Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,374 Dramatic changes in the village

The next morning, Dad He gathered the villagers together and told them about cleaning up the Blackwater Pool.

Blackpool water has existed for hundreds of thousands of years. Everyone thinks it is very strange and eerie. They have wanted to clean it up for a long time, but they have failed every time. In the past, they had asked monks and Taoists to do it on the spot, but before they were even halfway done, strange things would happen one after another. One monk even vomited blood and died on the spot.

This time Dad He proposed to clean up the black water pond again. The villagers looked at each other for a while, but no one agreed.

Many people advised: "The pool has always been at the edge of the village, and nothing has happened to it, so don't mess around..."

"That's right, let's just stay away from each other in the future. What if there really is something ghost living inside and it is angered now? What will the villagers do?"

"Brother He, is Xiaoju's illness bad? Let's not get into trouble. Master Hongyuan said last time that the black water pond must be cleaned up, but what happened next?" The man said obliquely. He glanced at me and swallowed the remaining half of his words.

I could tell that these people didn't want to get rid of the black water pool, but they were afraid that there might be some ghost hidden in the water pool, which would actually harm everyone. In addition, I am not at ease with me, a young person who has just arrived.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the door, and then a group of farm ladies broke into the door.

"You damn harm!"

"I'll beat you to death, you god of plague!"

Each of these sisters-in-law was armed with broomsticks and short sticks. As soon as they entered the house, they couldn't tell the difference and just threw them at me.

When Dad He and He An saw each other, they immediately opened their mouths and hurriedly stopped him.

He An shouted: "Aunt, sister-in-law, what's going on?"

"Bah! What are you talking about?" A very stout sister-in-law spat hard and said: "Your Juzi is a human being, but our child is not a human being? In order to treat Xiaoju, you guys How could you unscrupulously invite such a murderous guy and treat all the children in the village as a drug introduction? Thank you, the He family, for doing this!"

Dad He was also stunned and asked quickly: "Sister, what is going on?"

A calmer woman next to her explained: "Just now, all the children in the village fell ill. Their whole bodies were red and hot, and several small snakes crawled out of their mouths. They were exactly the same as Meizi's condition."

As soon as she said this, everyone in the room exploded. Everyone turned to stare at me with extremely unkind expressions.

"What else is there to say!" The extremely stout woman pointed at me from a distance with the rolling pin in her hand and said, "Xiaoju is so sick that she is already in a coffin. Why should she put it in a coffin?" If you bring it back, Xiaoju will be fine. Then all the children in the village fell ill. If it wasn't you, who was? I'll beat you to death today, you bad guy." As she said that, she moved toward her. Rush over.

"Definitely!" I took out the magic talisman and threw it out. The sister-in-law suddenly stood there motionless.

Before everyone could recover, I stood up and said, "It seems that the ghosts in the black pond are already in trouble. We can't wait any longer and must clear the pond immediately."

My trick of appointing people out of thin air scared all the villagers. No one dared to act rashly anymore, but no one believed me.

The village chief, who seemed to be older, glanced at me and said: "Young man, it's true that this pool of water in our village has always been weird, but nothing serious has happened. Why have all the children in the village been so angry since you came here?" Are you all sick?"

Although the others didn't say anything, they all stared at me. No need to ask, they also had the same question.

"Blackwater Pond is a very gloomy place. If it stays there for a long time, it will definitely breed ghosts. I just happened to catch it. Don't say anything else. I just want to ask you if you want to save the child!" I shouted.

As soon as everyone heard the word "child", they immediately lost their temper.

They could also see that if I really wanted to turn around and leave, they might not be able to stop me. Now all the children in the village are suffering from strange diseases. Even if they are sent to the hospital, they may end up with the same result as Xiao Ju. There seems to be no other way except to listen to me.

"Then what do you think we should do?" the old village chief said helplessly as he took a puff from his pipe.

"Mobilize the whole village and clean up the Blackwater Pond immediately. No matter what is there, kill them all. Not only can we save the children, but we can also keep the village peaceful. This is the only way!" I shouted without any doubt.

The village chief was smoking a cigarette while the others stared at him.

"Village Chief, this is Master Zhang that I invited from Wuhan. He has helped countless people exorcise evil spirits and avoid disasters. He is a well-known expert in this field. I asked him to come and see what kind of gods are protecting him. Our old He family has never thought of catching up with this matter." He An advised: "Just listen to him, the lives of the children in the village are important."

"Brother, just give it a try! Now that this evil thing has come to our door, delaying it is no longer an option. The children are all sick and we can't afford to delay it!" Dad He also advised.

"Okay!" The village chief knocked on his pipe vigorously: "I'll listen to you. I'll fix it as you say!"

The situation was critical at this time, and I had nothing to be polite about, so I assigned him immediately.

First, the village chief led everyone home immediately, took hoes, shovels and other tools and headed straight to the Blackwater Pond.

He also asked the aunts and sisters-in-law to find all the rags and rags in the house and tie them into a scarecrow, then put some big roosters on them and lead the dogs.

The remaining villagers will cut more willow branches and peach blossom roots, and try to meet up at Heishui as quickly as possible within an hour!

After hearing this, everyone was doubtful, but at this time there was no other way to think of, so they all dispersed one after another and prepared their own preparations.

I went back home with the He family and his son, and asked He's mother to prepare several large bags of clothing. The three of us each carried a large bag and walked straight to the Black Water Pond.

People had already gathered by the pond. When the old village chief saw me coming, he stepped forward and said, "Young man, everyone and everything are here. Please tell me how to deal with it."

It can be seen that the whole village is very anxious, many people's eyes are red, and they are obviously feeling uncomfortable.

"Tie the dogs in a circle around the pool, and tie the big rooster to the southeast."

"In addition, dig ditches and build dams on both sides to guide the water into the deep pits!" I put down the big bag on my shoulders and ordered everyone.

As soon as the villagers heard this, they immediately started busy in accordance with my order. Roosters croaked and dogs barked everywhere, and people were busy wielding hoes and dancing shovels.

In a short time, two long ditches were dug on both sides of the pool, and the black water poured straight into the deep pit.


The originally dead water surface suddenly rose up with a big wave, as if there was something hidden there, ready to move!

The dogs barked loudly, and the roosters flapped their wings and screamed. The villagers were startled, and many timid ones dropped their shovels and ran away.

And I took out cinnabar, rubbed a handful on a scarecrow, and threw it into the pool with a bang.

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