Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,396 Sword Demon Ah Qi (additional update)

The hundreds of golden snakes surrounding us immediately rushed toward us like a summer rainstorm.

"You stay here for a while, I need some time!" Han Laoliu said in a low voice with his back to me.

"Okay!" I responded, and quickly picked up my two swords and slashed them in all directions, firmly covering me and Han Laoliu.

This set combines the yin and yang sword techniques and the Yang family's spear technique to kill ghosts and gods. I have already practiced it to a high level. In just an instant, I chopped several golden snakes into two pieces.

I was feeling proud when I saw the snake corpse that I had chopped into two turned over on the ground and came back to life without even a drop of blood!

The one with a severed head protruded from his neck, and the one with a severed tail grew another one. Moreover, I just slashed wildly, not only did not kill one, but even more!

"This is a Yin Water Snake. It is not afraid of being cut by a knife or an ax at all. It needs to be affixed with the Earth Transformation Talisman." Han Laoliu whispered, and then handed me two ancient talismans with his backhand.

I quickly took it and attached it to the two knives.

A yellow light flashed on the blade, and the surrounding snakes seemed to have noticed something, spitting out snake letters and retreating one after another.

The man in black robe didn't seem to notice, and waved his hand again.

The group of snakes hesitated for a moment, then pounced as if they had just done so.

I hurriedly wheeled my knife to fight.

Sure enough, the two swords with the Earth Transformation Talisman immediately worked. As soon as they were struck by the blades, a black smoke immediately rose from the broken parts of the snake bodies, and soon turned into smoke and dust!

Soon, a thick layer of black soil and ash accumulated on the ground outside us!

Seeing that I had killed dozens of snakes in just an instant, the man in black robe was not only neither angry nor sad, but burst out laughing.

The laughter was extremely weird and unpleasant, and there was a hint of secret joy.

Although I had doubts in my heart, I didn't dare to relax at all, and still slashed wildly with the knife.

Suddenly, I felt my legs tighten, as if they were tightly grasped by something.

I slashed several times and swept away the group of snakes that pounced on us. I took a moment to look down -

Many roots sprouted from the dust that had accumulated on the ground. These roots seemed to have endless life. They grew crazily, tightly entangled my feet, and continued to spread upward. !

I hurriedly swung my knife to chop, but I didn't expect that the tree roots, which were only as thick as my thumb, were extremely tough, and even the sharp ghost and god swords were helpless!

If we don’t kill the snake, the snake will jump on us. But if we kill the snake, it will turn into a more difficult tree root. What should we do?

For a moment, I was a little panicked, and the speed of my hand gradually slowed down.

The swarms of snakes coming from the sky are getting faster and faster, and the tree roots are growing faster and faster. We are about to be entangled all over our bodies...

The green-haired man opposite me kept spinning the dagger in his hand, staring at me with squinted eyes, like a butcher looking at a fat pig tied to the table. Although he has not moved, it is obvious that he may rush forward at any time!

Judging from the previous means of attacking Han Laoliu, this guy's skills are not simple. If he suddenly takes action, even if I can protect myself, I can't guarantee that I can protect Han Laoliu behind me. After all, at this time, our feet were tied and our movement was greatly hindered.

"Don't be distracted and continue killing snakes!" Han Laoliu reminded me urgently when he noticed that my movements had slowed down.

I don't know what his plan was, but hearing his voice so confident, I didn't care about anything else at the moment and continued to swing the double swords and use the Yin Yang knife technique.

The golden snakes came like rain, and then fell on the ground like raindrops, turning into smoke.

The tree roots seemed to be nourished by the snake corpse, growing faster and faster. In the blink of an eye, they had reached the waist, tightly binding Han Laoliu and me together.

Seeing that the two of us would be tied into living rice dumplings, I turned my head and glanced at Han Laoliu, only to find that he had already returned his sword and sheathed it.

The tree roots continued to spread, and Han Laoliu simply closed his eyes and hugged his shoulders, as if there was nothing he could do.

"Haha!" The man in black robe proudly touched his chin: "Ever since I accidentally missed you last time, I have been looking for ways to deal with you. Finally, the emperor paid off and allowed me to find Cynomorium root and cultivate it into a golden snake. The art of transforming wood.”

"Aren't you just relying on the fact that you have the body of green wood? But your weakness is that you can't hurt the grass or the wood. I wonder what you can do this time? What, you still expect to save you on the first day of the new year like last time? ?"

"I'm afraid he can't save himself now! Hahaha, just wait and become fertilizer for my golden snake." After laughing wildly for a while, he raised his head at the green-haired man opposite me: "Ah Qi, it's your turn to take action. .”

The green-haired man shook the dagger in his hand and walked forward slowly.

I suddenly remembered who this guy was!

When I helped Zhang Xiaoai investigate the case of the missing girl, I caught up with the old man who was the culprit, only to find that he had been killed.

The old man was somewhat capable, but he was killed unknowingly, without even the slightest room for resistance. I couldn't figure it out at the time, and I even thought it was Mr. Dong Guo and Mr. Nan Guo who did it.

But it’s actually this kid!

He was the medicine buyer I followed that day!

He was from Longquan Villa, but he pretended to be an ordinary medicine buyer and secretly monitored the old man!

From this point of view, he is not only ruthless and very calm, but also a ruthless character who is extremely difficult to deal with.

But now Han Laoliu and I are tightly tied together from the waist down, what should we do?

The golden snake's attack suddenly stopped, and the tree roots had already entangled our armpits.

Ah Qi shook the dagger in his hand and walked over slowly.

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