Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,415 Steel Puppet

The black shadow's steps were extremely firm, and every time a foot landed, there was a loud thud on the ground.

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to us, it was only less than five meters away.

The man in the T-shirt touched me secretly and pointed diagonally to the right. I immediately understood and nodded lightly.



The strange shadow took two more steps, and the huge ax was almost close to our faces.

Master Feng swung his folding fan, and a fireball the size of a human head flew out and went straight to the guy's door.

Almost at the same moment, the man in the T-shirt swung his eight-faced Han sword and rushed out suddenly. I also swung my two swords and shot out diagonally from the right side.

I came out with the knife, rolled on the spot, and slashed the guy's calf hard, while the man in the T-shirt stabbed his chest with his long sword!

The fireball shone with a dazzling red light and hit the guy's face...

Face, heart, legs, the three of us cooperated almost seamlessly, extremely fast!

No matter how powerful a master is, if he is hit by these three consecutive attacks at the same time, he will be seriously injured if he wants to survive.

But what I never expected was that this guy was unscathed!

The fireball flew past his face; my double swords and the Han sword of the man in the T-shirt struck him, and a burst of fireworks made our wrists numb.

The guy suddenly swung the giant ax in his hand and slashed at the three of us with his shoulder strap!

The ax was carried with the sound of whistling wind, and the cold light on the blade was dazzling. I knew in my heart that this move was powerful and heavy, and I must not take it forcefully, so I quickly rolled on the spot and hid.

The man in the T-shirt quickly pulled out a high-quality talisman and shouted: "Open!"

A bolt of lightning flashed from the Eight-faced Han Sword and struck towards the giant axe.

This move is a unique skill of the T-shirt man. Even a boulder can be smashed into pieces and a half-meter-thick steel plate can be pierced.

The swords and axes collided, making a loud noise in the darkness. Immediately afterwards, the man in the T-shirt was violently thrown out, flying three to four meters, and slammed into the iron coffin hanging in the hall, making a muffled sound.

And that guy didn't even move at all!

Master Feng took a few steps back and summoned a small fireball to rise to the top of the hall. At this time, we finally saw the true face of this guy.

He is a giant strong man with a height of 2.23 meters and a wide and thick body!

He was wearing an extremely thick steel armor, his head and face were covered tightly, only his eyes were shining with two red lights.

The giant ax in his hand is more than two meters long, the ax head is as big as a door panel, and even the ax shaft is as thick as a duck egg - such a big guy, it may weigh more than 300 kilograms, but he can still hold it in his hand, dancing so loudly The wind blows.

His face was slightly darker, which should be the traces left by Master Feng's fireball just now. Where the man in the T-shirt and I attacked fiercely, there was only a shallow white mark.

"Ahem." The man in the T-shirt coughed twice, wiped the blood that had just come out of the corner of his mouth, and got up from the ground.

The guy's hand that was holding the giant ax slowly lowered his grip, and his red eyes flashed slowly over Master Feng and me. He slowly turned around and stared closely at the man in the T-shirt.

As he slowly turned around, there was a strange rattling sound all over his body.

I clenched my swords tightly and stared at him intently.

No matter how dangerous he is, if he dares to attack the man in the T-shirt, I will never let him go!

This guy took two more steps forward, and then suddenly raised his giant axe!

I picked up my two swords and rushed over, but as soon as I ran two steps, I saw the man in the T-shirt blinking at me hard, as if to signal me not to move.

At the same time, he also stood still, about two meters in front of the strange man, motionless.

What was extremely strange was that the giant ax held high by the weirdo stopped and hung just above the head of the man in the T-shirt, never going down any further.

The giant ax was only more than one meter high from his head. If it was swung down at the same speed as before, the man in the T-shirt would probably have his head split open! My heart was in my throat, and I really couldn't figure out what he was doing!

At this time, the man in the T-shirt didn't even move his eyes, as if he was a wax figure. The weirdo in front of him seemed to be infected, just holding the giant ax high and motionless.

One second, two seconds...

I was so anxious that my hands were all sweaty, but I didn't dare to act rashly. I was deeply afraid that an accident would kill the man in the T-shirt.

Within ten seconds, the guy actually put away the giant axe, and then continued to move forward with firm steps following a rattling sound.

I finally felt relieved, and just when I was about to reach out to wipe my sweat, I saw the man in the T-shirt blinking at me, warning me not to move!

The guy walked slowly along the corridor where we came from, and the sounds became farther and farther away.

Listening to the voice getting smaller and smaller, the man in the T-shirt pointed to the front with his eyes, slowly stretched out three fingers, and bent them one by one.

The meaning could not be simpler: three, two, one, run!

At the same moment when he bent his last finger, I rushed out suddenly, and the man in the T-shirt also turned around and ran away. Master Feng seemed to have expected it, and followed him with a few strides.

The three of us ran through the hall in one breath and ran out of a winding corridor before stopping.

We had almost tried our best just now and were panting from exhaustion. Now that we saw that there was no danger for the time being, we all just leaned against the wall and gasped for air.

"What happened just now?" I couldn't help being curious and turned to ask the man in the T-shirt.

"That guy is a stainless steel puppet. Although he is extremely powerful and hard, he has no IQ at all and has no way to tell who is the enemy." The man in the T-shirt wiped the sweat from his face and explained to me: "Construction The craftsman of this puppet only left one instruction for it, and that is, anyone who moves will be killed without mercy!"

"This is in an ancient tomb. Everything is dead. Anything that can move must be a tomb robber! This puppet is extremely exquisitely made. By constantly patrolling along the established route, he can drive the gears in his body. He has endless kinetic energy, and this kinetic energy allows him to keep walking; the red light in his eyes is refined frog blood. Frogs have an extraordinary ability to perceive moving things, and the puppet uses this to distinguish We can’t tell where the enemy is, but as long as we don’t move, he won’t be able to find it at all.”

"Oh? There is such a wonderful mechanism in this world." After hearing the explanation from the man in the T-shirt, I exclaimed in surprise.

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