Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1369: Take it from the people, use it for the people

"Boss Zhao, we agreed at the beginning." Shen Mancheng shook the fan in his hand and said arrogantly: "The cornucopia is an extremely rare treasure. I didn't want to sell it at the time. If it weren't for Wang Le's sake, I really wouldn't. Will take action. At that time, we also made a promise. If you want to move the treasure out of the house, I must take it back. What? Are you going to break your promise now? "

"Brother Zhao, that's what we said back then. Brother, it's hard for me to do it now." Wang Le pushed up his glasses and made a grimace.

Fatty Zhao glanced at me sideways and said with a smile on his face: "Master Shen, don't get me wrong. How can I not want such a good treasure? I bought an apartment in Zhejiang and am about to move this treasure there."

"Really?" Shen Mancheng snorted disapprovingly and turned to glance at me: "Then how did I hear that you found some kind of Master Zhang to show you and said that my cornucopia was an evil thing and you wanted to move it? Let’s go.”

"Isn't it?" I said bluntly: "You know better than anyone else what weird things are hidden in the cornucopia. If it is really a treasure that brings wealth and blessings, why would you be willing to change hands."

Shen Mancheng was stunned for a moment and said, "I'm helping Wang Le for his sake. Let him tell you how much money he has made since he invited the cornucopia."

"Get rich?" I snorted coldly and stared at him: "Then why don't you tell me how many disasters he has suffered in the past few years? How did his mother die? How did his wife get sick? How did his son get into a car accident?"

"Those are all natural and man-made disasters." The muscles on Shen Mancheng's face twitched unnaturally, and he said angrily: "What does this have to do with me?"

"It's okay, right?" I stood up with a swipe, walked a few steps to the large rear-projection TV on the wall, and quickly drew a spell on it.

The TV was turned off and the screen was pitch black.

But after I finished drawing the charm, the turned-off TV suddenly lit up, like a mirror, clearly reflecting the scene in the room.

Shen Mancheng and Wang Le were still sitting on the sofa, but an old lady with wrinkles appeared out of thin air among them, holding a green-eyed golden cat in her hand. The cat's tail kept swaying, and kept moving in front of Shen Mancheng's face. swing.

Behind them, several servants dressed as maids stood respectfully, holding cattail leaf fans and fanning them gently.

These people were all dressed in ancient costumes from the early Ming Dynasty, and their faces were pale and bloodless.

"Oh my god!" Wang Le screamed and jumped up from the sofa.

Shen Mancheng was also frightened and wanted to escape.

I stepped forward, held him down, and shouted harshly: "Don't you say it has nothing to do with you? Then I'll see if these ghosts recognize you."

As I said that, I freed my hand and took out the invisible needle.

"You...what are you going to do!" When Shen Mancheng saw me taking out the needle, he immediately screamed in fright and struggled desperately.

How can I allow him to escape? She held his hand tightly and pricked his finger hard.

Suddenly, drops of blood poured out. I grabbed his bloody finger and wiped it on the sofa.

"Let me go." Shen Mancheng stood up in a panic, and took several steps back in shock and fear. Suddenly he saw several ghosts walking towards him, and he hurriedly avoided them.

At this time, the Yin-Yang array I drew has taken shape, and everyone in the room can see it clearly.

The ghosts in ancient costumes with pale faces and their feet dangling in the air gathered from all sides.

Wang Le collapsed on the ground in fear, holding his head in his hands and shaking uncontrollably.

Shen Mancheng ran around in fear, bumping into the wardrobe and sofa from time to time, with more than a dozen big bumps on his head.

Fatty Zhao had already met him several times and had an out-of-body interview with Shen Wansan. He seemed very calm at this time, but he was very strange, why did I suddenly become angry?

Dozens of ghosts squeezed in from the cracks in the door on all sides and floated throughout the room.

The ghosts all gathered towards the blood on the sofa, seemed to have examined it carefully, and then rushed towards Shen Mancheng.

Shen Mancheng struggled to get up and tried to escape through the door, but was surrounded by several slaves in gray clothes. When he turned around, a dozen ghosts who looked like maids blocked the way again.

"Save me, save me!" Shen Mancheng shouted loudly, asking for help.

I lit a cigarette and sat leisurely aside, watching these ghosts surround him in front of the sofa in the middle of the hall.

The wrinkled old lady was sitting on the sofa, and next to her were two slightly younger mistresses. All the other servants were surrounding her, blocking her tightly.

The old lady's face was gloomy, as if she was angry.

The two gray-clothed slaves standing behind Shen Mancheng suddenly stretched out their hands, grabbed his shoulders, and pushed him to his knees on the ground.

At this time, Fatty Zhao also realized that something was wrong, and looked at me in surprise.

These ghosts used to be phantoms, even if they passed through the body, there would be no hindrance and they were completely undetectable. But why did they suddenly seem to have substance? Can Shen Mancheng be pinned to the ground?

I blew out a puff of smoke and motioned for him to continue watching.

Shen Mancheng was forced to his knees on the ground, trembling with fear, and kept looking at me for help.

The old lady slammed the sofa as if she shouted something, then pointed at Shen Mancheng and cursed, but we couldn't hear a sound.

Shen Mancheng's facial features were distorted, he was frightened and frightened, and his whole body was trembling.

The old lady's anger did not diminish. She waved her hand again, and a servant came over and hit Shen Mancheng's cheek with two loud slaps.

Shen Mancheng then fell to the ground with a thud and kept kowtowing: "Ancestor, I was wrong, please spare me!"

"You see." I pointed at Shen Mancheng and explained to Fatty Zhao: "This guy is a descendant of the Shen family. Once the essence and blood appear, the ghosts will be able to detect it, and they will also show their physical form to him. .”

"Shen Mancheng, Shen Wansan, yes." Fatty Zhao suddenly realized: "It turns out that he is a descendant of Shen Wansan, but how did you find out?"

"It's very simple." I flicked the ashes of my cigarette: "The cornucopia is very evil, but nothing happens to him. It must be that he has some way to avoid evil. And the cornucopia is a heirloom of the Shen family. Such secrets Outsiders would definitely not know, and when I heard that his surname was Shen, I guessed that he was a descendant of the Shen family. So I tested it, and it turned out to be true."

"The last time I checked, I saw that there was a seal in the cornucopia, but it was destroyed. The traces of destruction were stained with thick black blood, which should be the black dog blood you mentioned. From this, Combined with the fact that he is from the Shen family, he not only masters the art of warding off evil spirits, but also made such a strange agreement with you, this matter will naturally become clear."

"Before he died, Shen Wansan finally realized that greed can harm people, so he just wanted to leave the treasure basin to future generations as a souvenir. He didn't want them to start a business with this thing, so he left a seal on it. Shen Mancheng knew this very well, so he Sell ​​it to you, and when you break the seal and change hands due to disaster, he will take it back for his own use."

"This kid is so damn vicious!" Fatty Zhao yelled angrily. Suddenly he seemed to remember something again. He turned around and grabbed Wang Le, who was trembling on the ground: "What the hell are you doing?" Let me explain clearly what is going on."

Wang Le was already frightened out of his mind. As soon as I heard it, I already guessed most of it. Ghosts were dancing all over the room, so I immediately spoke out in a hesitant way.

Sure enough, these two guys were secretly conspiring. One wanted to break the seal on the cornucopia and take it back for his own use; the other wanted to take the opportunity to murder Fatty Zhao and annex his company's property after his family was ruined.

The Taoist priest who cast spells randomly was also invited by them to intentionally harm Fatty Zhao.

After Fatty Zhao heard this, he slapped Wang Le several times, then rushed over and kicked Shen Mancheng several times.

Seeing the truth come to light, I put out my cigarette and said goodbye to Fatty Zhao.

A few days later, Fatty Zhao came to my door with a large sum of money as a reward, and told me that the cornucopia had been returned to Shen Wansan's ancestral hall in his hometown in Zhejiang. He had learned a lesson from this incident and must live an upright and aboveboard life from now on. When doing business, we must take things from the people and use them for the people, so that we can have peace of mind.

Later, I heard Yin Xinyue say that Fatty Zhao seemed to be a completely different person. At many charity galas, he was always the one who donated the most money. From a successful businessman to the number one philanthropist in the country, he was known as: Zhao Dashanren.

I curiously turned on the TV and found out that Fatty Zhao had donated another twenty Hope Primary Schools to the mountainous area. During the interview, he was wearing a red scarf, hugging the children, smiling brightly, and there was no trace of calculation in his eyes!

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