Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1402 Ice Divine Thorn (Additional update)

"Stop talking nonsense!" Han Laoliu shook his ancient sword, walked a few steps in front of me and said, "If you want to murder Zhang Jiulin, you must first pass me! Zhi Duoxing, do you dare to fight me. "

"No, no, no." Zhi Duoxing waved his hands repeatedly: "You also know that I have always been unarmed and never fought with others. Your opponents are them." After saying that, he pointed towards Lazy Arhat and then nodded behind us.

I turned around and saw that just a dozen meters away from us, the golden snake old man also showed his head from behind the strange rock.

He sneered and said: "Han Laoliu, aren't you quite strong? But why were you running last night?"

"However, this is an ice field on the top of the mountain. There is no vegetation like grass and trees. Your skill will be greatly reduced. Let me see where you run this time!"

Lazy Arhat, Zhi Duoxing, and Golden Snake Old Man, these three guys darkly formed a triangle, surrounding the two of us.

The Sun-Destroying Sword, the Golden Snake Net, and the Qimen's Secret Formation of Zhiduoxing, it is by no means as simple as one plus one equals two. Even if the two of us use our full strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with it.

"Hurry up and deal with this kid so that we can go down and help Mr. Dong. Gray robe is not easy to deal with. I'm a little worried just relying on the Chou Emperor and Ghost Bones." Suddenly, from the open space diagonally opposite the two of us, Another extremely cold voice came out.

It was obvious that the voice was right in front of us, but we clearly couldn't see anyone.

Is this an invisible and transparent person?

So a total of eight people came to Longquan Villa? Is there an invisible man among them who has never been seen?

This time, the situation is even worse!

Not only did I not expect it, but even Han Laoliu, who was very familiar with the details of Longquan Villa, also did not expect it. His expression suddenly changed, and he said in shock: "Are you... Bing Yinzi?"

"Humph, it's useless for you to know who I am." The voice said coldly, and then shouted to the people below in a commanding tone: "Leave the Zhang family boy alone and kill Mr. Han directly." Six! Do it!"

The Lazy Arhats seemed to be extremely afraid of him and did not dare to disobey orders. Upon hearing what he said, they all hurriedly took action.


The white light was like lightning, and the Sun-Destroying Sword shot out six rays of light and shadow, rushing straight towards Han Laoliu.

Whoosh whoosh!

Hundreds of golden snakes swayed and weaved into a large net.

And at the same time, eight lights and shadows lit up around us, and golden spells rose into the sky, forming a bright wall about ten meters high around the two of us.

Immediately afterwards, the golden snake and the sword shadow came to kill!

At this moment, I didn't dare to hesitate. I directly mobilized Ran Min's power, sprayed two streams of blood on the ghost-killing swords, and swung them wildly.

Han Laoliu also activated the ancient sword, shot out a flame, and fought desperately!

I knew that these guys didn't want to take my life, so I deliberately stood in front of Han Laoliu, shielding him from the fatal attack that was heading towards the vital point.

The two of us almost tried our best, and spiritual energy surged out of our bodies, but even so, we were still a little unable to withstand it.

In the blink of an eye, my arm was cut several times by the Sun-Destroying Knife. Han Laoliu was bitten by the golden snake several times, and his clothes were torn in several places.

However, his body was indeed extremely astonishing. Some green water just flowed out from the break, and then it healed automatically and became intact as before. Neither the Golden Snake nor the Sun-killing Knife could really hurt him.

But I could also see that his spiritual power was greatly consumed. Green beads of sweat were rolling down his forehead, and his sword moves gradually slowed down.

"A bunch of trash!" the cold voice scolded sternly.

Immediately, an icy air rushed towards him.

Click, click, click!

Amidst the continuous sound, wherever the cold air passed, a row of ice spikes more than one meter long immediately condensed, and the roots were like spears!

Han Laoliu and I were trapped in the light of swords and snake shadows, unable to escape at all. Seeing the cold coming, we rushed towards Han Laoliu.

I didn't have time to think too much, so I pushed him hard and pushed him aside.

But when I tried to escape again, it was already too late, and the cold air swept over my left arm.

The arm was immediately covered with a thick layer of ice, and it was still spreading rapidly.

Before I could react, most of my body turned into an ice sculpture!

Han Laoliu turned around and looked, his face changed drastically, he waved his sword repeatedly, fending off several slanting sword shadows, completely ignoring the golden snakes that rushed towards me, and rushed in front of me in a few steps, and puffed out a green scorpion. The blood spurted on me.

As soon as the blood fell on the ice, a puff of white smoke came out. Then the ice melted and I felt free again.

But at this moment, the second wave of cold air rushed over again. It took a lot of effort for Han Laoliu to rush in front of me. The mouthful of blood also caused a huge loss of spiritual power. It was not easy to avoid such a rapid cold air? With a click, he was swept away.

The cold air suddenly surged up his body, covering his whole body with just a breath. Even his hands and feet were sealed, making him unable to move at all!

"Jiulin, run! Don't let them..." Han Laoliu screamed loudly, but just halfway through the shout, he suddenly lost his voice.

His whole body was frozen solid, almost like the surrounding rocks!

Just when I was extremely stunned, another wave of cold air came rushing over.

I don't know what kind of powerful evil thing Bing Yinzi used, but it was so powerful that I couldn't crack it at all, so I could only run away.

However, the surrounding area has long been surrounded by formations, and there are swords, lights, snakes and shadows constantly attacking. It is not easy to avoid the cold air.

After dodging seven or eight times in succession, I finally escaped and was swept by the cold air on my calves.

"It's over!" I secretly screamed something bad.

In the blink of an eye, the entire lower body was completely sealed!

"Jilin, throw away your swords!" Suddenly, I heard a very familiar voice coming from behind me.

I didn't even have to look, I could tell it was the voice of the man in the T-shirt.

At that moment, I threw away the two knives without hesitation.


Just as I threw away the two swords, a thunder exploded in the sky!

The thunder was so loud that it shook my whole body, and then, a bright blue light swept over me like a strong wind.


The surrounding formations collapsed immediately and disappeared without a trace with a bang!

The blue light broke through the formation, whirled past me, and then rushed towards Han Laoliu, who was frozen into an ice sculpture.

As soon as the blue light blew, the ice on my body melted immediately, turning into a puff of white smoke and disappearing.

The ice shell on Han Laoliu's body also melted away instantly, and he regained his freedom.

(PS: Updates will be added in the next few days, don’t worry!)

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