Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,414 The Identity of the Tomb Owner (Additional Update)

But the strange thing is that all the lines on this map are drawn with charcoal and are pitch black. There is only a hexagonal area, but it is bright red!

"It seems that this is the center of the modron, and those guys must be rushing there!" The man in the T-shirt was very excited: "Since the Sword of Dusk is in their hands, as long as we rush over, we can found it."

"Of course this is a good thing, but..." Master Feng hesitated slightly: "But you two have noticed that there is only one road to the outside world on this map, which is the one we walked when we first came here."

"In other words, we only have this way of retreat, but don't forget that the door can never be opened from the inside."

"These craftsmen don't know this. They think that escaping from the cave is the only way to survive. Little did they know that there is no return from the modron!"

"Hey, that's not right!" T-shirt suddenly said in shock: "Do you still remember the stake that tied the boat?"

"Remember, what's wrong?" I was a little surprised, why did he suddenly remember this?

"The big black stone is smooth and round, with no bulges, but it is just right. There is a stone pile erected in the dark near the water. It seems to be specially used to tie the boat! We thought wrong at the beginning. The boat It's not for people to come in, it's for people to go out." The man in the T-shirt explained.

For going out?

Master Feng and I were immediately shocked.

This is a modron and an ancient tomb. Will the people inside still get out?

That is……

"But that's not right!" I pondered for a moment and said, "Even if the guy who designed the tomb really hopes that the owner inside will come back to life one day, and then get out from here, wouldn't it be enough if the door is designed to be opened from the inside?"

"That's because... he has to deliver meals to the owner of the tomb on a regular basis!" After the man in the T-shirt said this, even he was so surprised that his expression suddenly changed.

If a layman doesn't understand, Master Feng and I will immediately understand that the rice is the dead bodies hanging in the river!

What the owner of the tomb ate was not a corpse, but the breath of a living person. To be more precise, it was the last breath of Li Yang Qi that he exhaled before death!

Those people were hung alive on the ceiling of the cave to starve to death, just to feed the tomb owner with their last breath of Li Yang Qi!

Who is the owner of this tomb?

What is he going to do?

We have no way of knowing what kind of evil magic is being used, but the only thing that is certain is that the guy who borrows this evil magic to resurrect is simply a demon on earth!

If we wait for the devil to appear, we may not be able to deal with it even if we gather all our comrades!

No wonder the father of Satan came here, no wonder Longquan Villa would not hesitate to send so many experts.

But what was that extremely weird old man in gray robe doing here with the little girl?

The three of us were silent for a long time, and the man in the T-shirt said angrily: "If this is really the case, even if it is not to help Jiulin get back the Sword of Dusk, we still have to fight hard, and we must not let these guys succeed."

Master Feng and I didn't speak, and quickly sped up the action of picking up the bones. We were very clear about what this news meant.

After working for a long time, a passage was finally cleared.

Master Feng released a small fireball. Seeing that there was nothing unusual outside, we each drew our weapons and walked out very carefully.

Outside is a wide corridor paved with bluestones.

There are many stone carvings on the stone walls on both sides. The craftsmanship is extremely exquisite, but the content is very strange.

The entire stone wall is carved with bats. There are thousands of bats, large and small, and they are all painted bright red with cinnabar.

Maybe it’s the ancient meaning of ‘Hongfu Qi Tian’?

The corridor turned a corner and connected to an extremely wide large stone hall. Looking through the light of the fireball, eight large coffins were hung inside.

Each one is more than four meters long and two meters wide. They are all made of pig iron, and are tightly tied with large iron chains as thick as arms and hung in the air.

All of them are bright and bright red, which looks particularly dazzling in the dark stone hall.

Faced with such a strange sight, even we didn't dare to break through.

I took out the parchment map left by the tragically dead craftsmen and looked at it, trying to find another passage to go around, but I found that the structure of the tomb was extremely strange.

There are many large and small stone chambers and halls inside, almost more than a hundred, but they are connected together by a corridor, like a maze. To reach the final red-area, you can only walk through all the stone chambers, and you can never bypass any of them!

Moreover, both the area and structure are extremely complex, far larger and more complex than any ancient tomb I know.

Generally, ancient tombs of this size are the tombs of the most victorious emperors or the dominating princes. But judging from the tomb structure and decoration, he was definitely not an emperor.

Who is the owner of the tomb?

Who are contained in these eight large iron coffins?

Ding ding, ding ding!

At this moment, a very clear sound of bells suddenly came from the extremely remote ancient tomb, which was exactly the same as what we heard when we were fighting against the bloody corpses.

When we were surprised, there was suddenly a sound of footsteps coming from a distance, and they were coming towards us.

The three of us looked at each other and quickly retreated back to the corridor.

Master Feng extinguished the small fireball, and the three of us each held our weapons tightly and stared straight ahead.

The sound was getting closer and closer, it was extremely heavy, and even the ground shook slightly.

Slowly, a tall and strong figure flashed out of the corridor opposite the hall.

Although the tomb was very dark, through the dim light from the red paint of the iron coffin, I could still tell that it was definitely not anyone who had entered the modron before.

The black shadow was almost two meters tall, with a burly build, and seemed to be wearing an extremely ancient armor. There were horns on all sides of its head and shoulders, and it was holding an extremely heavy axe.

He walked very slowly, but every step he took made an extremely heavy sound, as if it weighed a thousand kilograms.

The three of us all moved the Heavenly Palace position in unison and secretly opened our Yin and Yang eyes.

There is no yin energy in this guy's body, but there is no yang energy either.

In other words, he is neither a human nor a ghost.

What the hell is this?

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