Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1358 Small Village Nightmare

When the nanny heard this, she suddenly shuddered. Once the villagers wake up completely and realize that she is behind this, her fate will naturally be irreversible.

While she was panicking, I hurriedly squeezed out the door.

After all, that phantom was just an illusion I created using Li Mazi's hair, and it could only temporarily deceive and frighten him. The nanny led so many villagers who were under controlled sanity to surround the house. I really don’t know what to do if they really swarm in.

"You're lying!" When she saw me running out in a hurry, my sister-in-law woke up immediately, shouted loudly, and wanted to instruct the villagers to surround me.

"It's useless!" I took out a magic talisman, lit it on a lighter, and threw it into the crowd.

The smoke in the talisman spread immediately, and plumes of black smoke came out from the villagers. In an instant, it turned into a white light and flew straight out of the village.

A group of villagers seemed to have been drained of their energy and immediately fell to the ground.

With a snap, the virtual image I pretended to be Lao Litou also turned into a branch at the same time.

The nurse looked blankly at the villagers lying on the ground, then looked back at the branches in the stone house, and asked in great horror: "Who are you?"

"I am a femininity dealer." I met her gaze and said seriously: "Although I am no different from you in essence, I never harm others!"

"Harming people?" Upon hearing these two words, the nanny immediately became excited and yelled: "Do I want to harm people? Am I not a victim? What kind of harm has this village done to me? You know How did I live these eight years? My sisters, who harmed them?"

"God is not blind, so I sought revenge on my own. What mistake did I make? They all deserved their crimes and deserved to die a good death!" the nanny said fiercely, walking towards me, tears flowing down her face. down.

"Yes, these people are at fault and I feel sorry for you." I faced her sad and angry expression and said sternly: "But they have also been punished by you. Isn't it enough that the Li family, father and son, and the dead body in the coffin are full? Isn't it enough that the villagers have been tortured like this by you? You have had a hard time in the past eight years, but have you ever thought about Li San who was driven out of the village by you? What mistakes did he make, and how did he spend these eight years? "

"When is the time to retaliate? Let this end here! You are excusable for what you did in the past, and I won't ask any more questions. But from now on, you will never be allowed to harm anyone again."

I took out a magic talisman and said, "Although I have lifted the evil spell from them, they have been attacked for too long after all. They will have to sleep for at least one night before they wake up tomorrow morning. When they wake up, what will happen to them?" You don’t know anything about what you did. Now you can decide for yourself whether you want to stay in this village or leave.”

As soon as the nanny heard what I said, she took another step forward, stared at me closely and said, "What does this village have to do with you? Why do you have to interfere?"

At this time, her eyes were also covered with bloodshot eyes, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between her teeth! Obviously, she was very angry at my sudden appearance and interrupting her eight-year plan of revenge.

"Is this a noisy matter? This is human life!" I also took a step forward suddenly and shouted: "If you use vaginal objects to redress your grievances, I won't care. If you use vaginal objects to seek revenge, I can ignore it." See, but this is human life! More than two hundred people in the whole village have lost their lives. How can I still sit back and ignore it? It’s true that I am a ghost dealer, but I am also a person with conscience, not a ghost. I will never allow you to do this. Something like this happened.”

"You have two options for retreat now. First, pack everything while they are still awake and pretend that you are also unconscious; second, pack your things and leave immediately. Once the sun rises, it will be too late to regret it. !”

The nanny stared at me for a long time, then suddenly turned around and left, leaving a long mournful cry in the night sky.

I was afraid that she would come back and kill the sleeping villagers while I was away, so I sat down on the big stone at the door.

After a while, the nanny ran back again, carrying several small leather bags with cameras on her shoulders.

She ran and cried all the way, and when she came to the door, she gave me a look full of resentment. Finally she got into the stone house, knelt down with a thud, piled the leather bags on the ground, and then lit them. I don’t know what to say as I babble, maybe it’s to say my final farewell to those sisters, right?

I saw that she was carrying a small bundle beside her, and I secretly thought that she might be leaving this small village that made her extremely sad.

Then he lit a cigarette to catch his breath.

But just after taking two puffs of cigarette, a muffled sound suddenly erupted in the stone house, followed by a burst of fire.

I quickly got up, and then I discovered that in addition to the two clothes she was wearing when she came, the nanny's bag also contained a bucket of gasoline. By this time, she had poured the gasoline all over her body and turned into a burning person.

The raging fire was out of control, and I thought it was too late to save him.

The nanny kept twisting and screaming in the firelight, seemingly full of endless hatred and resentment towards the world!

The blazing fire illuminated the small village, and also illuminated every sleeping face. I wonder what they saw in their dreams, and whether any of those girls eight years ago felt a little guilty for their crimes.

The nightmare of the small village has finally rested, but has the village really been peaceful since then?

I didn’t want to think too much, so I simply stamped out the cigarette butt and walked straight out of the village.

As soon as I reached the entrance of the village, two people walked past me.

The two people are almost identical in size and appearance. If one of them hadn't had pale hair and I still remembered what clothes Li Mazi was wearing, I wouldn't have recognized him.

"Brother, how is the village?" When Li Mazi saw me, he strode forward to greet me and asked urgently.

"The village... is all right." I paused, then turned to look at the person next to me: "Are you Li San?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

His clothes were in tatters, almost reduced to rags. His beard and hair were all long and white, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

"Brother, this is a coincidence." Li Mazi continued.

After I left, he followed my instructions and secretly climbed into a big tree and hid.

But after a while, his stomach hurt again.

He had no choice but to climb down and crawl into the grass for convenience. As soon as he got up, he saw a person standing in front of him!

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