Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1405 The Golden Gate

"I'll stay here too." Xiao Bailong wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth: "Although Bing Yinzi's injuries are not light, he was a disciple of the Leng family in Tianshan. I believe he will recover soon. It will be troublesome if we come back again. You all don’t know the special skills of the Leng family in Tianshan, it’s hard to deal with, and if he seizes the entrance to the cave, it will be useless even if we get the Sword of Dusk.”

"Besides, Mr. Dong is my nemesis. I am injured now. If I really go down, I will only drag you down."

The man in the T-shirt nodded: "Okay, then Master Feng and I will accompany Jiulin down! You two guard the entrance of the cave. The black-hearted monk is still waiting below. Gui Duoxing probably won't be able to come back."

"Jiulin, let's go." As he said that, he put the Eight-sided Han Sword back into its sheath and walked towards the blood hole.

I bowed deeply to Han Laoliu and Xiao Bailong, turned around and left.

I couldn't bear to look at the scars on their bodies because they saved me. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to help crying!

Only now do I fully realize that there is a group of people who have been protecting me, even at the risk of their own lives! Facing these people, I am filled with gratitude, but I have no way to express it.

At this time, I can only bury this kindness deep in my heart! After this crisis is completely resolved, I will ask them clearly what their hopes are and what expectations they have for me, and then I will spare no effort to achieve it.

Master Feng and I followed the man in the T-shirt and went straight to the blood hole.

The blood hole was bottomless, bright red, and there was something hidden underneath. The smell of blood was so strong that I almost vomited it out.

"Just put a leaf in your mouth." After the man in the T-shirt said, he picked a leaf from the ivy and put it in his mouth.

Sure enough, after I did this, the leaves in my mouth exuded a unique fragrance, and I couldn't even smell the slightest bit of blood.

The man in the T-shirt grabbed the ivy and slid it into the hole. The ivy slowly moved downwards. Master Feng and I followed closely and entered the blood hole.

The green vines continued to descend, and the cave walls were covered with bright red bloodstains, thickly spread layer after layer. It was impossible to tell whether the bloodstains were dirt or stones - it seemed like a huge blood vessel. , and the three of us are like insects wandering in our blood vessels.

The further down you go, the brighter the blood becomes.

As the ivy continued to descend for nearly an hour, we finally reached the bottom.

There was a channel full of blood at the bottom, and even the ground was gurgling with blood, submerging our knees.

But what is very strange is that there are oil lamps lit on both sides of the underground passage. Every ten meters or so, there is a dark black lotus lamp, fluttering and shining, brightly illuminating the underground blood channel. But it also made the bright red all over the floor even more dazzling, making people unconsciously creepy!

The man in the T-shirt drew the Eight-sided Han Sword and walked ahead. Master Feng unfolded his folding fan to protect me behind me. The three of us walked forward in knee-deep blood. After walking for more than half an hour, a door suddenly appeared in front of us.

The door is very heavy and extremely tall.

It seems that they are not for human use, because the copper ring on the door alone is more than two meters high.

The door is fully carved with an extremely complex picture.

The pictures are all reliefs, completely different from the bright red scene around them. They are completely pale, with only a bloody handprint in the middle.

The blood stains haven't dried yet, so they must have been left recently.

The painting is very strange. The scene above looks like the sky and the sea.

Under the extremely magnificent background, there are many small islands or clouds floating, and each island or cloud has its own group of people or monsters living on it.

Some have horns on their heads, some have three heads and six arms, some have wings, and some are not human-like at all, with many tentacles like an octopus, some with a fish tail and an ox body, and some with an elephant head and a turtle's back... It's like a strange combination of various animals.

There are many similar islands or floating clouds on this background, extending to the end, seemingly endless.

The entire statue is weird and peculiar. It is fully inlaid with gems of various colors, and even the frame is inlaid with gold. Under the light of the two extremely tall oil lamps in front of the door, the golden light shines, making it look stunning and luxurious.

There are five small holes carved under the door, each with a very simple picture.

A drop of water, a pile of fire, a leaf, a stone, an iron needle.

"This is... the Five Elements Lock?"

The man in the T-shirt turned around and looked at each other. The three of us almost said in unison.

Five element locks are not unfamiliar to us. Many sects use this method of five elements to create access control.

The method to crack the Five Elements Lock is very simple, just find the corresponding object and put it into the corresponding keyhole.

However, it is very clear which five elements should be put into which hole.

Because you don’t know, when you first set up this lock, whether you used mutual generation or mutual restraint, or simply flattened the five elements.

In other words, in the keyhole clearly painted with wood, there are three possibilities: if it is mutually beneficial, water will be released, if it is in conflict, metal will be released, and if it is flat, wood will be released!

And once you misplace it, the five-element lock will automatically close. If you want to try again, you may have to wait until some time. Moreover, some designers have also set up very powerful mechanisms that will automatically open if misplaced, killing everyone in front of the entire lock formation.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to untie these five holes correctly.

Besides, we are in such a terrifying and gloomy underground blood cave at this time, and we don’t dare to try randomly.

So just such a five-element lock somewhat stumped us!

"You guys step aside for a moment and I'll give it a try." The man in the T-shirt thought for a moment and said.

"Are you sure?" Master Feng asked.

"At this point, we can only give it a try! We don't have much time." The man in the T-shirt said noncommittally.

Blah, blah!

At this moment, a very strange noise suddenly came from the blood behind us, as if something was swimming in the water.

Are there any monsters here?

Master Feng raised his bright red long eyebrows fiercely, waved his folding fan, and threw out a small fireball.

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