Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,368 Shen Wansan’s Wish


Black bubbles continued to rise from the salt water in the copper basin, and then, a middle-aged man with a short beard and a white face, wearing a golden robe, rose from the water.

Come to think of it, it's Shen Wansan.

When the ghosts outside the basin saw him, some stretched out their sleeves to wipe away non-existent tears, and some hurriedly bent down to salute. The old lady with wrinkles even took a step forward and grabbed him tightly. Looking around.

Shen Wansan said something to the ghosts, and the ghosts started dancing one by one, as if they didn't know how to celebrate. Some ghosts were so happy that they filled the room.

For a time, there were many ghosts and dark energy rising into the sky.

Shen Wansan glanced at Fatty Zhao and me, then smiled and held his hands, and slowly sank into the salt water.

The white frost on the copper basin dissipated instantly, and the temperature in the room returned to normal.

The ghosts cheered and floated out from the crack in the door.

Fatty Zhao took a few deep breaths and stared blankly for a long time with his small eyes. Then he woke up from the wonderland just now and shouted something loudly.

He had just come back to his senses, and his speech was not clear yet. I only vaguely heard the word "go home" and immediately asked: "Go home, what home?"

Fatty Zhao suddenly sat up, pointed at the cornucopia and shouted, "It's Mr. Shen. He wants to go home, back to his hometown."

I thought about it for a moment and understood immediately.

It turns out that Shen Wansan’s wish is to return his soul to his hometown!

He is recognized as the richest businessman in the world. He once funded Zhu Yuanzhang's rebel army. After Zhu Yuanzhang captured Jiqing and renamed it Yingtianfu, he also helped build half of Nanjing. He became famous for a while, and Zhu Yuanzhang was even more grateful to be worthy of his brother.

It's a pity that Shen Wan's success is also a treasure trove, and his failure is also a treasure trove.

His heart was gradually swallowed up by the cornucopia, and he could never be satisfied. Having already sat on the throne of wealth, he actually thought about rewarding the three armies and getting involved in the government, and even had the idea of ​​becoming an emperor.

Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang violate Zhu Yuanzhang's taboo, and his family was exiled to other places, where they died of torture.

As a result, Shen Wansan was unable to return to his hometown in Zhejiang until his death.

Thinking about it, he has been missing his hometown for hundreds of years, and his family members and old servants are also restless, praying that one day they can return to their hometown.

It is precisely because their long-cherished wish could not be realized that although their souls were transcended, they still could not rest in peace.

Just now, Shen Wansan must have told the good news to the ghosts, which made them so happy.

"His long-cherished wish is not difficult to achieve. All you have to do is send this cornucopia back to his hometown in Zhejiang. However, you talked to him for such a long time and this is the only thing you said?" I was a little confused.

"No way." Fatty Zhao took his breath away, patted his butt, stood up, and said with a red smile: "I finally met Shen Wansan, of course I have to ask him for some business experience, haha, it's really I’ve benefited a lot!”

This guy is really stubborn. When he thinks about making money, he forgets about his fear and even asks Shen Wansan for business advice!

Shen Wansan's long-cherished wish has been discovered, so I don't need to worry about the rest.

At that moment, I declined Fatty Zhao’s offer to treat me for a cool lap and returned to Wuhan by train.

I thought the matter was over, but I didn't expect that two days later, Fatty Zhao came to the door again.

"What? You can't handle the small matter of sending the cornucopia home." I asked very strangely.

"No, Master Zhang, something happened again." Fatty Zhao said very embarrassed.

"Accident, what incident?" I asked.

"Well, that's it." Fatty Zhao rubbed his fat hands and told me the reason in a very embarrassed manner.

It turned out that when he bought this cornucopia, the so-called foreign master had told him that this treasure basin could only be placed in his home and could never be changed hands or moved elsewhere. Zhao originally moved the cornucopia to Zhejiang. The fat man did it secretly, but somehow, an expert from outside the world found out about it. He came to his door yesterday and wanted to take back this cornucopia.

After all, he had promised Shen Wansan to return the Yinwu to his hometown. If he failed to do so, disaster would definitely be imminent.

And he didn't dare to disobey that person's request. He was in a dilemma, so he came to ask me for help.

After hearing this, I was very confused.

Fatty Zhao is just being obedient in front of me because something evil has happened to him now. In fact, he is a very rich man. He is by no means the kind of honest person who can lead someone by the nose with just a wave of his hand. How could he treat that person? Are the worldly experts so afraid?

Under my questioning, Fatty Zhao hesitantly told the truth.

It turned out that he bought the cornucopia through the introduction of his friend, who was also his business partner. At first, the man didn't really want to sell it, so his friend gave him a guarantee before selling it.

Moreover, everyone had an agreement at that time. If Fatty Zhao didn't want it or moved it elsewhere, that person would take it back.

In other words, once the cornucopia leaves his home, he will take it back.

Now that the man has caught up to the door, and in front of his friends, Fatty Zhao can't lie...

When I heard this, I was even more surprised.

Who was it that sold him the cornucopia? Why did he make such a strange agreement in the first place - not to let the cornucopia leave Fatty Zhao's house?

Did he already know that this thing would harm people, and that Fatty Zhao would most likely move it out of the house?

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with me at this point, and I could have just let it go, but this person made me alert. Could it be that he is a colleague of the ghost world and wants to use ghost objects to harm others?

If that's the case, I can't just sit back and watch.

I immediately decided to follow Fatty Zhao to meet this so-called outsider.

The next night, I came to Fatty Zhao’s house again.

Two people were sitting side by side on the sofa in the hall.

One wears glasses and has a thin face, the other wears a Tang suit and has a red face.

After Fatty Zhao introduced me, I learned that the one wearing glasses was his friend named Wang Le, and the one wearing Tang suit was the so-called outsider: Shen Mancheng.

Shen Mancheng is not short in height, but to say that he is a tall man, I can only laugh.

When he was leaning on the sofa with his legs stilted, the wrinkled ghost old lady was sitting next to him. The green-eyed golden cat in her hand kept wagging its tail, and kept dangling in front of his mouth. He wandered away, but he didn't notice it at all.

Obviously, he is just an ordinary person who doesn't understand the art of yin and yang at all.

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