Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1362: Your son will die (additional update)

"Actually, it won't be necessary later." I said bluntly, "I can help you now."

"Oh?" Fatty Zhao was stunned for a moment, then his face trembled and he showed a very weird smile: "Then I'd like to ask Mr. Zhang. I wonder if I need Mr. Zhang's help with anything?"

"I saw that Mr. Zhao did not come alone." I stared into his eyes.

"Mr. Zhang has really good eyesight." Fatty Zhao grinned and laughed even brighter: "Of course I didn't come alone. The driver is outside the door, and the assistant and secretary are in the branch office. How can I be as relaxed and casual as Mr. Zhang? , leave as soon as you want, without any hassle.”

This guy was still showing off, but he didn't know that what I said had another meaning.

Just now, I suddenly noticed something was wrong with his face. There was a black broken line in the Yintang, which seemed to be a sign of Yin Qi. He immediately opened the Heavenly Palace and opened his eyes secretly, only to find that there were five people standing behind him.

To be more precise, five children.

The five children were wearing clothes of red, yellow, white, green, and black, and their faces and skin were the same color as the clothes. They were always surrounding him, extremely happy, but they couldn't make a sound. Come. Moreover, both feet were suspended half a foot in the air without even touching the ground.

Not to mention that there were so many people at the cocktail party, even he himself didn't notice at all. When he just lowered his head to drink, one of the children naughtily blew a puff of black smoke into the wine glass...

Of course, I cannot say this discovery in public, otherwise it would be too alarmist.

I thought for a while, then walked two steps forward: "Can you let me see your palm?"

"Hey, Mr. Zhang can do this, that's really an honor." Fatty Zhao stretched out his hand nonchalantly, deliberately stretching his wrist very long, revealing a golden watch: "Mr. Zhang, please show me Look, when will I be on the Forbes list?”

He held out his chest and raised his belly and spoke with great confidence, as if it was just a matter of time and not a possibility or an impossibility at all.

I completely ignored his bragging, opened his palm and looked at it, then let go and said, "Mr. Zhao, did your mother pass away last year?"

"Yes." Fatty Zhao was stunned for a moment, and then said with a hint of surprise: "You can also see this? Mr. Zhang is very capable. But... when my mother passed away, she held the most solemn event in the city. Everyone in Shanghai knows about the funeral, Mr. Zhang couldn’t have heard about it, right?”

As soon as he said these words, several people around him laughed immediately, probably secretly thinking that I am a pig with garlic stuck in my nose, trying to act like a god here.

I ignored the laughter of Fatty Zhao and others and continued to ask: "Is your wife suffering from a terminal illness? She only has three months left."

When Fatty Zhao heard this, he was stunned for a moment. The champagne in his hand shook, and his expression slowly darkened.

"Also, do you feel that your health is getting worse now? You break out in cold sweats every night, often feel dizzy, and your eyesight goes dark? You can't even have sex, and you often feel swollen in your lower abdomen?"

"This...this is nothing!" Fatty Zhao's face was very ugly, and he kept denying: "The people attending the cocktail party are all civilized people, how could you say such things..."

"I advise you to go back early! If it's a little later, you might not be able to see your son for the last time." I sighed.

"You!" Fatty Zhao's fat face immediately turned red, and he pointed at my nose angrily: "Zhang, are you too vicious? This is an upper-class circle, not a place for you to talk nonsense. If you hadn't seen For Miss Yin's sake, I'll ask someone to kick you out right away!" After saying that, he turned around and left angrily.

When everyone around me heard what I said, they all kicked me and walked away.

"This guy is really crazy!"

"It's just that no one has a big business, and if he doesn't think he can save his face, he just speaks out and hurts people. What kind of skill is that?"

"Not only do you have no courage, but you also have no quality!"

"Why did Miss Yin marry such a guy? She is so blind."

Everyone turned and left, laughing and talking.

"Ha, brother-in-law, you did a great job!" Xiaoya said with a smile: "You are still the best at it. If you continue with these few words, let's see if Fatty Zhao is still pretty. He must be drinking the hundreds of thousands of Dutch champagne. It’s no longer tasteful.”

She didn't know my identity, but Yin Xinyue knew it very well. She glanced at me and asked quietly: "Is what you said true?"

I nodded: "It's up to you to have good fortune or misfortune. Since I've already pointed it out, but he still doesn't want to admit it, I can only let him go."

The banquet continues.

Shortly after we sat down, the host invited celebrities from all walks of life to speak over drinks.

The representative of the business community is Fatty Zhao.

He walked up to the stage holding a wine glass, his face still dark, completely different from the high-spirited person he had been when they first met.

Seeing his expression, many people couldn't help but look at me, maybe blaming me for saying bad words, which made Mr. Zhao feel very unhappy.

Fatty Zhao held the wine glass, tried hard to suppress his frustration, and then read the congratulatory message with a forced smile.

Just halfway through speaking, his phone rang suddenly.

He didn't pay attention at first, but the phone kept ringing. In desperation, he said sorry to the audience and took out his mobile phone.

"What?" As soon as he put the phone to his ear, he screamed. Then he looked at me very fearfully, and then ran out without saying hello to anyone. He even hung up the microphone and knocked the host standing aside to the ground. He didn't even have time to say sorry before he pushed the door open with a bang and walked out.

Everyone in the hall was extremely surprised, no one knew what happened.

Yin Xinyue turned around and looked.

I shook my head and said, "But it's too late..."

The night after the party, Yin Xinyue went to attend a little sister's birthday party. When she left, she told me that I might have to have a wild night and let me find something to do by myself and not miss her too much.

I smiled bitterly and still sorted out the belongings in the antique store. This is how I spent the days when she was away.

This has nothing to do with making money or working hard. Opening a shop in the middle of the night has become a habit of mine.

I just opened the shop door, but before the tea could get hot, Fatty Zhao rushed in and knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Master Zhang! I am blind! Please help me!"

The contrast between him and his past is so huge. I am not surprised at all that he would do such a thing. At the banquet that day, I kept telling him about his family’s misfortune and his physical symptoms. He was already a little shaken, but he couldn’t lose face due to the occasion. .

It wasn't until I got the story about his son right that he finally felt a crisis, and then he came to him after asking around.

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