Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1403 Rescue! Famous moves from all over the world

After Han Laoliu regained his freedom, he immediately grabbed the ancient sword tightly and inserted it into the ice and frozen soil with a bang!

A bud immediately sprouted from the place where the ancient sword was inserted.

The buds grew with the wind, and almost suddenly jumped two or three meters in two to three seconds, becoming as thick as a bucket, and they continued to grow rapidly.

"Soul of Aoki!" The invisible man who had never shown up suddenly screamed: "Hurry up and stop him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lazy Arhat pointed the knife in his hand at Han Laoliu, and the six knife shadows gathered into a bunch, as fast as lightning, and flew straight towards Han Laoliu's throat.

Han Laoliu did not avoid it at all, as if he had not noticed it at all, staring at the green vine under the sword.

Green sprouts sprouted from his ears, nostrils, and the back of his head, and a dark green rune shone in the middle of his forehead, shining brightly.

Just as he was about to wipe out Han Laoliu's throat with a beam of sword light, he was suddenly stopped by an eight-sided Han sword that flew diagonally and was entwined with lightning!

With a snap, the light of the sword immediately dimmed.

Jin Snake Sou followed the command and made the golden snake pounce on Han Laoliu. At this time, an extremely clear and long cry suddenly sounded in the clear sky.

Immediately afterwards, a fire phoenix about seven or eight meters long came from the sky. With a wave of its wings, many golden snakes were immediately burned to charcoal.

Almost at the same moment, three waves of clear roars resounded throughout the entire frozen snow valley.

"All directions are moving!"



The sound was heard one after another, getting closer and louder. When the last sound stopped, three figures jumped down from all around, protecting Han Laoliu and me tightly in the center!

One of them was the man in the T-shirt. He stretched out his hand and held the Eight-sided Han Sword in his hand. He raised his sword eyebrows and faced Lazy Arhat.

Another guy wearing a bright red Tang suit with red hair and red eyes unfolded a fiery red paper fan and stared at the Golden Snake Sou.

The third man was wrapped in a snow-white mink coat, even his head and face were tightly protected, leaving only a pair of shining eyes. He kept turning the pair of crystal white and translucent balls in his palms, facing the seemingly empty space, and snorted disdainfully.

"All directions are moving!"

Zhiduoxing took two steps back and screamed loudly.

After his call, I immediately woke up!

When I first entered the valley, Zhiduoxing told Lazy Arhat that after my grandfather died, there were animals from all over the world who were secretly guarding me.

Among them, Senior Shu and Zen Master Baimei died one after another, I had known the man in the T-shirt for a long time, and Han Laoliu also lived together for several days. The remaining two must be Master Feng and Xiao Bailong.

"Long time no see!" The cold voice said solemnly: "I didn't expect that you guys from all over the world would get together again." "

Although his voice was still cold and aloof, anyone could hear that it was a little more fearful!

"Hmph! Longquan Villa has actually used so many people. If we don't take action, no one in this world can deal with you, right?" The man in the T-shirt said coldly: "However, since we are gathered together today, no matter what No matter what conspiracies and tricks you set up, you will never succeed. The world will eventually be peaceful."

"Bing Yinzi!" said the little white dragon who was hiding in a thick mink coat and holding a crystal ball in his hand: "For the sake of the fact that we both came from the Leng family in Tianshan, I would like to advise you to leave Longquan immediately. Villa, return to Tianshan to plead guilty, and maybe there will be a good result. If you continue to persist in your obsession, don't blame me for ignoring the friendship of the same family. "

"Hahahaha..." A loud laugh suddenly sounded in the vast snow.

That laughter was extremely arrogant, yet extremely cold!

"Xiao Bailong, I haven't seen you for more than ten years, but you are getting louder and louder! You don't even know the ice concealment technique, why should you fight with me? If that damn old rat hadn't blocked the knife for you back then, you would have done it again How could you hurt me?"

"However, if I really talk about it, I have to thank you. If I hadn't been seriously injured by you, I wouldn't have been able to bear the humiliation and find the most precious ice thorn in the world! Are you still my opponent now? Hahahaha, Come on, come on, let’s settle the old and new grudges together today.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a white shadow covered in wind and snow rushed over with a roar.

Before the white shadow arrives, the wind arrives first.

Everyone's sleeves were bulging and fluttering in the air.

There seemed to be countless ice knives hidden in the strong wind, and even long marks were scratched on the boulders behind us!

The strong wind roared and roared, rolling up all the snow on the ground. Even the thick layer of permafrost was stripped off a layer of skin, and it rushed towards the few of us extremely violently.

"Mountain." Little Bailong didn't dare to be careless. He shrank his eyes and threw a crystal ball out of his hand with a bang.


As soon as the crystal ball landed on the ground, it immediately grew countless times in size and turned into an extremely huge snowball - the size of a three-story building, standing right in front of us.

The strong wind blew by, and the boulders on both sides behind us were blown to pieces, but we were safe and sound hiding behind the snowballs.

The snowball rolled forward, and the little white dragon took two steps back at the same time.

"What are you waiting for? Why don't you take action yet?" Bing Yinzi shouted wildly: "Don't fight with others, capture Zhang Jiulin immediately. This is the owner's order."

As soon as several people heard his order, they immediately took action.

The golden wall that had just been destroyed by the man in the T-shirt gathered together again, and was several times more dazzling than before, emitting streaks of golden light that made it almost impossible to open one's eyes.

Hundreds of golden snakes emerged out of thin air, with a pair of shining golden wings sprouting from each snake's back, constantly swallowing blood-red snakes, making sizzling noises!

The Sun-Destroying Knife rose into the sky again, and one path turned into two, and two turned into four. In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred paths appeared, and the direction of the sword tip was covered with blood!


Another gust of extremely cold wind howled.

Almost at the same moment, there were golden lights, golden snakes, and cold sword light, three-pronged attack!

The center of the attack is me!

The man in the T-shirt groaned, and drew out the Eight-sided Han Sword. Thunder light flashed in it, blocking the hundreds of cold rays coming towards him.

Master Feng unfolded his folding fan, and a fireball the size of a dinner table flew out and headed straight for the group of snakes.

Xiao Bailong also threw the other crystal ball out, and at the same time, he opened his palms and pushed it out violently.

Seeing that a fierce battle was imminent, I immediately wielded my double sword to kill ghosts and gods, and was about to fight outwards.

"Jilin, grab Ivy quickly, it's important to find the Sword of Dusk!" Han Laoliu shouted.

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