Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1412: Corpse Imprisoned by Iron Cables

The thing was getting closer and closer, and the three of us were ready to take action at any time.

"It looks like a boat!" the man in the T-shirt standing at the front said suddenly.

Master Feng and I took a closer look, and sure enough, a boat floated far away on the river.

I saw that the boat was completely black and slightly pointed at both ends, and it was slowly going down the current. It was only a few years old, and it made rattling sounds from time to time under the beating of the waves.

As we got closer, we could see clearly that the boat was empty and there was nothing.

The man in the T-shirt took two steps closer to the shore and used the Eight-sided Han Sword to turn the boat over.

There was a black rope tied to the bow, presumably for tying the stakes. But now only half of it is left. Judging from the marks on the break, it should have been broken not long ago, and it is definitely not because of the aging of the rope, but man-made.

"That's weird!" The man in the T-shirt thought to himself and said, "According to the calculation just now, Mr. Dong and the others should have driven away the boat. Even if it lands ashore and is not needed for the time being, it should be tied up first so that it can come back. How could you break the rope and put it back when you use it?"

"Maybe they didn't break it." Master Feng stroked his fiery red beard: "It's probably the old man in gray robe, or... there are some monsters we don't know about hidden in the modron."

"Don't worry about it for now." The man in the T-shirt said: "As long as we haven't gotten back the Sword of Dusk, we have to keep chasing. Whether we meet them or encounter monsters, it is inevitable sooner or later. Now that we have a ship , then let’s take the water route instead! The builder must have a reason to leave the boat behind.”

After saying that, he straightened the bow of the boat and motioned for Master Feng and me to get on first.

As soon as we both sat down on the boat, the man in the T-shirt pushed hard and the boat returned to the middle of the river.

The direction of the water flow was going against ours. The man in the T-shirt and I quickly waved our swords, temporarily acting as oars, and rowed hard.

The speed of the river is not very fast, and there is almost no resistance. With the vigorous paddling of the two of us, the boat travels extremely fast.

After paddling for more than twenty minutes, the originally clear and transparent river water became gloomy. The river water became deeper and deeper, and the river channel became narrower and narrower.

Then, after crawling through a dark hole, both sides of the river turned into towering stone walls, leaving only the waterway in front of them.

Fortunately, we just chose to take a boat. If we had continued walking on the shore, we would have had to go into the water now.

The water flow was getting faster and faster, and the man in the T-shirt and I didn't dare to relax at all.


Suddenly, there was a creaking sound on both sides of the ship, as if it had been scratched by something.

"There seems to be something in the water!" Master Feng quickly folded his fan and summoned a small fireball.

I looked through the firelight and saw two corpses.

The two corpses were extremely tall, probably about two meters tall. They looked like they had been dead for many years, and the flesh and skin on their bodies had shriveled up, leaving only their skeletons. But the strange thing is that their clothes have not rotted yet. They are wearing bright red robes. The style is also very weird, much like the Catholic Church from the West.

The bones were swept downwards by the river water and clattered on the side of the ship, making an extremely harsh creaking sound.

"Paddle left!" The man in a T-shirt sitting on the bow suddenly shouted.

I hurriedly waved my swords and moved them hard on the right side of the boat. As soon as the boat moved away, a large piece of white stuff floated across the water.

I turned around and saw that they were all bones!

This large piece of white bones was swept away by the river water, churning and rolling away.

Master Feng controlled the small fireball and flew lightly to the far side of the bow, illuminating the scene ahead.

As the fire faded away, the scene ahead became clear. However, the three of us couldn't help being shocked. The river in front was actually filled with bones!

Under the surface of the river, it is already filled to the brim. If it hits, the boat will capsize!

"Quick, grab the stone wall!" the man in the T-shirt ordered loudly.

I picked up my two swords and thrust them into the crevices of the rocks by the river. Master Feng also stretched out his hands to hold them tightly.

The boat rushed down and was about to hit the bones.

The man in the T-shirt yelled: "Open!"

A bolt of lightning flashed from the Eight-faced Han Sword, and it slashed towards the pile of bones.

After a loud explosion, a gap was forced out of the pile of bones!

"Hurry, now!" the man in the T-shirt shouted loudly.

I immediately drew out my two swords and struck the stone wall hard, and Master Feng also kicked me hard.

The boat was shot out like an arrow off the string by the reaction force.

The three of us didn't dare to stop, so we rowed wildly all the way, and finally escaped from the pile of bones.

Twenty minutes later, under the light of the fireball, we discovered that there were many iron chains hanging on the roof of the cave in front, each one as thick as a wrist, and there were thousands of them. There are bits and pieces of things swaying on top.

When the boat got closer, I could see clearly that the person hanging on it was actually a person!

Just like the white bones in the river just now, they have long been dried and hanging at the top of the cave entrance. They are so densely packed that you can’t see them at a glance. There are probably thousands of them!

It seems that the bones in the river were originally hanging on top, and the people walking in front chopped them down because they thought they were blocking the way.

What on earth is this place and what are these people doing? The three of us said nothing, we were all shocked by the sight in front of us.

After walking upstream for more than half an hour, this shocking scene finally came to an end.

At the same time, the river water also reached its source——

They flowed out from under a huge black rock.

There is a long staircase built on the black stone, leading to a dark cave entrance.

The man in the T-shirt jumped ashore first, pulled the boat to a dark corner, and tied it to a stone pile.

Later, Master Feng and I found some rocks and put them on the boat, letting it sink slightly into the water and hide it. After all, we have to use it to return the same way later.

After everything was packed and we were sure there were no flaws, we walked up the long stairs.

At the end of the stairs is a thick stone door, but someone has long smashed a big hole in it.

The passage inside is extremely narrow, only allowing one person to pass through, and it is pitch black. Master Feng and the man in the T-shirt changed places and summoned small fireballs to serve as street lights.

It was impossible to wield a weapon in such a narrow passage, so I used the invisible needle. The man in the T-shirt pinched a high-quality talisman and walked in after me.

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