Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,375 Clay Figure Kowtows (Additional update)


As soon as the scarecrow fell into the water, the black waves stopped immediately.

"Look, what is that?" A villager shouted loudly by the ditch.

Everyone turned around and saw a body appearing at the edge of the pool.

"Hook it up!" I yelled.

A few bolder villagers borrowed hoes to hook the body to the shore.

The corpse was quite old and had all turned into bones. The clothes on it were also in decay, but it could still be seen that it looked like a robe, which was not the attire of a modern person at all.

Although the corpse was in this shape, it still seemed to be alive. Its arms, legs, and neck were still shaking, as if it might stand up at any time.

"Put willow branches around it!" I ordered again.

The fat sister-in-law who was immobilized by me was quite courageous. She grabbed the willow branch from the hand of the pale-faced aunt next to her and started doing it one by one.

As soon as the body was surrounded by willow branches, he immediately straightened up and sat up in a hurry.

The fat lady was so frightened that she sat down on the ground.

"Throw the peach tree roots quickly!" I shouted loudly.

Another aunt hurriedly threw the peach tree root in her hand.

The peach tree root hit the corpse with a thud, and then the corpse leaned up and lay motionless on the ground.

The bones decomposed at an extremely fast speed, and many small bone residues melted away immediately. A disgusting stench filled the air.


At the same time, another large wave surged out of the black pool, more than one meter high, carrying a gloomy cold air, which seemed to be much more sinister than before.

I smeared a handful of cinnabar on the second scarecrow and threw it in again. The black waves suddenly calmed down, and then another body was found by the pond.

With the experience just now, I don’t need to say anything this time. The villagers also knew how to deal with it. They immediately hooked it to the shore, inserted willow branches around it, and then smashed the peach tree roots.

In a short time, there were dozens of waves in the pool, and more than thirty bodies were placed on the shore.

It was only then that the villagers looked at me with some trust and sincerity, but they became more and more afraid of the Blackwater Pond.

Not only them, but also myself was extremely shocked. What on earth is this place? There are so many corpses buried!

Judging from the few remaining clothes on these corpses, they are all ancient costumes. However, because they are so rotten, it is not yet clear which dynasty they come from. We can only infer that they are from the same period.

After a while, the bones of many animals poured out of the black water pool.

There is already a large area on the ground on the shore, with white bones, stained with mud, and entangled with rotten rags. The interlacing of black and white is mind-numbing!

The breathtaking stench spread everywhere, like an invisible sword, frightening everyone present!

The pool water rushed out from the deep ditches on both sides. The water level dropped quickly, and a very thick layer of silt appeared closer to the shore.

"Then...what is that?" He An, who was standing next to me, suddenly pointed forward and shouted.

I looked forward in the direction of his finger and saw something in the mud, crawling slowly like a loach.

It's just that the water in the pool is too dark and the mud is too thick, so it's hard to see clearly.

But there is indeed something in the water, slowly approaching us.

"It's a person, that's a person!" When they got closer, the villagers could see it clearly, and they screamed loudly in panic.

Indeed a person!

It was unclear what kind of clothes the man was wearing, and he couldn't even tell whether he was a man or a woman. His whole body was covered in mud, and he was lying bent over in the mud, crawling toward the shore.

Although his movements were slow, he was not stiff. He really looked like a person who accidentally fell in. The dogs barked loudly, and several big roosters also stretched their necks and croaked uncontrollably.

As he approached step by step, the villagers backed away in great fear, and some of the more timid ones had already run far away.

He An also shuddered, turned around and asked me: "Master Zhang, what... is this!"

"Give me your hand." I said to He An.

He An was a little confused, but still stretched out his hand.

I took out an invisible needle and pricked his fingertips, opened the cloth bag I brought from the He family, pulled out a piece of clothing, wiped the blood a few times and handed it to him: "Give it to the people in the mud. go."

"Ah?" He An was stunned and shuddered suddenly.

"Don't you want to know what is protecting your He family? You can go and try now to see if the monster in the Blackwater Pond has any connection with your He family. Don't worry, I will stand by you. Nothing will happen behind you."

Hearing what I said, He An finally felt a little relieved, took the clothes and walked over step by step.

At this moment, the monster in the mud also climbed up to the shore step by step.

This is indeed a person. His body is very thin, with only skin and bones left. His body is covered with mud, and his gender and appearance cannot be clearly seen.

He An looked back at me with some fear, and when he saw me nodding towards him, he approached tremblingly and threw the clothes in his hand to the man from a distance.

The man raised his head and glanced at He An, then stretched out his hands to hold his clothes, and then knelt down and kowtowed deeply to He An.

Immediately afterwards, another figure emerged from the water, as if many people suddenly emerged from the mud.

One by one, they crawled forward and headed straight to the shore.

"It's really good!" I walked over carrying the baggage and handed it to He An one by one.

He An glanced at me very doubtfully, and without me saying anything else, just like before, he dripped blood on his clothes one by one, and then threw them out again.

A group of strange people in the mud climbed up to the shore, took their clothes and knelt on the ground, kowtowed to He An, and knelt in a row on the shore.

The villagers looked at this extremely strange sight and were all stunned for a moment.

Who are they? Is it a human or a ghost? After staying in this black water pool for so long, what does it have to do with the Old He family? Why did you kneel down to He An?

Dad He also approached with a confused look on his face and asked with great confusion: "Master Zhang, who are they?"

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