Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1416: Being Deceived

"Of course." The man in the T-shirt nodded: "The ancestors of the mechanism art are Lu Ban and Mozi in the Spring and Autumn Period. The stories of the two borrowing the mechanism to fight are recorded in many ancient books. It is said that Zhuge Liang got half a piece by chance. From the scraps, we developed the wooden ox and the flowing horse for transporting grain."

"At first, I didn't believe these things, but after seeing Lao Liu last time in the Sarke Tomb, I realized that it's not that they don't exist in the world, but that we don't know about them! Fortunately, we saw such strange things last time Mechanism, otherwise even if we are exhausted to death, we will not be able to do anything to this monster."

"Okay, let's go quickly. The puppet's patrol route should be to the pile of corpses, and he will be back soon." Master Feng patted the dust on his body and stood up.

In the stone room at the end of the corridor, dozens of large jars are neatly placed.

These large vats are all made of pig iron, each one is as tall as a person, and each vat has a charm attached to it.

These charms are very strange. They include ancient Taoist evil charms, Buddhist requiem charms, and some ancient Tibetan scriptures.

The three of us are all in the industry, so no one needs to tell us, we all understand that there are corpses inside! Moreover, judging from the talismans affixed to the outside, the sources of the corpses are also different, and the sealing techniques are also different. However, the reason why the tomb builder did this is extremely strange.

However, we didn't have time to study it carefully, so we quickly left here and continued walking forward, passing through more than a dozen halls in a row.

Every hall here is weird and weird, which makes people's scalp numb: some have skulls piled all over the floor, arranged into an extremely weird magic circle, with a black flag standing in the middle of the magic circle; some have a wall hanging The human skins are pieced together into an extremely weird pattern, which looks like both a human face and a ghost face; some are enshrined with various weird magic weapons, each with different shapes, very strange...

We didn't dare to move lightly, so we all walked around carefully.

However, I took out my phone and took pictures of all the images I saw.

"Wait a minute!" When approaching a corridor paved with light blue stone slabs, Master Feng, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and signaled me to wait for a while, then stepped forward and then stepped back.

I was wondering to myself when suddenly, a cold light flashing with blue light shot out and went straight to his throat.

Before I could scream in surprise, Master Feng closed his folding fan and knocked down the cold light with a snap. Then he reached out and patted a raised stone next to him.

But there was a rumbling sound of a mechanical spring in the stone wall, and then, countless black holes were exposed on both sides of the cave surface, and cold rays shot out as fast as sharp arrows and as dense as raindrops.

Master Feng calmly took a step back, and all the cold light shot out, leaving only a large area of ​​blue light under our feet!

Then, he picked up a small stone from the ground and threw it far away.

Just hearing a bang, the stone slabs on the ground suddenly flipped over, and there turned out to be a large pit two or three meters deep below, with densely packed pointed spears inserted upside down at the bottom of the pit.

"Okay, it's okay!"

Master Feng clapped his hands and walked forward with long strides.

Only then did I understand that Master Feng, in addition to being proficient in magical fire control techniques, was also very knowledgeable in mechanism techniques such as dark crossbows and traps. I finally understood why he had fought with the steel puppet after it appeared. The man in the T-shirt changed his position and walked in front.

Master Feng walked in front, destroying dozens of different mechanisms one after another, and soon crossed this light blue area.

Immediately afterwards, another closed stone door appeared in front, with many strange-looking sharp stones protruding from the door.

There are two black stone statues kneeling on the left and right in front of the door.

One has a man with a bull's head, the other has a man with a horse's face.

"A bull's head and a horse's face? The owner of the tomb is telling us that his tomb is more dangerous than hell." The man in the T-shirt joked secretly, and then stared at the strange stones intently, thinking about how to crack them.

"That's not right." Master Feng, who was standing aside while controlling the small fireball, suddenly seemed to have thought of something and said in shock: "First grade of junior high school, Jiulin, we have been fooled!"

"Fooled?" The man in the T-shirt and I were stunned and asked in confusion, "Fooled for what?"

Master Feng did not answer but asked: "According to the map on the parchment, is there only one road in the ancient tomb?"

"Yes." I nodded: "This ancient tomb is like a maze. If you want to get to the red area, there is only one way - you must go around all the corridors and stone chambers. What's wrong?"

"Are the people from Longquan Villa walking ahead of us?" Master Feng asked again.

"That's right!" The man in the T-shirt responded: "Before we reached the top of the mountain, they had already entered the modron, and the bloody corpses and red handprints in front of the gate of the magic circle were left by them, as were the several doors when entering the secret passage. They were also the ones who opened the sealed stone gate, this is correct, they were indeed in front of us... Huh?"

The man in the T-shirt was halfway through speaking when he was suddenly startled.

At the same time, I also figured out why Master Feng and the man in the T-shirt were so surprised!

There is only one way to go in this ancient tomb, and everyone in Longquan Villa is clearly in front of us.

Then there are only two possibilities. The first is that we catch up with them and the two groups meet.

The second type is that they are always in front and we are always chasing them.

But we walked all the way and didn't find any trace of them at all! Moreover, since I met the stainless steel puppet, the original messy footprints seemed to have disappeared. Only a pair of cloth shoe prints that were widely spaced appeared from time to time. I could tell that they were left by the old man in gray robe.

In other words, Mr. Dong, Emperor Chou, and the father of Satan of Longquan Villa all disappeared inexplicably!

Now that it is certain that they have indeed entered the modron, and we rushed over afterwards, the only possibility left is...

They hid behind us and treated us as cannon fodder exploring the front!

"Ship, do you remember the boat?" I suddenly shouted: "The break on the rope on the bow was made recently. At that time, we thought it was an accident, or it was cut by the old man in gray robe. Now I think it must be Longquan Villa. It was left for us on purpose.”

"You know that area is a waterway, and if there is no boat, we may not be able to get across, so you deliberately let us come over?" The man in the T-shirt asked in shock: "Then what is their purpose? Do they want us to come to their door automatically? Is that really true? If that was the case, they should have been ambushing them halfway? Could it be that they want to use us as a pathfinder?"

"That's it!" I nodded: "Although they are very strong, they are not much better than us in this extremely dangerous ancient tomb. If we talk about mechanism skills alone, they may not be as good as Master Feng, let alone , and there are other unknown dangers. They just want to use us as a pathfinder."


As soon as I finished speaking, an extremely harsh cry came from behind!

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