Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1401 Duel with the Sun-Destroying Sword

The old man in gray robe sitting next to the blood hole remained motionless, as if he didn't hear it at all and ignored it completely.

Mr. Dong said angrily: "Hui Pao! Our Longquan Villa has always been on good terms with you. Do you really want to have a grudge this time?"

As he spoke, he took another step forward. As he took another step, a black smoke suddenly rose from behind him, and the red snow within a radius of two meters under his feet also immediately turned black.

The Chou Emperor, who was sitting blankly on the side, seemed to have noticed something. He suddenly stood up, stretched out his arms, clenched his fists, and screamed. His originally thin and withered body immediately grew crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, it reached more than four meters in height. The muscles bulged layer by layer, bursting through the clothes and pants. The whole body was covered with long black hair. He looked like a giant gorilla!

It's just that his head hasn't changed at all. In comparison, the huge head just now seems extremely small.

He stretched out his furry palm, which was half the size of a door panel, wiped away the snot from his nose, stared at a pair of fiery red eyes, and rushed towards the opposite side.


This guy was so heavy that every time he stepped on the ice, he would leave a huge deep footprint, making the ground tremble!

The old man in gray robe still closed his eyes tightly and did not move. The little girl sitting next to him turned around, glanced at the Chou Emperor, grabbed the snowball next to him and threw it over, shouting in a sweet voice: " Beat you to death, you ugly monster!"

The snowball hit the Chou Emperor and smashed him to pieces.

But what was extremely surprising was that such a huge ugly emperor was staggered and took several steps back.

Amidst the continuous crackling sounds, dozens of cracks appeared in the several-meter-thick ice, which spread out like thunder and lightning.

One of the cracks spread to the bottom of a boulder, and the boulder exploded into pieces!

When I saw this scene, I was immediately shocked and stunned.

What are the origins of this old man and this young man? Such a seemingly weak little girl can actually have such great power with a casual blow.

The Chou Emperor was furious at this blow. He roared to the sky and rushed forward again.

"Ugly Emperor!" Mr. Dong quickly stopped him, and the expression on his face became even more gloomy. His pair of extremely gloomy eyes stared at the old man in gray robe, and he gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Okay! If that's the case, don't blame me. You're welcome! By then, your family's thousands of years of inheritance will be cut off, and it will be too late to regret."

As he spoke, he raised his hands high, looked up to the sky, and muttered something.

The black smoke rising behind him suddenly became vigorous and turned into dozens of black shadows, drifting straight to the opposite side!

"Hold your breath, the smoke is poisonous!" Han Laoliu reminded me softly.

I quickly covered my mouth and nose, and saw that wherever the black shadows passed, everything was stained black, and thick smoke spread everywhere.

"Drink it quickly!" Han Laoliu said extremely nervously, took out a small dark green bottle from his arms and handed it over.

I quickly took it, tilted my neck and drank it.

The black smoke continued to spread, and an extremely pungent fishy smell flowed in the air. Even after I drank the green juice from the bottle, I still felt dizzy and nauseous.

The entire top of the mountain was wrapped in black smoke, making it impossible to see the scene in front of him clearly.

There were screams one after another coming from the darkness.

The sound hit my ears and penetrated deeply into my heart, making me uneasy and very anxious.


Suddenly, a deafening loud noise came, suppressing all the noise.

At the same moment, the black smoke suddenly shrank, and the light returned to my eyes.

The black smoke was rapidly rushing towards the center of the snowfield. In the blink of an eye, it gathered into a bunch and quickly got into the bloody hole.

The area around the blood hole was empty, and all the people just now were gone.

Han Laoliu looked around and said: "It seems that they have all entered the modron. The Sword of Dusk must have been taken away by them. Let's go and have a look. As long as the Sword of Dusk is still there, there is hope!" "

Although his strength is far superior to mine, he is still a little unable to face so many top masters in the world of evil spirits at the same time. Moreover, it can be seen that he knows everything about the situation in the modron. Going there this time must be very dangerous, but in order to save me and recover the Sword of Dusk, he is willing to take risks.

For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

I don’t know what secret is hidden in me that makes Bafang Mingdong protect me like this.

Senior Rat, Zen Master Baimei, T-shirt Man, Han Laoliu...

"Let's go." Han Laoliu took two steps forward. Seeing that I still hadn't moved, he turned around and urged, "We don't have much time left...get out of the way!"

Just as he shouted loudly, I also noticed a dark wind coming from behind me, and I quickly rolled away.


A ray of white light came flying towards me, landing right where I had been hiding.

There was a loud click, and the boulder that was as big as a millstone immediately shattered.

But the white light was coming unabated, and it turned around and flew towards me again.

I hurriedly waved my knife to block it.

Bai Guang was knocked away by the twin swords that killed ghosts and gods, and then turned around and flew towards Han Laoliu.

Han Laoliu drew out his ancient sword and struck with his hand, but Bai Guang seemed to be quite afraid and did not dare to touch him head-on. He turned erratically, made a big circle, and flew into the huge rocks.

"It's the lazy Arhat!" I shouted loudly.

I have seen this white light just now. It was the ghost that killed several mercenaries yesterday. The manipulator was Lazy Arhat.

"That's right, that's right. The boy from the Zhang family is quite capable. He was able to dodge my Sun-Destroying Knife." The Lazy Arhat touched his bald head with one hand and turned out from behind the strange rock.

Zhi Duoxing, who was dressed as a fortune teller, also walked out from the other side with his hands behind his back: "Who am I talking about? It turns out to be Han Laoliu. We haven't seen each other for a long time."

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