Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1411 Eternal Guard (Additional Update)

The man in the T-shirt was stunned for a moment and was about to open his mouth to say something.

Master Feng stopped him and said to me: "Jilin, now is not the time. I can only tell you that the responsibility you bear is extremely important. It is not only related to the life and death of the entire Yinwu Realm, but also the life and death of the entire Yinwu Realm. It may affect everyone’s fate. Remember, it’s everyone!”

His tone was extremely serious, and the expression on his face was unprecedentedly solemn.

"However, there are some things I can tell you." The man in the T-shirt seemed to be afraid that I would continue to ask questions, so he paused and continued.

"Back then, after your grandfather knew the secret of Longquan Villa, he was plotted by Longquan Villa before we could all gather together. Although he was the strongest among us, he couldn't stand up to the many opponents and escaped with serious injuries. After that, I couldn’t support it anymore.”

"After we learned about it, we rushed to Wuhan and saw the suicide note he left for us. He said that you are the destined son of fate, and we must protect you. When you are strong enough, Long Qingqiu's conspiracy will naturally be shattered .”

"At that time, we decided to seek an explanation for your grandfather's death! But Longquan Villa took precautions and invited the Thirteen Taibao who guarded the altar to come out."

"The Thirteen Taibao are a special team of Longquan Villa. They are extremely secretive. No one except Long Qingqiu knows about their existence. They were secretly formed by the first owner of the village because he was afraid that his enemies would destroy the entire village. The mysterious power has always been dedicated to the most powerful thugs in the village, and there have always been only thirteen of them."

"The lazy arhat, golden snake old man, and wise man you see these days are all one of them."

"There is also a sword demon Ah Qi." I added: "He was killed by Lao Liu last night."

The man in the T-shirt nodded and said: "Although they are all extraordinary in strength, they still have to face masters from all walks of life, so the replacement of casualties is inevitable. For example, almost all of the people you have met joined later. .The Thirteen Taibao back then were much stronger than they are now! Among that group of people, the only ones you have seen are Bing Yinzi and Chou Huang."

"Bing Yinzi and Xiao Bailong both come from the Leng family in Tianshan, and they are also his senior brothers. When the seven of us entered Longquan Villa, we were ambushed. In order to save us, Baimei and Mouse blocked the back and were seriously injured. , As a result, his strength was greatly reduced, and he has not recovered for so many years, and then..." The man in the T-shirt said, shaking his head slightly unbearably.

When I think of Senior Shu and Zen Master Bai Mei, I feel very sad.

The man in the T-shirt paused, looked at me and continued: "Jiulin, don't feel guilty or guilty. Mouse, Baimei and even the rest of us are completing our missions."

"Our mission is to keep you safe and sound, so that you can grow up as quickly as possible..." When the man in the T-shirt said this, he suddenly stopped talking, and then changed the topic: "This time Longquan Villa has set up a dragnet, not only to deal with You even want to attract a few of us and catch them all in one fell swoop."

"They know that as long as we catch you, even if we are all alive, we won't be able to cause any trouble. But if we can get rid of you all, we will never have any future troubles! So, no matter what this time, we will put the Twilight Take the sword back."

"Boy, remember!" Master Feng suddenly interjected with a heavy face: "No matter what happens, you must not be impulsive, and you must survive until the end. Otherwise, the sacrifice of the mouse and Baimei will be in vain, and our years of sacrifice will be in vain. All your efforts are in vain! Do you understand what I mean?"

I was stunned for a moment, then nodded heavily.

What he meant was that if something unexpected happened, every one of them would sacrifice their own lives to die for me without hesitation.

And I, before I have grown up completely and am not capable of completing that mysterious and important mission, I can only watch them die!

"Okay!" Master Feng nodded, took out the small gourd that was just in front of the stone gate and handed it to me: "There is only the last drop of spiritual liquid left today. If something happens soon, it cannot be avoided. A fierce battle occurs, especially once the father of Satan takes action, you don't care about anything, just drink it immediately, turn around and run away, can you do that?"

I held the small gourd in my hand and was filled with confusion.

The meaning of his words couldn't be clearer, but...

"You must do it, because this is your mission! Your mission now is to survive." Master Feng said seriously.

"Jilin, this situation is indeed extraordinary. The level of danger is far higher than any other time before. You must live until the end! Even if we all die in this, you must live until the end. The last person left will tell you all the truth, promise me!" The man in the T-shirt also looked at me solemnly.

"Okay!" I held back my tears and nodded heavily to the two of them.

I know what this promise means!

I know what this decision entails!

Neither Master Feng nor the man in the T-shirt said anything. They patted me heavily on the shoulder one after another, turned around and walked forward.

We were all silent, no one spoke.

The bees continued to play cheerful music along with the rushing water, but my heart was extremely heavy. I squeezed the small gourd in my hand tightly and couldn't be happy no matter what.

Quack, quack…

Suddenly, there was an extremely harsh sound in the mist that filled the river.

The man in the T-shirt who was walking in front suddenly stopped his feet and held down the scabbard of his sword with one hand. Master Feng unfolded his folding fan and stood in front of me.

Quack, quack quack.

The sounds came one after another, and I could vaguely see a dark thing floating over from the river in the distance. This is where the sounds came from.

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