Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1364 The collector of hundreds of ghosts

When he talked about his son, Fatty Zhao couldn't help but burst into tears.

He is indeed a bit annoying, showing off his wealth everywhere and being arrogant and domineering. But at this time, he is no longer the big boss of a listed company, he is just a father who has lost his son, an ordinary person who is entangled by evil things and cannot escape.

"The situation has come to this, and it's useless to be sad anymore." I put down the tea cup: "Let's go, take me to see that magical cornucopia."

Fatty Zhao is indeed very rich and lives in the Lake Bay Villa in Shanghai.

The furnishings and decorations in the house are extremely luxurious, but the desertedness is a bit scary!

He said that since his wife got terminally ill, she didn't like to see people. She even fired several nannies and spent the whole day hiding in the Buddhist hall chanting sutras. In the end, even he disappeared.

The huge villa has always been empty. He felt uncomfortable as soon as he entered the house, so he rarely came back recently.

"Empty?" I turned around and looked around and said, "This house is not empty at all. Apart from you and your wife, there are more than a hundred people living there."

"What?" When Fatty Zhao heard this, he was so frightened that he trembled all over and looked at me in astonishment.

I didn’t say anything, just took out the magic talisman and placed it on his Heavenly Palace, and said secretly: “Open!”

"Ah!" Fatty Zhao's eyes widened immediately, he suddenly screamed and fell to the ground, rolled and crawled behind me, and said in a trembling voice: "Master Zhang, who are these people?"

"They are not humans, they are all ghosts." I said with a normal expression.

I saw many people standing in the villa hall.

They were all wearing extremely old clothes, and most of them were women. A few men wearing gray jackets were standing far away on the other side.

They were all dressed as servants, with their heads slightly lowered and not even daring to move.

On the leather sofa chair in the middle, there sat an old lady with wrinkles on her face, holding a Persian cat with gold threads and green eyes in her hands; on the double sofas on both sides, there were two slightly younger women, one of whom was sitting there. There was a little boy nestled next to his legs. He was holding something to eat and was licking it beautifully.

There were hundreds of people floating in the hall like ghosts. The chandelier above cast a golden light, but there was not even a shadow on the ground.

Fatty Zhao was hiding behind me and shivering. He couldn't imagine that there were so many people in his house, no, there were so many ghosts!

The ghosts didn't seem to notice us at all. They all listened quietly to what the old lady sitting in the middle was saying. But we couldn't hear what she was saying either.

"Master Zhang, what on earth is going on?" Fatty Zhao's fat face had already changed color, and he asked with tears in his eyes.

"Let's go take a look at your baby first." After I said that, I walked over.

As soon as I entered the door, I found that the atmosphere in the house was very strange. It was gloomy and gloomy. It didn't look like a newly built villa at all, but more like an ancient tomb in the wilderness.

At this time, an even stronger cloud of Yin Qi condensed in front of it, rising into the sky. Needless to say, it must be the cornucopia that Fatty Zhao had mentioned. I didn't need him to lead the way and walked directly through the hall.

I passed directly through the ghosts, and they were broken by me like a light curtain, and then returned to their original state.

Fatty Zhao stared blankly, his mouth wide open in fright.

I looked back at him and said: "Why are you still standing there? Come here quickly! Although these Yin spirits are very shallow and cannot detect us, if you stay here for a long time, your Yang energy will inevitably be damaged. Your family That’s how you were killed, and that’s how you got sick.”

After Fatty Zhao heard what I said, he no longer cared about being afraid. He followed me hard and walked through the hall through the ghost shadow.

In such a short span of more than ten meters, he was soaked all over, and his legs were shaking, as if he might fall down at any time.

"You don't need to be too nervous. These ghosts have been in your home for more than three years." I explained.

Fatty Zhao looked at me blankly, as if he was very confused.

"Although these Yin spirits all died violently during their lifetime, they have been transcended by humans, so the remaining evil spirits are not very serious. This is why you can survive to this day."

"However, from this point of view, the root of everything should be your so-called cornucopia."

I explained briefly to him as I walked.

The doors in the villa are all made of solid wood, except for one that was replaced with a thick steel plate. There were several locks on the door.

I walked to the door and stopped. Fatty Zhao took out the key with trembling hands.

I saw that he was shivering so much that he couldn't insert the keyhole properly, so I reached out to take it and unlocked the door one by one.

The room behind the door is large, but extremely empty. There is nothing except a big red cloth in the middle.

I stepped forward and lifted up the red cloth, revealing a bronze basin underneath.

In fact, it is more accurate to say it is a basin than a vat.

This object is about one meter tall, with three legs on the ground. A lifelike smiling face is carved on its abdomen. It is covered with a layer of dark green patina and exudes a strange smell.

The middle of the big basin was densely filled by Fatty Zhao with sparkling gold bars, bundles of brand-new RMB, and even the corners and cracks were filled with pearl agate.

"You have made enough offerings." I glanced at Fatty Zhao mockingly: "But it's a pity that this thing has become a gathering basin now."

"Gather... Gather the Yin basin?" Fatty Zhao immediately shuddered.

"Yes!" I nodded with certainty: "Judging from the manufacturing process of this thing, it should have been produced in the Qin and Han Dynasties."

"It turned out to be a mascot that could attract wealth, but now it is wrapped in Yin energy and has long since turned into a Yin object."

"Offering it at home will bring you lots of wealth, but it will also destroy your family - as you saw just now, the Yin spirit in the basin wants to use your offering to attract their whole family. Reunion in your villa."

"This!" When Fatty Zhao heard this, his face suddenly turned bitter, and then he said in a hateful voice, "His grandson dares to lie to me!"

"Master Zhang, should I send it out to the head office now?"

"It's too late." I shook my head: "This evil thing has been worshiped by you for three years and has recognized you for a long time. Even if you throw it to the end of the world, it will always come back. It's useless even if you move. "

"What should I do? Master Zhang, you must save me!" Fatty Zhao begged helplessly.

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