Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1413 Sheepskin Map

The passage slanted downwards and turned a few corners. I don't know where it leads?

It was eerily quiet. Except for the footsteps of a few of us, there was no movement at all. We could even hear each other's breathing clearly.

After walking for almost thirty minutes, we finally reached the end.

At the end was a large stone door that was as thick as a fist, and it was also smashed into pieces.

Master Feng turned the small fireball and looked around. Behind the door is a small stone house, which is relatively spacious, but the construction is very rough. The walls, floor, and even ceiling are almost in the most original appearance, exactly as they were just after being excavated.

There were a lot of messy things scattered on the ground.

We walked over and took a closer look. They were all tattered clothes, rags of linen, and some extremely rough pottery pots and basins. Among these broken things, there were several broken bones.

The heads of the several corpses were all facing the direction of the passage we just walked out of. All the bones were faintly black, even deep into the bone marrow, and they looked as if they had been poisoned during their lifetimes.

There were some fragments of linen hanging on the bones, which should be the clothes they wore during their lifetime. They turned into dust at the slightest touch, which showed that they were extremely old.

There were a few lines of messy footprints scattered on the ground, which should have been left by the people walking in front. I knelt down and took a closer look. They were all adult footprints, not the little girl's.

"These bones are different from those hanging above the river." The man in the T-shirt squatted down and concluded: "The bones on the river should be of martyrs arranged according to some formation, but these few bones - the remains from them From the clothes, abandoned items, and teeth and hand bones, it can be basically judged that they are all slaves, and they are most likely the builders of this modron."

Master Feng nodded: "That's true, but it's a bit unreasonable that this magic tomb is so huge and only has so few builders."

On the other side of the stone room is a large rusty iron door. Although it was also smashed, it still stood sideways and did not fall down for some unknown reason.

The man in the T-shirt stepped forward and pulled it, and the iron door fell down with a bang. Then there was a loud crash and something black suddenly fell down.

The three of us hurriedly got out of the way, and when we looked at it again, we couldn't help but be shocked.

What came crashing in was corpses, scattered in piles like a hill, sealing the door!

These corpses are the same as those in the stone chamber. They are all black, and some even have black teeth. It is obvious that they all ate something highly poisonous before their death.

A pile of black corpses was piled at the door like a hill. There were at least several hundred people. Under the light of the fire, the bright black skulls glowed faintly, which was extremely terrifying.

"So that's it!" Master Feng paused and said, "It seems that these people were all the builders of the modron, but they all died of poisoning. They should have been killed when they were about to be completed."

I nodded, thought for a moment and said, "Yes, it seems that what we just walked through was not the main entrance of the modron, but the escape path created privately by these builders."

No matter at home or abroad, whenever a large mausoleum is built, when the mausoleum is about to be completed, all the craftsmen involved in the construction of the mausoleum will be killed to avoid leaking the secrets inside.

Therefore, there were many smart craftsmen who dug secret passages for escape at the beginning of the construction of the mausoleum.

However, it is obvious that these people suffered bad luck before they could escape.

"That makes sense." The man in the T-shirt nodded: "The passage we came in was not only rough, but also extremely narrow. The real entrance to such a large tomb would never be so narrow, otherwise how would the coffin be lifted? Come in?"

After the three of us came to a unified conclusion, we began to clean the bones aside, trying to clear a passage.

Perhaps because of their age, these bones are very light in the hand. Each corpse was wrapped with a lot of linen fragments, mixed with many scattered trinkets, some were small copper rings, some were broken tobacco pouches, and some scattered copper coins.

The three of us are originally merchants of femininity, so we are naturally very familiar with these things. After a little identification, we can see that they are all things from the early and late Tang Dynasty.

There are also many small signs scattered among the pile of bones. The signs are not big, only six or seven centimeters, with small holes drilled in one end. It seems that they should be tied with ropes. There are words engraved on both sides.

It should be a number plate that everyone carries with them, something like our current work ID card.

It's just that those characters are not Chinese characters. They are very complicated and winding. The man in the T-shirt looked at them and said: "They are all in ancient Tibetan. Although I can't recognize what they mean, this is definitely true."

Tang Dynasty? Tibetan?

Hearing what he said, Master Feng and I were both a little strange.

This is the hinterland of Siberia, Russia. It is far away from Tibet, and the road is extremely difficult and dangerous. Not to mention the Tang Dynasty a thousand years ago, even now, if you don't take a plane, it will take a lot of effort to get here from Tibet. , let alone building such a huge ancient tomb here.

What’s even more weird is, what are the father of Satan, Longquan Villa, and the extremely weird old man in gray robe doing here again?

"Look!" Suddenly, Master Feng pointed forward.

It turned out that a parchment was exposed among the pile of bones, and the parchment was tightly grasped by a white skeleton.

Even now that the bones and flesh have long since rotted away, it is still very difficult to pull the parchment out of the finger bones. You can imagine how tight this man's grip was when he was about to die.

The man in the T-shirt and I pulled out the parchment and looked at it by flashlight, and found that it turned out to be a map.

Although the lines on the map are very simple, they can be seen clearly.

We studied for a while and suddenly discovered that this is what was painted on the picture!

Although we have only walked a short distance, there is nothing wrong with that stone staircase! The location connecting the stone chamber, as well as the length of the passage, where to turn, and how long each bend is, are exactly the same as the narrow passage we just walked through.

We were worried that we knew nothing about this place, but now we actually got a map, which was like a divine help.

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