Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1409 Heaven and Hell

None of the three of us dared to be careless, so we quickly took a few steps back, each holding on to his own weapon and staring straight ahead.

This modron is so weird, and even the first gate is so tightly designed. No one can predict the danger hidden behind the door.

But when the door slowly rose to the height of one person, we were suddenly stunned.

Behind the stone gate, not only were there no zombies, monsters, or ghosts, it was not even as dark and damp as imagined.

On the contrary, it is simply a paradise on earth!

The cave inside the door is extremely high and wide, thirty to thirty meters long. Dozens of small round holes are scattered on the top of the cave, and the sunlight slants in, illuminating it with infinite brilliance.

Under the sun, there is a small river about ten meters wide. It is extremely clear and crystal clear. The bottom of the river bed is full of colorful pebbles. Koi carp, which are more than half a foot long, swim around leisurely.

A thin layer of white mist filled the surface of the river, just like the veil covering the girl's face, hazy and mysterious.

On one side of the river is a straight cliff, smooth and translucent. The other side is full of green flowers and plants, and the flowers are in full bloom, vying for beauty.

The river flowed gurglingly, flowing straight down through a crack in front of the stone gate. With the stone gate as the boundary, it formed a very sharp contrast with the bloody stream outside.

One place is light, one place is dark.

One side is picturesque, like a fairyland, and the other side is covered in blood, like hell!

"Don't be careless, be careful." The man in the T-shirt came to his senses, stepped through the gate first, and stepped onto the shore.

Master Feng and I followed closely behind, and we all became alert at the same time.

After all, there were several ruthless characters who had already broken into it before us.

There were many bees and insects swirling among the flowers and grass. After being disturbed by me, they dispersed one after another.

We had just walked not far when there was a sudden sound of a machine spring turning behind us, and then, with a loud boom, the ground shook slightly.

The man in the T-shirt stopped, turned around and said, "The giant door is closed..."

"Since this mechanical door is designed so tightly, it can be seen that there is only such a passage in the modron. And this door is one-way and cannot be broken from the inside. There is really no way to retreat!" Master Feng stroked his jaw. Hongxu said very worriedly.

"That's nothing." The man in the T-shirt thought for a moment and said, "Although Mr. Dong is extremely powerful, he is also an extremely cautious person. If he is not completely sure, he will never come in. Since he has a way to get out. , we will definitely be able to find it.”

As he spoke, he turned his head and used the ancient sword to move the flowers and grass while looking around very carefully and slowly searching forward.

I don’t know how those guys got there. We walked a hundred or ten meters without finding any trace.

The soil under the grass leaves and flower branches is fertile and soft, and there are no traces of footsteps.

There was even a huge spider web that almost completely blocked the way, but not even a single thread was broken.

"No!" After walking for a while, I suddenly shouted loudly: "They walked from the river!"

When the T-shirt man and Master Feng heard what I said, they immediately stopped, stared at me and said, "How do you know?"

"We just walked so far and didn't find any traces. No matter how powerful they are, they will never be able to leap hundreds of meters without touching the ground, but look!"

As I said that, I pointed towards the cave wall on the other side and said: "The small shallow pit was obviously left not long ago. I paid special attention to it just now. There is one every twenty meters, and the height is almost the same, just like It's like someone is using his strength to support the pole. And..."

I pointed to the bottom of the river again: "Look here again. The river here is slightly wider and the water is slightly shallower. The stones in the middle have some water chestnuts exposed. Logically speaking, there is no one here all year round. These stones should be extremely It's right to be mellow, but this place is different from other places, it's obvious that it has just been turned over."

"Taken together, there is only one result: they walked from the river!"

The T-shirt man and Master Feng suddenly woke up when they heard what I said.

The man in the t-shirt nodded and said: "That's true, but that's where the blame lies. There's obviously a way to go and there's no danger, so why would they choose to walk in the river. Unless..."

"Unless there was a ship here!" I suddenly thought of it and responded urgently.

"Yes!" Master Feng suddenly understood: "Although this seems to be an uninhabited land, don't forget that there is an exquisitely designed gate outside."

"Since there is a door, no matter how ingenious the design is, it has only one function: to prevent others from entering and to facilitate your own return. From the water lines on both sides of the cave wall, we can see that the river will rise every once in a while. , then there will be no way to go to the shore, and the only way to get to the inside is by boat, which is reserved for him to use when he comes back."

"That's not right." The man in the T-shirt thought for a while and said: "There are two groups of people entering the modron, and they are incompatible with each other. It is impossible to take the same boat. If the original builder left it for his own use , and there is absolutely no reason to leave two ships.”

What the man in the T-shirt said is indeed very reasonable, but we can't think of any answers for the time being, so we can only move on.

"I know!" Suddenly, I saw a foxtail grass in the distance and shouted out suddenly.

Before the two of them could ask questions, I ran over quickly and pulled out the grass from a bank that jutted into the middle of the river.

This foxtail grass grows very lushly, with thick roots and large leaves. However, all the leaves drooped down, and the leaves that should have been light green also turned into dark green, and there were many small crystal water drops on the grass ears.

"What is this?" The man in the T-shirt and Master Feng looked at me in confusion.

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