Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1355 Sleepless Village

I chose a big branch, asked Li Mazi to bite his finger and drip a few drops of blood on it, then threw it into the grave, and asked him to pull out a few hairs and give them to me.

Li Mazi looked at me nervously: "Brother, is there any danger in this?"

When I heard this, I replied angrily: "Can I still harm you? You find a place to hide first, and I will come to you after I find out the truth and rescue the villagers."

After carefully instructing Li Mazi, I turned around and returned to the village.

The small village was still eerily quiet. Apart from the occasional barking from a few wild dogs scurrying around, there was almost no noise.

All the people in the village stared with blood-red eyes and wandered around aimlessly, like zombies!

The front of the memorial shed was empty, and the extremely strong smell of burning paper was mixed with a strange smell.

Maybe the nanny had done something to counteract the smell of corpses - after all, there were several genuine corpses in that big coffin.

"Hey, big brother, you're back." The nanny came out of the funeral shed and greeted her warmly.

There was a hint of doubt and surprise in her eyes.

I know what she is thinking. She obviously poisoned the water, but why is nothing wrong with me?

But I still pretended to be ignorant, nodded and said: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, my brother will spend the night in the grave tonight. But, your custom is too special, that grave The hole is so big."

The nanny's face changed and she hesitated.

I walked half a circle in the village, and I vaguely felt that someone was following me. No need to ask, it must be the nanny.

I pretended not to know anything, wandered around for a while like a normal person, and returned to the hut.

After a while, the nanny brought food.

Of course I didn't know how to eat, but I was afraid that she would become suspicious. After she left, they all fell under the bed, then grabbed the kettle and poured some water.

It wasn't long before footsteps sounded outside the door.

"Oh my god, it hurts me so much!" I pretended to shout loudly while looking out the window.

The corner of the nanny's mouth curled up, showing a sinister smile, and she slowly moved closer.

I held my belly with both hands, pretending that the pain was unbearable, and rolled all over the bed.

The nanny walked to the window and secretly looked inside.

I screamed in pain and kept rolling. The oil lamp, water cup, and rice bowl were all knocked to the ground intentionally.

Immediately, I finished my fun and rolled out of bed and crawled towards the door.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Sister-in-law asked nonchalantly.

"Stomach, stomachache, nanny, me!" I crawled forward with all my strength, shouting loudly.

"Please bear with me for a moment, and I'll call the doctor for you." After she finished speaking, she showed a weird smile, and then locked the door tightly!

I took out the cinnabar, wiped it into her mouth when she wasn't prepared, spit out a mouthful of blood foam, and shouted feebly: "Bao Bao... Bao..." At the same time, I banged the door desperately, the more I used, the harder I used it. He lay motionless by the door.

"Huh, you brought this on yourself!" The nanny snorted coldly and said bitterly: "I originally just wanted to seek revenge from the villagers and didn't want to harm you, but you broke into the hell gate on your own and you are still hanging on. Let’s go! Don’t you want to find out the truth? Go to hell yourself later and find out!”

With that said, she unlocked the door to see if I was really dead.

I didn't say a word and held the door tightly. Naturally, I couldn't let her in. This woman was so vicious. She might think that my death was not thorough enough, so she would stab her twice more.

The nanny pushed a few times but didn't push, so she had to give up.

However, she still felt uneasy and locked the door again before turning around and leaving.

I heard the footsteps gradually receding, and lay on the ground for a while. Then I carefully got up, gently opened half of the window, and slipped out.

At this time, the sky was gradually getting dark, and the whole village was filled with night.

Under the cover of night, I ran out of the yard very carefully and squatted in the grass to observe carefully.

The village was dark, with no lights on; the villagers did not sleep, wandering around like zombies.

Their eyes were even redder, and everyone was angry and squinting, as if they were holding a fire that might explode at any time.

I don’t know what kind of evil spell this evil woman has cast on these people!

At this moment, there was a sound of yelling and cursing in the distance. The sound was extremely violent, as if someone was quarreling. It was heard far away in the silent night, and was particularly loud and harsh.

The yelling and cursing became louder and louder, followed by fierce fighting sounds, mixed with extremely painful screams.

It must have escalated from yelling to a fight, and it could be heard from the sound that someone was hurt.

I was about to get out of the grass to see what happened, but at this moment, the nanny came over in a hurry, looking around the street, as if she was looking for someone.

"Did she go to the hut to check again and find that I'm missing?" I was wondering when two more people not far away yelled and cursed.

One is a tall, strong man and the other is a skinny old lady.

The strong man showed no mercy and punched the old lady to the ground, then kicked her hard on the head.

Not to be outdone, the old lady hugged the strong man's thigh and bit down hard!

The strong man squatted down, raised his fist and smashed it violently, and blood flowed from the old lady's face.

The scene was extremely bloody and tragic.

But the strange thing is that the people wandering around them all turned a blind eye - not to mention stepping forward to break up the fight, they didn't even bother to watch, and still wandered around aimlessly, as if this matter was not surprising at all, and it didn't attract any attention at all. their attention.

I hid in the grass and took out the compass secretly.

The needle on the compass kept moving around, not stopping for a moment. It seems that the village is filled with ghostly energy, and even the compass cannot determine the exact location.

I had no choice but to rub the Heavenly Palace position, put a mark between my eyebrows, and at the same time secretly shouted, "Open your eyes!"

Immediately, the scene in front of him changed.

Everyone in the village is wrapped in a layer of black energy, like a ribbon, coiling around their body.

The black lines floated far away, gathering towards the end of the village as if being pulled by someone.

I walked around the village twice during the day and realized that a very strange small stone house was being built at that location. Could it be that the secret is in that stone house?


At this moment, a colorful ray of light suddenly burst out from the direction of the stone house.

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