Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1360 Atonement

I turned around and ran into the nanny's house.

Everything in the house was as before, except that the five small leather pockets containing cameras were missing from the wall.

Opening the two large wooden boxes, they were full of wooden statues, each of different sizes and materials, but they were all carved with the same thing.

At first glance, it looks like an anteater, except that its four legs are hoof-shaped, its tail is very short, and its eyes exude a cold light.

This is the dream-eating tapir that Sister-in-law has carved for all the villagers in the past eight years!

Some of these wooden statues are dark red, some are completely black, and some are light gray.

I quickly identified them from the number and even the amount of yin energy emitted.

The largest number of crimson people are the villagers who are sleeping in front of the stone houses. I have lifted the curse on them at this time, but they have not recovered yet. Those few pitch-black areas were those villagers who had engraved spells but died before they could cast the spells. The smallest number of gray and white people are those in the coffin. They have been killed by the curse, but the evil spirit has not completely dissipated.

I immediately moved the two big boxes to the coffin. Li Mazi was very afraid that he would not be able to attract the ghosts, so I asked him to climb into the coffin, kneel there and add burning paper meticulously, not daring to be careless at all.

I threw all the dark wooden statues into the fire, so that the dead ghosts could reincarnate without any attachment. Then he threw in the crimson ones one by one.

The spell has been broken, and the village has returned to its original state. No matter whether they can remember these things or not, I don't want them to see it again.

After all, if another nanny appeared in the village, it would be too dangerous to keep these things...

I was holding the last few pieces and throwing them into the fire, but suddenly, the crimson color in my hand turned dark!


With such a drastic change, there is only one possibility, that is, this person died suddenly just now.

Immediately afterwards, the other ones in my hand also changed color.

Several people suddenly died? what happened?

Haven't they all been released from the spell by me and are sleeping soundly in front of the stone house? Why did he die suddenly?

"Brother Zhang, look over there!" Li Mazi suddenly shouted loudly.

I turned around and saw a burst of fire rising from the village, rising far up, as if the sky was burning red!

The direction we were looking at was near the stone house.

"No! I'm going to take a look. You continue to burn paper here and don't move. If anything happens, tear up the talisman I gave you!" I hurriedly told Li Mazi and ran forward quickly. go.

After not running far, a rotten and burnt smell wafted in the air.

My heart sank suddenly, and I quickly quickened my pace.

When I panted and ran closer, I was immediately stunned!

It’s still a step too late!

The villagers in front of the stone house were all piled up together. The fire was raging, and most of them were burnt to black!

Right between the pile of corpses and the small stone house, there was a small mound with three branches stuck on it, like incense candles for worship.

I immediately understood that this was done by Li San.

After he escaped from the village, he initially hated his nanny. But during these eight years, Li San almost felt the same way. He understood why Baosao did what she did and why she hated this village.

As a result, Li San's heart was slowly changing and becoming distorted.

When he saw his nanny killing the villagers, he couldn't bear it, but he also hated her.

When he saw that scene with his own eyes just now, where the whole village seemed to be asleep and the nanny was burned to a pile of residue, his heart was greatly shocked.

Is this village really innocent?

Are the villagers really human in what they do on a daily basis? Is it really not worthy of condemnation?

What's the nanny's crime? What crime does he, Li San, have? Why do we have to go through suffering and torture?

Isn't it caused by these ugly villagers?

Sure enough, behind the pile of earthbags, I found another kneeling corpse. The corpse was not completely burnt, and I could still tell that it was Li San.

After being on the run for eight years, at the last moment of his life, he used such extreme and almost cruel methods to give his nanny and those innocent girls a belated apology!

However, this scene and ending are too sad!

I stood by the fire in silence for a long time, lit three cigarettes, and inserted them into the mound of soil.

I don’t know who it was for, the nanny, those little girls, or Li San and these villagers.

Nothing matters anymore, it's all over!

I turned around and returned to the memorial shed. Li Mazi asked eagerly: "Brother, what's going on over there?"

"Nothing." I responded vaguely and threw all the remaining black wooden statues into the fire.

Not long after, a few black shadows floated out of the coffin. I signaled Li Mazi to be quiet, picked up a leaf and smeared it with cinnabar.

The leaves lifted up without any wind and flew towards the outside of the village.

Li Mazi and I followed the leaves and turned into the mountain. We walked for more than half an hour and saw the leaves flying into the cave.

I used an invisible needle and placed it outside the hole to prevent things in the hole from escaping. Then I took Li Mazi in with the light emitted from my mobile phone.

After taking only two steps, a dark guy as big as a wolfdog pounced on me. Li Mazi was startled and hurriedly hid behind me.

I drew out my twin swords for killing ghosts and gods and stabbed him head-on, hitting the guy in the head.

The guy suddenly became sluggish, then became smaller and smaller, and fell to the ground with a clang.

I walked in and saw that it was a wooden statue of a dream-eating tapir.

They were no different from those burned in front of the funeral shed, except that the whole body was covered with charms.

It swallowed up the dreams of so many people in the whole village and killed several people. It had already gained some intelligence and was able to turn into a weapon spirit. If I hadn't been prepared, I wouldn't have been able to catch it, let alone surrender.

And if you wait a little longer, it will definitely be more difficult to deal with.

I directly asked Li Mazi to find some dry firewood and burned it in the cave.

When the dream-eating tapir wooden statue exploded, gurgling blood flowed out, and then it scattered into thousands of colorful lights, rushing out of the cave and scattered all over the sky.

"This is the so-called Lutai night light. It is indeed beautiful." I looked up and looked up, as if talking to myself, and also to Li Mazi: "However, it is also like fireworks, behind the beauty there is harm. .No matter how beautiful it is, it will shine for the last time!”

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