Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,363 The Golden Pot of Treasures

Although he ridiculed me repeatedly that day, how could I care about such an upstart?

"Sit down and talk." I pointed to the chair next to me lightly.

"You, sir, don't care about the faults of others. You must save me! That day I want to know that you are the famous Master Zhang Jiulin. Even if I had three courages, I would not dare to talk back to you."

When Fatty Zhao saw my expressionless face, he immediately panicked and didn't dare to get up. He still knelt on the ground holding my trouser legs and crying.

"Since you can come to me, it means you have realized the danger, but if I don't know the truth, how can I help you?" I picked up the teapot and poured water while whispering: "Please sit down."

"Thank you Master Zhang!" Fatty Zhao wiped away his tears and got up from the ground: "Master Zhang, as long as you can help me get through this hurdle, I will give you no matter what price you offer."

I put down the teapot and said coldly: "How did this disaster come? Don't you have a clue in your mind? Do you think I help you get rid of the disaster for money? Since you are still so stubborn, it's better to leave." deliver."

"No, no, no..." Fatty Zhao waved his hands quickly and slapped himself twice: "I don't dare, I don't dare to mention it again."

I pointed to the chair.

Fatty Zhao sat down in fear and whispered: "After what you said that day, my son really got into a car accident. When I rushed over, he was out of breath. He didn't even see him for the last time."

His eyes were red, obviously very sad.

"I know." I nodded lightly, "Yesterday I saw a black line running through the lines on your hand. As the saying goes: the root is broken, the mother dies, the middle is split, the wife is sick, and the tail is empty and the child dies. It's just that you were... The black line infection is too serious and there is nothing I can do, I can only remind you."

When this matter was mentioned, Fatty Zhao became even more sad. While wiping his tears, he kept muttering: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault! Master Zhang, you must save me."

"I saw yesterday that you were surrounded by the Five Wealth Ghosts. Are there any special objects enshrined in your home?"

"Yes!" Fatty Zhao wiped his tears: "I have a cornucopia at home. I felt a little weird the day I got it, but I was greedy and reluctant to throw it away, so..."

"Tell me more about the cornucopia." I frowned.

Fatty Zhao nodded and started talking from beginning to end.

This matter started three years ago.

At that time, Fatty Zhao's business was in a bleak state. Due to investment mistakes, the capital chain was broken, and banks and creditors were pressing for debts one after another.

But his goods are all backlogged in the warehouse, and there is no sales at all. If it can't be completely solved within a month, the family business that has been worked hard for decades will be lost!

Just when he was in a state of panic, a friend introduced him to an expert from outside the world - he said that this person could reverse the luck of wealth and whether he had the ability to be extremely prosperous.

Fatty Zhao didn't believe it at first, but he was really forced to have no choice but to meet the so-called worldly master under the recommendation of that friend.

The man looked at his face and said, "You are supposed to be rich and powerful, but you are missing one thing to gather wealth, so the wealth is like running water, passing by but not retained." It just so happens that I have a cornucopia of gold pot here. You and I have a close relationship, so I'll pass it on to you.

After all, Fatty Zhao has been working in the mall for many years, so of course he won't be fooled so easily. He immediately put forward a condition: sign a document and take the cornucopia back first. If it is really effective, buy it for three times the price!

The man actually agreed.

Fatty Zhao followed the man's instructions and placed the cornucopia at the intersection of feng shui at home, and filled the basin with gold bars and Grandpa Mao.

Originally, he was just anxious about the debt and wanted temporary psychological comfort instead of focusing all his energy on it.

But just when the cornucopia was just filling up, he suddenly received a call, saying that the companies that were competing with him suddenly encountered changes, and all customer orders could not be completed, so all of his backlog of inventory was completely gone. It has become a hot commodity, and the price has doubled from the original price.

Then the customer asked him if he could transfer the goods in stock? And we are willing to sign a long-term subscription contract and pay in advance.

In this way, Fatty Zhao survived the crisis of certain death.

But just a month later, his mother died of illness.

His mother had always been in good health, able to eat and dance, and was an active member of the community's elderly yangko team. But she died suddenly of illness. Even the doctor said that the illness came too suddenly.

At that time, Fatty Zhao also felt that something was wrong. How could there be such a strange thing?

He wanted to return the cornucopia, but then he thought that since his mother had passed away, his wealth could not be ruined. So he felt guilty and held an unprecedentedly grand funeral for his mother. Later, he also paid the worldly expert a full remuneration and left a cornucopia of treasures.

The next year, he filled the cornucopia with banknotes again, and then accompanied several clients to Macau to play a few games in the casino. But he didn't expect that he would win consecutive bets and make a fortune, which was far more than what their company made in a year!

Just when he was sighing that it was probably the cornucopia that was showing its power, he received another piece of bad news.

His wife is terminally ill!

Although Fatty Zhao occasionally flirts with women outside, he treats his wife very well. The two were a poor couple who started out from a small cart. Fatty Zhao still had great feelings for his old wife. After hearing the news, he was extremely sad.

He took his wife around to look for big hospitals, but they couldn't cure her. Moreover, the doctor said that this disease is very rare. It has always been a medical problem not only in China but also in the world. He could only let her spend the rest of her life well.

Fatty Zhao felt sad and thought that the cornucopia was causing the disaster. He stood beside him with a sledgehammer in his hand and hesitated for a long time, but finally couldn't bear to take action.

He originally thought that while this cornucopia brought two fortunes, it also brought two disasters. It should be safer, right?

But then, various symptoms appeared in his body: cold sweats at night, abdominal pain, and dizziness from time to time.

He has been to the hospital for many check-ups, and all the data shows that he is an extremely healthy person.

This test result made him even more furious. Naturally, his own body knew it best. Such a serious illness could not be detected. So what else could it be if it wasn't evil?

So he went around worshiping Buddha and offering incense, but it still didn't help.

And his son had another car accident yesterday!

His son has always been a good boy. Although he is a rich second generation, he has never been arrogant. He takes the bus to and from school like other classmates every day. He is about to take the college entrance examination next year.

But yesterday, as soon as his son stepped off the bus, an out-of-control truck came over the incline and ran over his body, crushing him in half.

When Fatty Zhao rushed over, his son was already cold.

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