Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1395 Golden Snake Net

"Let's go!" Han Laoliu said without question: "We have to leave here immediately. It seems that we miscalculated from the beginning. This is by no means the safest place."

"Then where else can we go? Didn't you say you want to avoid the trap set by Longquan Villa?" I asked strangely when I was completely awake and had no time to thank him.

"Hmph, compared to that thing, the people sent by Longquan Villa this time are as weak as ants! We have to speed up. If it's a moment later, it may be too late!"

Han Laoliu showed a very rare look of fear.

Although I have not known Han Laoliu for a long time, the impression he left on me has always been that he is a bold artist. Furthermore, he is as famous as my grandfather, and I admire him even more.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Whether he was facing the extraordinary masters of Longquan Villa, the Galen family who could turn into gargoyles, or even the demon sealed in the valley, he seemed not to take it to heart at all, and always dealt with it calmly and calmly.

But what happened now? How could he be so alarmed?

It was as if he suddenly discovered something, far beyond his expectation.

Han Laoliu hurriedly took out three small golden pieces of paper from his arms. When the wind blew, the small pieces of paper all swelled up and turned into three small golden paper cranes.

He muttered something to the paper crane, and then blew a sharp breath.

The three paper cranes immediately rose into the sky, flew far away, and soon disappeared into the night sky.

Han Laoliu watched Jin He disappear, turned to me and said, "Let's get the Sword of Dusk now. If it's a little later, we'll never have the chance!"

After saying that, he walked quickly.

Although I couldn't figure out what was going on, I quickly followed him.

The heavy snow continued to fall, and the night wind in the valley became even more shrill. My clothes were soaked with cold sweat, like a pair of ice armor, cold and heavy. But I didn't care about that much anymore. I gritted my teeth tightly and ran quickly behind Han Laoliu.

Han Laoliu was so fast that I almost tried my best, but he kept pulling me out for fifty or sixty meters, and I saw him pulling me further and further away.

This time we descended the mountain from the back slope. Although there were fewer trees, the snow was extremely deep. Han Laoliu ran ahead, leaving only two footprints less than one centimeter deep, but I went deeper than my waist with every step. In the end, my chest was almost submerged, and I was almost crawling in the snow.

Han Laoliu, who was rushing ahead, turned to look at me, turned back, and picked me up without any explanation.

I was carried on his shoulders, and I felt the wind blowing in my ears.

Big trees passed quickly back in front of me, and the scenery in front of me became increasingly blurry.

We walked up the mountain for more than two hours, but this road was obviously more difficult to walk. It took Han Laoliu more than ten minutes to reach the foot of the mountain with me on his back.

After descending the mountain, he did not stop at all, and rushed towards the highest mountain with even greater strength.

I repeatedly asked him to put me down, but Han Laoliu refused and just kept moving forward.

Suddenly, a white light flashed out from the darkness behind a big tree and rushed straight towards my throat!

Han Laoliu was in mid-air, suddenly stopped, and at the same time he swung his sword to block.

Just a click was heard, and a startling sound exploded in the night sky!

Immediately afterwards, a large net with pale yellow light and shadow fell from the sky and came straight towards us.

Han Laoliu groaned, kicked each other, and twisted his body in mid-air, dodging in an extremely thrilling way.

The big net fell to the ground and turned into dozens of snakes. Each one had dazzling golden eyes. They kept spitting out blood-red snake letters, making a sizzling sound, and swam towards us quickly, holding us tightly. They formed a circle.

Suddenly, the surroundings around us suddenly became brighter——

The surrounding branches were already covered with snakes, of various lengths and thicknesses, there were hundreds of them!

The golden snakes shone brightly, covering ten meters around us like a golden wheat field.

"Hmph, Tiannan Yijian Han Laoliu is indeed quite capable. He can even dodge my golden snake net while carrying a person on his back." As he spoke, a figure flashed out from the darkness ahead.

This man was very tall, and he was covered in a huge black robe. Even his head was covered tightly, with only two shining red eyes exposed. At a glance, you knew he was not a character to be trifled with.

The sound of two sharp knives cutting through the night wind came from behind. I turned around and saw someone standing behind us.

This man was young, his hair was dyed green, and he was holding a curved snake-shaped dagger in each hand. The daggers were glowing with green light, and they were obviously poisonous.

This man looked familiar to me, but I couldn't remember where I had seen him.

Han Laoliu put me down, raised his hand and pulled out the ancient sword from the box.

I turned my back to Han Laoliu and opened my double sword to kill ghosts and gods.

No need to ask at all, these two guys must be the first-class worshipers of Longquan Villa lurking here!

As early as daytime, we overheard while hiding in the trees. They were in a group of two this time and were fully prepared.

"Golden Snake Old Man!" Han Laoliu said with hatred: "If I had known you were so ungrateful, I should have killed you all in the Sarke Tomb."

"Hahahaha..." The man in black robe laughed loudly: "Han Laoliu, you are too arrogant. At that time, you were invaded by the devil and you couldn't protect yourself. If you hadn't come in time on the first day of the new year, you wouldn't have killed anyone. It's easy to say, but you don't have such good luck today! Don't waste your green wood blood, it will just feed my golden snake."

After saying that, the guy slowly raised his hand.

As he raised his arm, the hundreds of golden snakes surrounding him raised their heads and stared at the two of us intently.

"Ah Qi, I'll leave that boy from the Zhang family to you." The man in black robe said to the green-haired man in front of me: "Didn't you say that you wanted to take action last time at Osmanthus Mountain?"

"But remember, be sure to kill him. Mr. Dong will still keep him around for reinforcements."

"Time is running out, we must fight quickly!" Han Laoliu said urgently with his back to me.

"Okay!" I nodded and clenched my swords.

The man in black robes laughed evilly: "Since you are in a hurry to get on your way, I will give you a ride. Children, it's time to eat!"

Then he waved his hand fiercely forward.

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