Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1410 The Father of Satan

"This grass has always been growing by the river, and it should have remained unchanged. But look, what does it look like now?"

"It's like being frozen after an autumn frost." The man in the T-shirt replied.

"Not bad!" I nodded: "It was just frozen! And I'm sure it must have been the old man in gray robe or the little girl who did it! Before you guys came, Han Laoliu and I met them twice. footprints."

"The old man's footprints were very heavy, several times deeper than those of ordinary people, and even deeper than those of the gigantic Ugly Emperor; but the little girl was just the opposite, leaving only a shallow mark on the snow. layer, almost lighter than a bird.”

"She once hit Chou Huang with a snowball. The small snowball seemed to suddenly become extremely hard in her hand. A person as big as Chou Huang was almost thrown down the valley by her. So, I secretly thought, she must have What ability to control ice and snow."

"It just so happened that there was a river here. They must not have been in a boat at all, but were walking on the ice on the water! This grass was closer, and it was frozen and deformed."

"Walking on ice?" Master Feng was stunned for a moment: "In this case, Xiao Bailong can also do it, but he is a member of the Leng family in Tianshan, and he has to rely on a pair of cold ice balls in his hands, but that How did the little girl do it?"

The man in the T-shirt waved his hand and said: "Don't leave in a hurry. Now that you have entered the door, you should not be far from them. We might encounter them at any time. Let's study the situation in front of us first."

"There are five people walking in front of us, divided into two groups. One group is an extremely mysterious old man in gray robe, with a little girl who seems to be able to control ice and snow."

"The other group is the people from Longquan Villa, Dong Lao who is good at illusions and poisons; the Chou Emperor who can become huge in a short time and has thick skin and flesh and great strength; and a young man named Ghost Bone..." The shirtless man stopped as he spoke and looked at Master Feng: "What's his background? You seem to know who he is?"

Master Feng's expression changed: "His name is Cardsimon. You may not be familiar with this name, but you must have heard of his other name: Father of Satan."

Everyone has heard of Satan, he is the notorious devil in the Western world. Also the enemy of God.

However, the name "Father of Satan" is only slightly circulated in our ghost circles.

It is said that this guy was originally an extremely devout priest. Later, for unknown reasons, he left the Eastern European cathedral with extremely favorable conditions and rushed to Africa all the way.

A few years later, he completely gave up or even betrayed his belief in God, and began to prepare a project that sounded extremely crazy and ridiculous to outsiders - resurrecting Satan!

He claimed to the outside world that he would give Satan a second life, completely reborn Satan, and destroy the world! Eliminate all pain and strife, and say that only death is the real eternity.

At first no one cared, and no one believed what he would do, but soon after, his series of actions surprised everyone!

He first sold an extremely remote island from a small country and spent a lot of money to buy all kinds of corpses. There were dozens of corpse ships heading to the island every day.

According to professional estimates, he has purchased at least tens of thousands of corpses!

A piece of the mummified pharaoh's head is missing from the Egyptian pyramids, and it's said he did it.

An old man in the United States who specializes in collecting all kinds of ominous objects was beheaded and died at home. After the police took inventory, nothing was missing except for half a skull dug out of an old Mayan site.

And just a few afternoons ago, he had just received the Father of Satan.

Later, the Chinese dragon bones, the Buddha corpses in India, and the holy bodies in Europe were all lost, and it is said that they were all related to this guy.

The father of Satan is extremely paranoid and frantically collects all kinds of corpses and bones.

Most people said that he had a mental problem, but some experienced people in the circle were slightly worried, saying that this guy might have mastered a special spell...

Just when everyone was talking about it, this guy appeared in several world-famous dangerous places one after another. Every time he appeared, countless people disappeared mysteriously there.

Unexpectedly, this guy came here again and mixed with Longquan Villa.

"I have met him once." Master Feng said with a solemn expression: "I was entrusted by a friend to go to the Holy Bone Burial Ground once, and saw the father of Satan there. I saw him with my own eyes in just a few minutes. Inside, he turned everyone into zombies, and then collected something from the corpses and put them into the small silver-white box."

When Master Feng talked about this matter, he seemed to recall the scene at that time. A trace of fear flashed in his eyes, he shook his head slightly, and concluded with great fear: "This guy is simply a devil!"

Even Master Feng reacted like this. You can imagine how scared this guy is!

"Although this guy is very powerful, fortunately, the mysterious old man in gray robe seems to be very difficult to mess with. Since they all rushed here all the way, there must be something attracting them. Maybe they will start fighting among themselves. Well, our goal is just the Sword of Twilight. When the time comes, we can completely wait for the opportunity." The man in the T-shirt briefly analyzed.

"It's best this way." Master Feng nodded: "They take their things, and we take our Sword of Dusk. It's best if we don't get involved with each other. If there is an unavoidable conflict, never fight with them. These guys take action."

I thought for a while and said: "When the time comes, we will attack the Chou Emperor first. After all, it seems that he is the weakest among these people."

"Although the Ugly Emperor has no IQ, his strength should not be underestimated." The man in the T-shirt reminded me: "Don't forget, he was the person who guarded the altar of Longquan Villa at the beginning. His ability to survive to this day is by no means just relying on Being rough-skinned and thick-flesh is so simple, even your grandfather almost suffered a loss at his hands back then."

When the man in the T-shirt mentioned my grandfather, my curiosity was aroused again. I turned around and asked: "In the first year of junior high school, what happened back then? How did my grandfather die? Why did you fight to protect me? Also, When I opened the door just now, why could I use my hair to decipher the Five Elements of Heaven?"

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