Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1356 Revenge March

The rays of light suddenly rushed out of the village and into the jungle. Isn't this what Li Mazi said was the night light of Lutai?

It turns out to be from here!

Not far away, the strong man punched her seven or eight times in a row. The old lady lay motionless on the ground, her skinny body covered with blood, and a pungent smell of blood spread everywhere.

The extremely violent mood of the villagers seemed to be suddenly ignited by the smell of blood, and at the same time extremely fierce quarrels and struggles broke out in several places.

The village alley immediately became a mess, with fighting crowds everywhere, and the sounds of yelling and quarrels were heard.

I wanted to stop it, but I didn’t know who to pull or persuade. Everyone joined the fight, except for the nanny, who was holding her shoulders and smiling.

She seemed to enjoy this endless killing.

"No! I have to stop her!"

I took advantage of my nanny's unpreparedness and used the noise of the villagers' fighting as a cover to sneak out from the grass, make a long circle and go straight to the small stone house.

There was silence and silence in front of the small stone house.

I looked around to make sure that the nanny didn't notice, then I took out my double sword for killing ghosts and gods, and cut off the big rust-stained locks with a few clicks. Then there was a creak and the door opened.

A musty smell came out of my nose, causing me to take several steps back. Immediately, I took out my phone, turned on the light, and stepped in bravely.

The room was very small, only four or five square meters, and there was a small wooden table placed against the wall.

There are several small memorial tablets placed side by side on the table, and there are several fruit plates and an incense burner in front of them.

There should be some kind of sacrifice placed in the fruit plate, but it had been too long and had long since rotted.

I walked forward and took a look at the spiritual tablet.

People's names are engraved on them: Huanhuan, Xiaorui, Xuanxuan...

Huh? I seem to have seen these names somewhere.

These names are also engraved on the small leather pockets containing cameras in the nanny's room, which are exactly the same as those on the tombstones!

It's just that there are only four spiritual positions, but there are five in Pidou.

I carefully recalled the name on the pocket and compared it with the current one. I immediately concluded that the name on the empty pocket was: Zhao Yulan.

Obviously, the people worshiped here have long since died, and the remaining Zhao Yulan is probably the original name of the nanny!

"You are very smart!" Just as I was thinking, a voice came from outside the door.

I turned around and saw that it was the nanny!

She blocked the door, with the whole village standing behind her. However, most of those people were covered in bruises and bleeding, and their expressions were extremely dull, as if they were unconscious. The only thing that remained unchanged was that their eyes were still red and they were staring at me closely.

The hut is not big, and there is only one door. Now it is blocked by everyone, and I have nowhere to escape.

Now that things have happened, I don’t have to pretend anymore. I cursed loudly and angrily: "You evil bitch, how come you have such a vicious heart? Look at what you have done to these innocent villagers." Is that okay?!”

"Am I harming them?" When the nanny heard this, she shouted excitedly: "You only saw the present, but do you know the original truth?"

"Do you know how badly I was hurt by them?"

"The names on the spirit tablets are all my good sisters. Do you know how humiliated they were and how miserable their deaths were?"

"There is no good person in this village!"

"They all deserve to die! Not a good death!"

The nanny seemed to have changed into a different person, her face was twisted and she gritted her teeth tightly.

"The truth? The truth I saw is that you used evil magic to harm the villagers. No matter what your reasons are, it is not allowed by nature!" I shouted.

"It's not allowed by God, haha..." Sister-in-law sneered: "If there was really justice, the whole village would have died long ago! Haven't you been probing around to find the truth? Well, I will tell you."

"I've been holding back for eight years! It's nice to have someone listen to what I have to say before I'm done!"

"I will also let you die in peace and see if these people deserve to die!"

As she spoke, the nanny told me a story that happened eight years ago.

Eight years ago, my sister-in-law, Zhao Yulan, was still a young and romantic young man full of endless daydreams about the future.

She likes photography very much and was admitted to the photography department.

On this day, she and several classmates went to Lutai Mountain to play. They were fascinated by the beautiful scenery of the mountain and took photos along the way. Later, I lost my way and came to this small village like me.

This village is very remote and poor, and no adult man can find a wife. Facing the five beautiful girls, all the bachelors in the village stared straight at them, and sinful thoughts began to arise in their hearts.

But the five little girls knew nothing about it and settled down without hesitation in the face of the villagers' efforts to persuade them to stay.

That night, they experienced the most tragic experience they had ever imagined.

The five people were gang-raped countless times by the bachelors in the village, and then they were locked in the house and tied up with ropes like dogs, becoming their sex slaves!

Three days later, a girl could not bear the torture and died.

The remaining four girls took advantage of the villagers' unpreparedness, bit each other's ropes, and ran out of the earthen house.

But they were not familiar with the terrain and their physical strength was very weak. They were caught back and beaten severely after not running very far.

Another girl couldn't stand the beating and died.

The villagers were afraid that they would run away again, so they built a stone house together, which was the only stone building in the village, and added several large iron locks to lock them firmly inside.

This place is very remote. When the search and rescue police came, they were deceived by the seemingly simple lies of the whole village, so that the remaining three girls completely gave up hope of being rescued!

In grief and hatred, another person chose to commit suicide!

The other girl was very weak and died in tears after being ravaged for two months.

In the end, only Zhao Yulan was left.

She also wanted to die, but she was unwilling to die miserably like her sisters. She wanted revenge and redressed the grievances of her sisters!

But first, you have to survive!

So, uncharacteristically, she pretended to accept her fate, and she was extremely enthusiastic and courteous to villager Li Dabao.

Li Dabao is the son of the village chief. Not only is he very prestigious in the village, he is also very tall and strong.

Zhao Yulan coaxed him and said that she didn't want to be bullied by others, she just wanted to live a good life with him and be his only wife. However, she had a condition, that is, she would set up memorial tablets for those sisters, and the stone house would be reserved as their ancestral hall.

Li Dabao was naturally happy and agreed, and Zhao Yulan immediately became the nanny.

The sister-in-law endured the humiliation and pretended to be safe, but she was always looking for opportunities for revenge.

Gradually, everyone saw that she had no intention of running away, so they relaxed their vigilance towards her and allowed her to walk around the village as she pleased. But he still carefully watched her and didn't let her leave the village.

In fact, the nanny didn't even think about going out.

Even if she called the police, she knew that the police would not deal with the entire village.

She hates everyone in the village and wants them all to die!

She originally planned to find an opportunity to poison the entire village and kill everyone to avenge her sisters. But on this day, she suddenly discovered a mysterious stone tablet in the village...

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