Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1361 High-class Banquet

When I returned to Wuhan full of regrets, Yin Xinyue was already waiting for me in the store. She insisted on dragging me to some large banquet and wanted to introduce me to the upper class circles.

I have never been interested in that kind of situation, but I couldn't resist her insistence, so I had to do it.

Before going out, Yin Xinyue took great pains to dress me up. She said that this banquet was very important. The attendees were either rich or noble. She asked me to do as the Romans do, even if I had to tolerate it.

"Okay." I shrugged helplessly and said, "As long as my wife needs it, let alone a cocktail party, I can bear it even if it's a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire."

Yin Xinyue glanced at me: "Is it that exaggerated?" Then she kissed me on the face and said with a smile: "My husband is the best, and this time I will open their eyes."

This banquet was indeed very luxurious, arranged at the Banyan Tree in Hangzhou. Banyan Tree is a large Jiangnan water town-style resort. It is said that many heads of state stayed here when the G20 summit was held.

When Yin Xinyue and I entered the venue, we found that all the guests were luxuriously dressed and had extraordinary bearings. They all looked like upper-class people.

The banquet has not started yet, and everyone is holding champagne and chatting.

As soon as the big star Yin Xinyue entered the venue, she immediately attracted everyone's attention, and many people greeted her with smiles.

Yin Xinyue responded with a smile on her face calmly. Occasionally, she would talk to familiar guests, but she would never forget to introduce them to them: "This is my husband."

"It seems that our big star is very popular. Doesn't it make you a little overshadowed by me standing next to you? Otherwise, I will go and stay aside for a while." I teased her secretly when no one was around.

"How dare you!" Yin Xinyue glared at me and threatened: "Why, have you fallen in love with a beautiful woman and want to run over to hook up with her? You think I'm an eyesore, right? Huh, I won't give you this chance!" She said and held my arm a little tighter.

Her tone was quite stern, but she had a sweet smile on her face - she really deserves to be an actress, and her skills are really good.

At this time, several girls who were dressed very flawlessly came up. It was obvious that they had a very close relationship with Yin Xinyue. Not only did they speak in a casual tone, they even moved Yin Xinyue's clothes and earrings to look at them. Commenting.

"Hey, Sister Yue, who is this handsome guy? Why don't you introduce him to me." One of the girls in a black silk skirt couldn't help but take a closer look at me when she saw Yin Xinyue holding my arm tightly.

"This is my husband." Yin Xinyue said with a smile: "I tell you, you are not allowed to have any ideas about him. I have already obtained the certificate."

"It turns out he's brother-in-law." The woman chuckled and stretched out her hand: "My name is Xiaoya. I'll give you a gift first when we meet for the first time. It doesn't matter how important the gift is, but you have your intention."

"It's just your skin." Yin Xinyue smiled and patted her and said, "I would like to give you a Five Finger Mountain. Is this gift heavy enough?"

The girls suddenly burst into laughter.

"Ms. Yin is indeed the King of Qi Gathering. No matter where she goes, she will arouse laughter." At this moment, a fat man with a sinewy face walked over from the side.

Although he was wearing a crisp suit, his short and chubby figure couldn't really stand up, and instead looked a bit bloated. His sparse hair was deliberately combed back, trying to show off the air of a successful man. Come, but it makes that big face even more plump. If you put a red nose on him, he can go directly to the circus to play a clown.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao." Yin Xinyue smiled politely at him.

"Where is it?" The red-faced fat man said with a smile on his face: "Miss Yin is like a jewel among people. She shines brightly no matter where she goes. Huh? This is..." As he said that, he pointed at me curiously. .

"This is her husband." Xiaoya seemed to dislike the fat man and said directly: "He got the certificate."

The fat man looked at me again with some disbelief, and looked at Yin Xinyue inquiringly.

Yin Xinyue had no choice but to introduce to us separately: "Mr. Zhao, this is my husband Zhang Jiulin. Because there are many scandals in the entertainment industry, I have always kept a low profile. I didn't notify everyone when I got married and had children."

"Jiulin, this is Mr. Zhao of Dayuan Group."

I thought to myself, whoever he is, I don’t care about such a guy!

But this time, after all, I was attending the banquet with Yin Xinyue, so I couldn't embarrass her, so I smiled and extended my hand to say hello.

This guy's hands were short and fat like his own, with four large rings on his five fingers, inlaid with valuable red and emerald stones. When the light flashed, they exuded a dazzling light. Brilliance.

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you." The fat man shook his hand hypocritically, and then asked casually: "How did Mr. Zhang get rich?"

"Oh, I can't compare to Mr. Zhao. I'm just a small businessman." I didn't want to have too much interaction with him, I was just trying to deal with it.

"No way?" I was about to pull away, but the fat man put on an extremely arrogant look and said coldly: "Miss Yin is a famous star all over the country. How can her husband be just a small businessman?"

Naturally, I heard the sarcasm in his words, but I am not familiar with such people. I just smiled and said: "Businesses come in different sizes. I'm not very good at doing big business. I can only be a small businessman." People."

"Haha." The fat man smiled slightly: "Mr. Zhang is really funny. The people who can attend this cocktail party are all the upper class people in the country. Since Mr. Zhang can be among them, he must have a good background. He can't follow Miss Yin. ?”

The irony in these words is even stronger.

Li Li said that I was a small businessman and was not worthy of coming to this place; privately, he said that I relied on my wife to earn a living and was not worthy of being in the mainstream at all.

"Hey, Mr. Zhao, what you said is wrong." Before Yin Xinyue and I said anything, Xiaoya couldn't stand it, and said angrily: "Compared with you, Mr. Zhao, who is not a small businessman? I'm afraid There aren't many people in this room who have as big a business as you, right?"

"Just kidding." The fat man was a little embarrassed, but the look on his face was very proud.

He picked up the wine glass with great confidence, took a sip in an elegant manner and said, "I, Mr. Zhao, am just lucky. The size of the business is not important. What is important is integrity."

As soon as he finished speaking, there were a few people standing next to him applauding.

Fatty Zhao puffed up his chest in great relief, then turned to me and said, "Can you tell me where Mr. Zhang made his fortune? Maybe in the future, I will be able to ask for help from Mr. Zhang."

He made it clear that he wanted to expose my shortcomings in front of everyone and embarrass me!

Those guys who just showed off their bad feet all had smiles on their faces. The meaning was self-explanatory, and they were all waiting to see my joke.

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