Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1408 The five elements are in conflict with each other (more updates)

"What does this mean? Is there a third door?"

The three of us looked at each other very strangely, and when we looked closer, we found that there was a very ancient pattern carved on top of each cave entrance.

The pattern neither looks like a charm nor a word. It is so winding and convoluted that it is extremely difficult to identify what it is.

"This is also a Five Elements Gate!" Master Feng studied it carefully and said, "However, this is not an ordinary Five Elements Gate, but the Heavenly Five Elements Gate!"

"Five elements of heaven?" I have never heard of this term, let alone what it means.

Master Feng explained to me: "In terms of solution, there is no essential difference between the Five Elements Lock and the ordinary Five Element Lock. There are still three types: mutual generation, mutual restraint, or the same. However, it is difficult to find a solution. For an ordinary Five Elements Lock, if you need water, you can just get some water from rivers and lakes, or wine, or drinks. If it doesn't work, even spitting will work. But the Five Elements of Heaven must be born with water-based spiritual things, and other things will not work. It’s useless, it’s the so-called Heavenly Object Breaking the Heavenly Lock.”

"On the first day of junior high school, do you still remember the great wizard Gulimu?" As he spoke, Master Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Remember, what's wrong?" The man in the T-shirt approached.

"Do you think these lines are somewhat similar to the inscriptions on his magic weapon?"

The man in the T-shirt came closer, looked at it carefully and said, "There is indeed some resemblance, but even if it is exactly the same, what's the use? Those inscriptions are all spells left by the great indigenous wizards in Europe thousands of years ago. Now, I'm afraid that No one can recognize it all..."

"Although these five mantras definitely mean metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, we can't tell them apart at all. It would be troublesome if we misplace them!"

As soon as I heard this, I couldn't help but become more confused.

Who is locked up in this modron, and who built it? He actually used so many strange gates and formations, and even combined Chinese and Western styles. Just this first gate was so difficult.

But long before us, the guys at Longquan Villa, as well as the extremely mysterious old man and little girl in gray robes, had all gone in. Either they were very good at deciphering formations, or they had already known about this place.

The Sword of Dusk opens the modron. What secrets are hidden in the modron?

"Hey, what is this?" I was thinking wildly when I suddenly found a white edge exposed in one of the holes.

I took out my phone, turned up the light, and shined it inside. Only then did I realize that it was a piece of paper.

However, most of the paper was squeezed into the gap, and only a small corner of half a centimeter long was exposed on the outside, and it was still folded together.

This is... paper crane!

The entire paper crane was tightly suppressed by the folded stone locks, with only half of its wings exposed.

"This is Han Laoliu's paper crane." I know his paper crane. After meeting the Golden Snake Sou for the first time, the two of us escaped on the paper crane. Under the wings are engraved several special words belonging to Han Laoliu. runes.

Although it was shrunk countless times at this time, I still recognized it at a glance.

After climbing the snow peak, Han Laoliu borrowed the paper crane to explore the way, and then the strange little girl took it away to play with, but now he appeared here.

Presumably when the old man activated the formation, the little girl also put a hand in and accidentally pressed the paper crane inside.

"Let me see!" Master Feng came over, looked into the cave entrance, and suddenly shouted with great joy: "It is indeed Lao Liu's paper crane! I have a solution."

As he spoke, he gently shook the paper fan in the direction of the hole.

The fire flashed, and immediately, the small piece of paper exposed on the outside flew out.

He grabbed it in his hand, looked at it, and said with great certainty: "This Heavenly Five Elements Lock uses the method of mutual restraint. It is made of wood, so just put gold in it."

The man in the T-shirt also took the small piece of paper and looked at it: "Yes! Lao Liu is the body of green wood. His paper crane was nourished in the hole, and even produced leaf patterns, which should be wood holes. To overcome wood is metal, It should be right to invest money.”

"Since this magic circle mechanism will not change, how they cracked it is how we crack it!" After saying that, he pulled out the Eight-sided Han Sword with a swipe and inserted it straight into the stone cave.

Although his long sword contains thunder and lightning, it is still an ancient magic weapon after all, and the attribute of the sword is naturally gold.

As the Eight-faced Han Sword was inserted, the cave made a rattling sound, and then there was a snapping sound, as if a mechanical spring was untied.

Now that the first one has been solved, the remaining ones will naturally fall into place.

Master Feng, whose nature is fire, shouted loudly, turned the paper fan in his hand into a ball of fire, and threw it into the golden cave.

The second machine spring also opened.

"Now it's time to combine the earth." The man in the T-shirt said, and Master Feng each took out a golden paper crane from his body.

At this time, I finally understood why Han Laoliu released three golden paper cranes immediately after hearing the strange noise last night. It turned out that he was going to look for the T-shirt man, Master Feng and Xiaobai separately. Dragon comes to help!

The reason why the three of them arrived so promptly and found them so accurately was probably because of the help of paper cranes!

The two of them put the two paper cranes together, and took out two leaves from the ivy that they had picked when they were bleeding. Then they faced each other with their palms facing each other, and a faint stream of green smoke came out between their fingers. .

When it was unfolded again, the paper crane and leaves were gone, leaving only two filaments.

The man in the T-shirt carefully picked up the thread and put it into the hole.

With a rattling sound, the third hole was also opened.

"Phoenix, don't be reluctant to part with it! Take it out quickly!" The man in the T-shirt said to Master Feng.

Master Feng reluctantly took out a small colorful gourd from his arms, slowly poured a drop into it at the entrance of the fire-shaped cave, and finally put it into his arms as if he was afraid of being snatched away by others.

There was also a rattling sound at the entrance of the cave, and the door opened.

The wood nature Tianbaolai that was needed to overcome the earth finally stumped the two of them.

Master Feng pinched his beard and frowned, while the man in the T-shirt turned around anxiously.

"Forget it!" Suddenly, the man in the T-shirt waved his hand and walked towards me: "It's time to tell you this anyway, it's more important to save my life first!"

As he spoke, he yanked a hair from my head and threw it into the hole.

At the same moment, the last door opened!

Boom! Boom!

As waves of heavy and unusually loud noises came, the huge stone door slowly rose upwards.

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