Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1400 Modron

The little paper crane swayed its wings gently, circled around us, and then flew straight up to the top of the mountain.

Han Laoliu then took out a small mirror, and the scene at the top of the mountain slowly appeared in the mirror. It seemed that this was also a rare evil object!

But seeing the rugged rocks on the top of the mountain, covered with a thick layer of ice shell, it seemed as if countless giant beasts were entrenched, which was extremely weird.

The paper crane passed through the strange rocks. After flying for more than ten minutes, the eyes suddenly opened up.

In the center of the strange rocks is an extremely flat snowfield, with four large stone tablets more than ten meters high standing on the snowfield.

A long iron cable stretches out from under each stone tablet, leading directly to the bottom of the mountain. The other cables are all covered with ice and snow, and only the one we are holding is exposed.

Although the entire mountain peak is covered with ice and snow, the four stone tablets are clean without even a trace of snow!

The stone tablet is covered with blood-red writing, but the words are all twisted and weird. It's hard to tell which country the writing is in, let alone what is written.

The paper crane slowly leaned over, and for some unknown reason, the image in the mirror swayed gently like ripples in the water.

It is vaguely visible that a very conspicuous large hole is exposed next to the four stone tablets.

The entrance to the cave was about ten meters thick and red with blood, as if it were a bloody mouth that was about to swallow up the world.

Next to the cave entrance, two people were sitting.

An old man and a little girl.

The old man was wearing a tattered gray robe, and his hair and beard were all gray. He was holding an old black tree root in his hand, his eyes closed tightly and motionless.

The little girl is about six or seven years old, wearing a red dress, with long golden hair, bare feet, and big and bright eyes. At this moment, she is kneading the snowball with her white and tender little hands, which is so cute.

However, this scene is extremely weird!

This is the pinnacle of Devil's Valley. How could an ordinary child appear here?

Besides, the temperature here is almost minus 40 degrees, but the little girl is only wearing a thin skirt and bare feet!

There were also three people sitting under the stone tablet on the other side of the blood hole.

A guy was thin and thin, about one meter tall, but he had a huge head, the size of a wine jar. He stared blankly at the opposite side with two dull eyes, his mouth was still drooling, and there were layers of ice on his clothes.

Next to him was a tall, bald old man. Although the old man had a bald head, he had very long hair on the back of his head and around his ears. The beard is very short, but like a steel needle, the roots stand upright.

His hair and beard are all as white as frost, his tall aquiline nose, deep-set black eye sockets, and the undulating scars on his face make the hairs stand on end just by looking at him!

The last person looked quite normal. He was wearing a crisp black suit and a woolen coat that was as wide as his knees. He was holding a small silver suitcase in his hand and stood neatly behind the old man.

The two groups just sat quietly, as if waiting for something.

The paper crane continued to move forward.

The little girl seemed to have discovered something, turned her head and looked over, and then waved with a smile.

The paper crane immediately lost control and flew over quickly.

The image in the mirror blurred for a while, and then turned into darkness.

Han Laoliu put away the mirror, turned to me and said: "It seems that our guess is right, these guys are all gathered at the top of the peak! The bald old man should be Mr. Dong from Longquan Villa, and the big head next to him is in normal condition The ugly emperor. I’m still not sure who the man in the suit is, and I’ve never heard of such a number one person in Longquan Villa, but it’s definitely not easy for him to be taken by Mr. Dong!”

"There is also the weird old man and the little girl. Their origins are even more of a mystery. I have been in the underworld for so many years and have never even heard of them. I don't know what their real purpose is..."

I thought for a while and said: "They should have been alarmed by the news of the emergence of the Plessian Box, and like us, they thought of the Sword of Twilight. However, their purpose was not to obtain the Sword of Twilight, but to use the sword as bait. , leading out the monster."

"Here's the crux!" Han Laoliu looked solemnly: "If you can use the Sword of Dusk as a guide, the thing summoned must be extraordinary. What they want to do with it is the most worrying thing. "

"Let's go up and take a look first, but we must remember that no matter what happens, don't act rashly! Any guy can be very dangerous."

I nodded, followed Han Laoliu, and slowly climbed up along the iron rope.

The two of us didn't dare to make any sound, so we hid behind the strange rocks and slowly got closer. We didn't stop until we were close to the snowfield.


At this moment, another startling sound came.

Maybe it was because we were so close, it made me tremble and my heart almost exploded!

I quickly covered my mouth tightly to prevent myself from accidentally making a sound. The pain made me sweat and tremble. The blood flow rate in my body suddenly increased several times, as if it would break through the blood vessels and gush out at any time!

Han Laoliu also gritted his teeth and endured it, green beads of sweat the size of soybeans falling continuously.

The few people on the snowy field have hardly changed.

The man in the suit was still as straight as a gun, the Chou Emperor touched his hungry belly, one of the two old men had his eyes closed, the other had an expressionless face, and the little girl was having fun catching paper cranes.

Are their strength so strong, so much higher than the two of us?

Just when I was in shock, I heard another loud noise.

The sound came from the blood hole in the middle of the snowfield.


Suddenly, a blood-red mist spurted out from the entrance of the cave, melting a large area of ​​ice in one fell swoop, and it continued to spread, turning the entire snowfield into a tragic red color.

Mr. Dong's extremely gloomy eyes flashed suddenly, and he said loudly to the opposite side: "Hui Robe, we found the Sword of Dusk, and we also discovered the modron first. What are you doing? You really want to snatch it away. Can’t do it?”

Although his tone was extremely tough, it was not difficult to find from the words that he was extremely afraid of the mysterious old man in gray robe.

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