Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1406: Group of Blood Corpses

The small fireball was only the size of a disc, but it shone like a searchlight. It hung more than a foot high above the bloody water and slowly flew forward.

After being illuminated by it, the thick blood immediately became clear and transparent.


The sound from the distance came again, and this time we heard it more clearly. The sound came from underwater, and it was extremely fast!

A thin wave surged out of the blood-red water and rushed straight towards us. Master Feng waved his folding fan gently, and the small fireball sped up and flew towards the waves.

Under the light of the small fireball, a human face suddenly appeared under the stream!

This face is simply terrifying to the extreme. Half of it is made up of cracked bones, while the other half still has some flesh and blood, only the eyeballs are left, and the fangs are grinning, dragging a body of half-rotted bones. Coming quickly towards us.

Master Feng immediately controlled the small fireball to adjust its direction and followed it closely.

This guy was running very fast. He swam in front of us in the blink of an eye. Then he let out a cry, burst into blood, and pounced on us viciously.

"Fire!" Master Feng shouted loudly, and a beam of fire flew out and hit the guy's head.

There was a loud bang, and the bones were immediately blown to pieces.

"This is... a blood corpse?" I was a little shocked.

"Yes." Master Feng nodded: "This is indeed a blood corpse, but the reason for its formation is very special. The real blood corpses are those who had too much resentment before death, and were buried in the extremely dark place, absorbing the freshness. His blood turned into a bloody corpse."

"But this bloody corpse... seems to have been formed just now, and it has not completely died!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a series of denser sounds came from a distance one after another, and they were exactly the same as before.

The three of us couldn't help but be stunned at the same time.

If this sound still comes from blood corpses, how many are there now?

Master Feng hurriedly waved his folding fan and controlled the small fireball to continue flying into the distance.


Under the illumination of the small fireball, an extremely terrifying scene appeared in the bloody water - dozens of bloody corpses were crawling out of the water, each one grinning in horror.

If ordinary people saw this scene, they would be scared to death. Even the three of us couldn't help but secretly take a breath.

This is a bloody corpse. Even if one is unearthed from a thousand-year-old tomb, there are dozens of them here!

"You two resist for a while, and I'll break the Five Elements Lock first!" After the man in the T-shirt finished speaking, he turned around, no longer paying attention to the bloody corpse, and concentrated on studying it.

I drew out my twin swords for killing ghosts and gods and took a step forward. I stood side by side with Master Feng, looking straight ahead.

Suddenly, I noticed something special.

Most of these bloody corpses have been half-rotted, and the clothes on their bodies are in pieces. Once stained by blood and water, their original appearance has long been lost. But the only thing they have in common is that, without exception, they all have a small sign tied with a metal chain around their necks.

This little brand... I seem to have seen it somewhere.

At this moment, a bloody corpse crawled in front of me. The flesh on the left side of his face had not completely rotted, revealing the tattoos engraved on his face.

This time, I immediately remembered it!

Isn't this guy the first dead body that Han Laoliu and I found when we first stepped into the valley - the white mercenary?

"These are the first batch of mercenaries to enter the valley." I reminded loudly.

"What?" Master Feng turned his head and looked at me in great astonishment: "You mean, they were still alive at least ten days ago?"

"Yes!" I nodded with absolute certainty: "I saw one of them yesterday. At that time, he was just a dead body, not like what he is now."

Master Feng's body trembled suddenly, and he asked urgently: "Is the ghost bone you and Han Laoliu were talking about carrying a small silver-white box in your hand?"

"Yes." I nodded strangely.

"Then I know who he is!" Master Feng's expression was extremely solemn: "He was the one who made these bloody corpses!"

"There is only one passage in the blood cave. We just walked past these corpses. If no one passes by, they will always be just corpses. But once they feel the popularity, they will immediately transform into corpses! There is blood here, It’s not surprising that they turned into bloody corpses.”

"This..." Upon hearing this, I asked quietly: "How powerful is he that he can lay out such a powerful formation of blood corpses casually?"

"Very scary!" Master Feng looked ugly, and at the same time, the muscles on his face trembled unnaturally.

"Be careful!" At this moment, a group of bloody corpses were no more than ten meters away from us. Master Feng unfolded his folding fan, and seven or eight fireballs flew out of the air, hanging two meters above the bloody water, circling continuously.

The fiery red light reflected the billowing waves above the bloody water, the bright red color piercing the eyes.

A bloody corpse burst out of the blood, followed by four or five more, with bright red blood dripping down.

One by one, they opened their big mouths, danced their white claws wildly, and rushed towards us.

"Broken!" Master Feng slammed the folding fan in his hand and shouted sternly.

The two fireballs closest to the blood corpse immediately flew out and collided with several blood corpses flying into the air.

Under the burning flames, several bloody corpses immediately shattered into pieces!

At the same time, more than a dozen more came out, and Master Feng quickly turned the fireball to attack them.

In this gap, two bloody corpses emerged from the side as if they had super intelligence, and rushed towards Master Feng's side and behind the blind corner.

"Cut!" I hurriedly swung my knife to chop.

With a click, the bloody corpse was chopped into two pieces by the ghost-killing swords and fell to the ground.

"Cut again!"

With another slash of the knife, I cut off the bloody corpse's head, and then I raised my foot and kicked him far away.

Click, click, boom...

Just as I was desperately using the Yin Yang Sword Technique, a loud noise suddenly came from behind us.

(Today is the birthday of loyal reader Linghu. I would like to wish her a happy birthday and thank her for her unswerving protection of Lao Jiu’s works over the past two years! Lao Jiu’s two books will be updated at the same time.)

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