Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1417 Blood Bat

The three of us were stunned for a moment. Master Feng controlled the small fireball and looked back, only to see a bright red shadow flying across the sky, covering the entire corridor like a red cloud.

It's a bat!

Blood-red bats swept in overwhelmingly! The speed was extremely fast, and he rushed forward almost in the blink of an eye, only ten meters away from us.

There are thousands of bats in this group, large and small, each one is bright and colorful, showing two long pointed teeth, and they are squeaking and flapping their wings towards us.

This... aren't these the bat statues we saw on the stone wall after we walked through the pile of bones?

Why are they all suddenly alive?

If we were rushed by such a large group of bats, the three of us would be sucked alive into mummies within a few minutes!

"In the first year of junior high school, you think of a way to break through the door. I'll block it for a while first!" After Master Feng finished speaking, he opened the folding fan.

A small fireball shining in front suddenly enlarged and rushed towards the bat group with a roar.

Amidst the squeaking sounds, countless bats were burned into large and small balls of fire, banging against the wall and falling to the ground one after another.

But the fire was not extinguished yet, and new bats showed their ferocious faces from the billowing smoke and rushed forward with screams.

Master Feng did not dare to be careless and quickly summoned a second fireball!

This situation is like the scene in front of the modron gate, when they join forces to fight against the blood corpse. I immediately took a step forward and stood beside Master Feng, protecting him from attacks.


A bat the size of a man's head rushed over two large fireballs and numerous burning companions.

It seemed to have figured out that Master Feng was their biggest threat. It screamed wildly and took advantage of Master Feng's swing of the folding fan to rush closer, revealing two long fangs and heading straight for its throat.

How could I allow it to succeed? I swung my double sword to kill ghosts and gods, and slashed at it with a roar.


This knife went down and hit its head, but it didn't kill it. It just broke off a blood-red scale.

Although it was not dead, it was knocked unconscious by the impact. I flew up and kicked it directly into the fireball.

Bats actually have scales? What species is this?

I suddenly remembered that when Han Laoliu and I first stepped into the valley, we had seen such scales next to the corpses of the white mercenaries, combined with the extremely weird wounds on their bodies. It was immediately clear that they were all killed by these red bats.

The blood on the wound is black, indicating that these bats not only suck blood, but are also highly poisonous.

This time, I didn't dare to be careless anymore. I held two swords in my hands and stood closely beside Master Feng. Anyone who broke through the wall of fire and rushed forward would be split open and thrown into the fire.

Although there are many bats, they are densely packed. But the simple fact is that the corridor is not spacious. After Master Feng gathered all his strength and turned the fireball into a wall of fire, it was difficult for these bats to break through.

In the red light that filled the room, screams continued, and waves of disgusting smell of burning flesh penetrated my nostrils.

Those bats rushed again and again without fear of death, and each one turned into ashes in the fire!

But at this time, Master Feng also saw sweat on his forehead, and the hand holding the folding fan was trembling slightly.

His fire-control miraculous skill is exerted by the Yinwu Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan in his hand, which consumes a lot of spiritual power.

Since entering the blood cave, he had no choice but to use it repeatedly and control the small fireball to illuminate the path. He had already exhausted his spiritual power. Now he summoned such a huge wall of fire, almost sealing the entire corridor, and the lamp was completely exhausted!

I secretly hate myself, I am still too weak!

In order to save me, people from all over the world were injured and killed, but when I faced such a dangerous situation, there was nothing I could do to help.

At this moment, another extremely heavy noise was heard from among the miserable or angry chirps of the bats.

It seemed like someone was striding forward dragging a heavy object.

The sound was getting closer and closer, coming from far away from the deep corridor of the ancient tomb, making people's scalp numb. An unspeakable sense of terror quickly swept over my heart.

Having been a Yinwu merchant for so long, I have a strong sense of Yin Qi. I clearly felt that there were countless extremely powerful Yin Qi rushing towards me from the other end of the corridor.

Suddenly, several black shadows passed through the fireball and pressed over suddenly!

The black shadow fell to the ground, making a loud noise that shattered the eardrums.

I took a closer look and saw that it was a coffin lid!

Six or seven iron coffin lids, as red as blood, smashed all over the ground, smashing the large stone slabs that were more than a fist thick on the ground into powder.

The fire wall was much dimmed by this smash, and the corpses of countless bats were emitting thick black smoke, blocking the scene in the corridor, making it difficult to see clearly for the time being.

However, I recognized the coffin lid and made a rough guess.

In the stone room where you met the stainless steel puppet, there were eight iron coffins hanging, but now these coffin lids have come here... Apparently, all the ancient corpses in the coffins have woken up!


Another sound!

A dark iron coffin lid extinguished the remaining flames and fell to the ground with a clang.

Master Feng's body swayed suddenly, and the folding fan in his hand cracked with a crack.

An extremely clear voice sounded again, and this time I heard it very clearly. It was the sound of the iron rope dragging the ground and scraping against the stone wall!

In the billowing black smoke, several huge black shadows flashed, slowly walking towards us.

Master Feng's expression changed drastically, and he quickly flew another fireball.

In the billowing black smoke, those giant figures swayed and walked forward again.

They walked very slowly, but the extremely powerful Yin Qi made me breathless.

Behind them, another chaotic sound came from afar, and I could clearly sense that there were countless strands of Yin energy that were no less powerful than these strands rushing towards me!

Could it be that all the monsters in the halls we passed have awakened? Kill them all?

This, this is an army of corpses.

Everything ahead is unknown, the formation gate is blocking the way, and a group of corpses are coming from behind. What should we do?

Not only me, but also the T-shirt man and Master Feng realized that the situation was extremely bad.

Master Feng gritted his teeth, forcefully waved his folding fan and sent out another fireball, trying his best to stop their progress.

The man in the T-shirt spat out a mouthful of blood on the eight-sided Han Sword. Lightning beams circled around the Han Sword and flashed non-stop. He used the Han Sword to quickly draw something on the ground: "All those who are facing the enemy should march forward in formation." .”

Then he held the Eight-sided Han Sword tightly with both hands and shouted: "Open!"


There was a loud bang, and a big hole was blasted out on the ground in front of the door.

"Let's go!" The man in the T-shirt shouted with a pale face and blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. He forcibly used his spiritual energy to blast out the escape door.

Master Feng gritted his teeth tightly and summoned fireballs one after another as if he was desperate, flying straight to the opposite side.

Several huge black shadows walking in front took a few steps back, then walked up again, and the fireball was extinguished.

Yanghuo is indeed the nemesis of Yin Qi, but in the face of such strong Yin Qi, it is in vain. Master Feng's body kept shaking, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

"Master Feng, let's go!" I pulled him, but he didn't pull.

"Leave me alone, leave quickly! Jiulin, don't forget what you promised me." Master Feng shouted at me, and then he pushed me into the deep pit behind me.

The next second, a loud noise came from afar, as if a giant bomb exploded around us. I couldn't stand still and fell to the ground.

Before I could see what was going on, I was dragged into the tunnel of the pit by the man in the T-shirt.

"Go!" He shouted hoarsely, silently wiping his already wet eyes, pulling me tightly, and never looked back...

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