Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1357 Dream-Eating Tapir

The writing on the stone tablet is very clear.

She asked others and said that the stone tablet was found in a cave with some bones next to it. At first, the villagers saw that the stone tablet was fairly flat, so they brought it back to build a pig pen.

None of the villagers could read or understand what was written on it.

But Baosao recognized it. It was an ancient curse tablet. It recorded an extremely ancient curse method that could summon the legendary beast: the dream-eating tapir.

This kind of monster can swallow other people's dreams and drive away sleepiness. Over time, people can't sleep no matter what, and they will naturally become restless and violent.

So, she hatched a plan to take revenge.

If you want to summon the Dream-Eating Tapir, you must first carve a statue of the Dream-Eating Tapir, and then apply the target's hair and blood to trigger it.

It just so happened that the Li family and his son were carpenters.

From then on, Baosao not only kept the housework in order, but also learned the carpentry craft from the Li family and his son.

Half a year later, she secretly carved a lifelike dream-eating tapir, picked up Li Dabao's hair, burned it into ash, and smeared it on the wooden statue, and recited the incantation on the stone tablet.

Sure enough, a few days later, Li Dabao began to have trouble sleeping, his eyes were bloodshot, and his temper was much more irritable than usual.

Sister-in-law Bao was filled with joy when she saw that the record on the stone tablet was indeed true. However, after secretly observing for a few days, she found that Li Dabao's symptoms disappeared and the wooden statue exploded.

The sister-in-law was unwilling to do it again, but when she was chanting a spell and casting a spell, she was caught by Li Dabao.

At that moment, Li Dabao was so angry that he beat her severely and wanted to tell her about it.

This was the sister-in-law's only hope for revenge, and naturally she didn't want it to be shattered. That night, while Li Dabao was sleeping, she slashed him in the neck!

By chance, this scene was discovered by Li Dabao's younger brother who was passing by - the boy who was mistaken for Li Mazi. He screamed and ran away.

The nanny was shocked.

However, in desperation, she came up with an idea.

So she immediately shouted "killer" loudly and shouted out to the whole village, saying that Li San coveted her body and killed her brother.

From then on, Li San ran away from the village and disappeared.

From then on, the nanny continued to practice spells hard, and her craft of carving wooden statues became more and more exquisite.

It’s been eight years in a blink of an eye!

Sister-in-law finally mastered this sorcery and filled it with two large boxes of carved wooden statues—men, women, and children all over the village.

She hated the whole village. When the sisters were defiled and bullied, no one tried to stop them. Instead, they regarded it as a normal thing. When the search and rescue team came to inspect, no one told the truth.

Because of the deceit and sin of the whole village, their beautiful youth and precious lives were ruined and wiped out!

Therefore, she wants the villagers to kill each other and watch them die tragically one by one, so that these people will receive the retribution they deserve!

After three days of continuous operation, her father-in-law Lao Li Tou died. At the same time, there was also a guy who often had her ideas and bullied her behind her back. He also killed the whole family!

She deliberately put all these people in a coffin and let them die in the village; letting them watch helplessly how everyone in the village died and what their fate was.

That big pit was the grave dug for the whole village!

Unfortunately, Li Mazi and I walked in by mistake at this time.

At first, she really thought it was Li San and wanted to capture him and punish him. But when she saw that she had recognized the wrong person, she wanted to send us away early.

Unexpectedly, I found clues in it and insisted on staying.

She was very afraid that I would detect something and the matter would be exposed and she would not be able to take revenge, so she secretly poisoned us.

Unexpectedly, I was also on guard, and failed to get hit twice in a row, so I led the villagers to surround me.

"Do you think they should die?" The nanny gritted her teeth viciously, pointed her hand behind her, and asked loudly.

After listening to this story, I didn't know what to say.

"You say they are innocent and pitiful, but what about us? Do the five of us sisters deserve this? Should we be ravaged and bullied like that?"

"There is no good person in the whole village, everyone deserves to die!" Sister-in-law screamed loudly. There were no tears in her eyes. She must have shed them all in the past eight years.

"Originally, this matter has nothing to do with you, and I don't want to kill you." Sister-in-law stared at me: "But you have to rely on your own cleverness to find out the truth. Okay! Now that you know the truth, just accompany me Let’s hit the road together!”

As the nanny spoke, she waved her hand back to direct the villagers to rush in.

"Wait a minute!" I suddenly shouted: "Do you really think you have succeeded? You don't even think about why I am so lucky to have arrived in the village at this time."

The nanny was a little confused when she heard this: "You knew this a long time ago? This is impossible."

"Impossible? Huh, look who this is." After saying that, I moved a step to the side.

Standing behind me was a man, thin and white-haired, with a face full of pockmarks. It was the dead old Li Tou.

"Ah!" When the nanny saw this, she was startled and took several steps back.

"How is this possible!" Sister-in-law's eyes widened in disbelief: "I saw him being beaten to death with my own eyes! Now, he is lying in the coffin, how could he..."

"Do you think you are the only one in this world who knows the magic of yin and yang?" I said in a deep voice: "Old Li Tou has long discovered that something is wrong in the village, but he just doesn't know who is behind it, so he invited me here. After investigating, I also used the Substitution Technique on him, and what was lying in the coffin was just a branch!"

In fact, what I said was ironic. What was standing behind me now was a branch. I saw that Li Mazi was very similar to the deceased Old Li Tou, so I deliberately tied his hair to the branch to create an illusion.

It was already dark and I couldn't see clearly, and the nanny was just a layman who had mastered a spell. She couldn't tell the difference clearly, so she was frightened by my words.

"It's still too late for you to admit your mistake now, otherwise, I will make all these villagers wake up. Think about it for yourself, what will happen to you then!" I stared at her and scolded her coldly.

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