woof!" At this moment, a series of dog barks came from outside the door.

I rushed out and saw that the local dogs in the village were barking at the weeds in the distance, and one or two clods of soil flew out from the grass from time to time.

"What's your name? Believe it or not, I will stew you!" This was followed by angry shouting.

"Li Mazi." I shouted ecstatically.

"Brother from the Zhang family, help me get rid of these dead dogs. I can't even make a living even if I take a shit."

"Are you okay?" Seeing that Li Mazi could still curse, I immediately felt relieved, but I still asked extremely worriedly.

"It's okay, it's just that we can't eat the food in this village!" Li Mazi was in great pain: "It's his grandma's! He has had diarrhea three times in such a short time, it's so damn uncomfortable."

Fortunately, it was just diarrhea, not fatal!

I immediately felt relieved, picked up a few gravels, and shouted to drive away the dogs.

After a while, Li Mazi walked out of the grass while fastening his belt. As he walked, he muttered: "Let me tell you, this village is too evil. I need to eat something... little brother." , look who that is!" As he spoke, he suddenly pointed out his hand in great surprise.

I followed the direction of his finger and was stunned.

There was a man standing under the big tree not far behind us.

This man has white hair, is short, slightly thin, and has pockmarks on his face. He is exactly the same as the photo hanging in front of the funeral shed!

It was the dead old Li Tou!

Isn't this... this old man dead? Shouldn't he be lying in a coffin? How could he stand under the big tree so well?

Woof! Woof woof woof!

The native dog that I had just driven away rushed back and barked at him from a distance.

The old man stared at us for a long time, pointed a finger at himself, and then towards the memorial shed, then turned around and disappeared behind the big tree.

"The two elder brothers are here." At this moment, the nanny came over from a distance.

"That's it." She walked closer and explained to us, "There is a custom in our village. Before the official burial, the filial son has to sleep for the old man in the dug grave for one night. This is called: a bed for the old man. It’s my last night of filial piety.”

"Since this eldest brother is so benevolent and willing to perform filial piety for my husband, then he should be a good man and do it to the end, right?" As she said this, she turned to look at Li Mazi.

Li Mazi glanced at me and swallowed hard.

"Okay." I replied readily: "My brother is the most warm-hearted! Since we happened to meet him, this last filial piety will definitely help to the end."

"Thank you very much!" The nanny said apologetically, "I don't even know what to say."

"The cemetery is over there. Just keep walking along this road. You can see the big willow tree when you turn around - people in the village are very busy now. My father-in-law just passed away and I can't leave him. It's just a trouble for both of us. Brother, please go there yourself."

"Okay, Sister-in-law, please do your work. I'll take him to have a look first." I winked at Li Mazi, signaling him to be silent, pulled up his sleeves and walked towards the mountain road.

Not far away, I saw a big willow tree.

Turn left, and a grave pit appeared in front of you.

However, the size of this grave pit is a bit exaggerated - it is more than ten meters long, seven or eight meters wide, and four or five meters deep!

Not to mention burying one person, even one or two hundred would be more than enough!

Li Mazi glanced at the big pit and backed away several steps with lingering fear: "Brother, are you really going to let me sleep here all night?"

"Of course not!" I shook my head: "I think she must have discovered something and wanted to kill both of us."

Immediately, he told me about the poison in the water.

When Li Mazi heard this, his face suddenly turned blue with fright, and he hesitated: "She also gave me a pot of water. I picked up the cup and was about to drink it, when my stomach hurt so bad that I ran out. Looking back now I got up, thank you for catching the stomachache in time, if it had been a little longer at night, I would have been dead!"

"Brother, now that we've confirmed that this bitch is a pest, what are you waiting for? Just..." Li Mazi looked murderous.

"No, we don't have conclusive evidence yet. Besides, we don't know what tricks she used on these villagers. It's easy to kill her, but rescuing these villagers is the most important thing." I shook my head.

"Then what are you going to do?" Li Mazi turned around and asked, and then added: "I don't want to go back to the village again."

"There's no need for you to go back. Tonight we're going to work together inside and outside to bring the dead back to life! I want to see what tricks she's playing." I smiled confidently.

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