Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1359 Lutai White Light

This man looked almost exactly like him, except that his beard and hair were white, similar to the black and white photo hanging outside the tomb.

Li Mazi thought that the old man had faked the corpse. He was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, but the man followed him leisurely.

Li Mazi ran a long way, one step at a time, and finally he collapsed on the ground from exhaustion and could no longer run.

The man squatted next to him and said: "Don't be afraid, I am not a ghost, I am Li San who was replaced by you."

"I can see that you two are good people and have great abilities. If you want to save this village, I will tell you what is happening here."

Immediately, he told all the stories about the village, and Li Mazi walked forward while relaying them to me.

What Li San said was no different from the sister-in-law's cry. The only difference was himself.

When he discovered that his sister-in-law had killed his brother, he was frightened to death, but then his sister-in-law's screams and the false accusation of murder made him even more frightened, so he fled out of the village.

He was only sixteen years old that year.

He didn't dare to go back to the village, and he didn't dare to run out of the mountains, so he became a savage near the mountains and forests.

For eight whole years, I lived like this.

Because he had not been able to eat salt for a long time, his hair became pale and his clothes were in tatters. The one I have on me was picked up from under a big tree three years ago.

At first, he hated his sister-in-law so much that he wanted to kill her himself.

But after so many years, his thoughts slowly changed, and he gradually forgave his nanny.

The nanny was at fault, but it was not her fault! He was from the village, and it was his brother who harmed the nanny and the girls who came to sketch.

He then wanted to go far away from home and completely forget about this place.

But in recent days, the nearby mountains and forests have emitted bright lights every night, and the lights have come from the village.

He was curious, so he quietly approached the village, and then he discovered that there was a problem in the village.

He wanted to go into the village to investigate, but the villagers had long lost their minds and only listened to the instructions of the nanny. Coupled with the local dogs who guarded the village, he couldn't get in at all.

At this moment, he noticed that Li Mazi and I had barged in, and I seemed to have discovered something, so I was looking around.

So, he ventured close to the village twice in succession, wanting to tell me the truth, but his nanny happened to arrive and failed!

Finally, when he finally got a chance, he took the initiative to find Li Mazi and told the whole truth.

After hearing Li San's experience, I couldn't help but feel very sad.

If he speaks of injustice or hatred, who is less worthy of him? He has a home that he can't return to, and he can't stand up to the injustice. He has lived a life of neither humans nor ghosts for eight whole years. Who should he seek revenge from?

The three of us walked to the edge of the stone house, and Li San suddenly stopped.

He looked at the villagers lying on the ground, and then looked at the nanny who had been burned in the stone house, leaving only a pile of mummy corpses. Suddenly he covered his face with his hands and cried loudly!

He squatted on the ground, howling loudly, while several native dogs squatted aside far away. They kept barking at first, but then gradually stopped.

The old village, the local dogs, the fire that has not yet been extinguished, the black smoke everywhere, the smell of burnt corpses, the villagers sleeping on the ground... What kind of picture is this?

Li Mazi and I were silent, not knowing what to say for a while.

I stood aside and stared blankly for a long time, then patted his shoulder and said, "Fortunately, everything has passed. You can drive more if you want! If you need anything, just come here to see me." As I said that, I took out my hand. He took out a piece of paper with my phone number written on it and stuffed it into his hand. Then he turned and left.

Li Mazi was stunned for a moment, then followed closely: "Brother, is this all over?"

"There is still one last thing left." I looked towards the outside of the mountain and said, "Although Sister-in-law is dead, the dream-eating tapir she made has stolen the dreams of so many people, and it must have become a problem. If we let it go, , it will become a big trouble over time, and it will harm more people, we must find this thing first."

"Is it... Lutai White Light?" Li Mazi also suddenly woke up and asked suspiciously.

"Yes, that's the light! This is the light and shadow left by the dream-eating tapir when it devoured the dream. Now that the whole village has been lifted from the spell, there is no dream to eat. I don't know where the guy is hiding. We can find another way, but this way requires your help." I replied.

"Ah? How can I help you?" Li Mazi stopped immediately upon hearing this.

This guy knows me very well, and hearing what I say is definitely not a good thing.

"Don't be afraid." I smiled at him and said, "It's not a big deal. Didn't you find a few dead bodies in the coffins in the funeral shed? Now just lie down and take a nap."

"What?" Li Mazi immediately widened his eyes, shook his head and said reluctantly: "Brother Zhang, aren't you trying to trick me...climbing into the coffin to sleep with the corpse at night... Besides, how can I sleep?"

"You don't need to fall asleep, as long as you crawl in." I explained to him: "The dream-eating tapir was sacrificed by the nanny with the ashes and blood of the villagers. It will not work on strangers, and the villagers have been relieved. The spell can no longer be swallowed up in the dream, only the corpses in the coffins still have the spell."

"However, the corpse does not emit yang energy, and the Dream Eater will definitely not be fooled. Therefore, I have no choice but to crawl in and lie down inside."

Li Mazi was still extremely reluctant, but he couldn't stand my hard and soft tactics, so he finally opened the lid of the coffin despite his nausea and fear.


At the same moment when the coffin lid was opened, a group of fat and round-bellied mice ran out with strange screams.

Under the pale moonlight, I looked inside. Just as Li Mazi said, there were a total of five or six people in the coffins, large and small, piled in such a mess. The flesh and blood in many places were blurred and messy, and Old Li's head, which was lying on his back, had been chewed beyond recognition.

"That's it..." Li Mazi wrinkled his nose with difficulty and took two steps back.

"It's okay if you really don't want to go in, but you have to follow the other methods." I saw that Li Mazi was really in a dilemma, so I proposed a second plan to him.

"Okay, okay! Little brother, tell me, as long as you don't enter the coffin, anything is fine. I will listen to you!" Li Mazi said hurriedly.

"Well, you still wear hemp and mourn, and kneel here to pay homage and burn paper. If you can awaken their ghosts, I can also use this to track the dream-eating tapir." I ordered.

"This... okay!" Li Mazi compared the two, gritted his teeth and agreed.

He took all the paper money over, knelt in front of the coffin, muttering something, and put the paper money into the fire.

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