Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1418 The Death of Master Feng

This passage is slightly U-shaped, and it very cleverly avoids the magic circle in front of the door and goes around the ground.

The man in the T-shirt grabbed my hand tightly, emerged from the passage, and ran desperately.

But Master Feng stayed on the opposite side.

Loud rumbling noises kept coming from behind us, and pieces of extremely dazzling fire light passed through the passage from time to time, making our eyes dim and bright, like a position being violently bombarded by enemy artillery fire.


There was another loud noise.

The ground trembled a few times, and an extremely bright fire suddenly burst out, suddenly lighting up the whole world!

"Master Feng!" I stopped suddenly, with an ominous premonition in my heart.

Master Feng...he may never come back.

With that explosion just now, he must have mobilized all his blood essence and spiritual power to detonate the folding fan and explode into the final fireball.

In order to save me, another senior lost his life, and another famous actor from all directions completed his mission in a very tragic and heroic manner.

"Let's go!" The man in the T-shirt pulled me hard with tears in his eyes.

But I still stood there, my hands holding the swords trembling.

I gritted my teeth tightly, wanting to fight back, kill all those ancient corpses, and avenge Master Feng!

"Have you forgotten how you promised him? If you go back now, it will be happy whether you live or die, but everyone died in vain." The man in the T-shirt shouted sternly: "Rat, White Eyebrow, Phoenix, they are all for you, for Let you complete your mission! Do you want to fight back? Well, I will accompany you to fight back, and we will die happily together. Then I will see how you face your grandfather."

The man in the T-shirt was extremely angry: "Now is not the time to be sad. We still have many missions to complete. What you have to do now is to survive."

"Survive, you know? Let's go!" He couldn't help but grab my arm, turned around and ran away.

I woke up completely, wiped my tears hard, and continued to move forward.

The firelight behind us gradually dimmed, and the noisy sounds were slowly pushed away by us.

The corridor in front of us was empty, with nothing but endless darkness. The rapid footsteps of both of us trampled on the stone slabs, making waves of extremely crisp echoes.

The two of us ran along this dark alley.

Suddenly, there was a sudden light around us.

The man in the T-shirt and I quickly stopped, with our backs facing each other holding swords, and we watched very carefully.

On the stone walls on both sides of us, a pair of small oil lamps suddenly lit up. They were exactly the same as the oil lamps on both sides of the blood hole before entering the tomb, in the shape of dark lotus flowers.

Bang, bang bang bang...

Following a burst of sound, a pair of small oil lamps would light up every five meters or so on both sides of the stone wall, stretching along the corridor. There were hundreds of them in the long distance.

We had just passed through such a ferocious tide of corpses, and our nerves were completely tense. After a long while, we saw that there was no change except for the oil lamps that were lit one after another, and then we felt a little relieved.

But we both know very well that there are dangers everywhere in the modron, and we must not take it lightly!

The two of us looked at each other, wary of each other, and moved forward step by step with extreme caution.

Hundreds of oil lamps were shining brightly, reflecting on us, dragging two thin and long black shadows on the stone wall, dangling in front of us.

It was as if we were being stepped on by two shadow giants and were struggling in vain.

The entire corridor was brightly lit, but eerily quiet.

After we walked forty or fifty meters, a sound of mechanical springs suddenly came from the stone walls on both sides.

The traps in the modron are very vicious. As soon as we heard this sound, we both immediately became nervous and stopped immediately, each holding a sword to protect ourselves.

The sound of the machine spring became louder and louder, and gradually became one, as if the entire tomb was a huge clock, and the two of us were inside the clock movement.

With a swish sound, the stone walls on both sides turned over at the same time. The man in the T-shirt and I suddenly widened our eyes, ready to escape at any time.

However, no hidden arrows or spears were shot out of the stone wall, but bronze mirrors were pulled out.

Even the floor and ceiling were turned over one after another, and they were all mirrors!

These mirrors are firmly embedded in the stone wall, and the angles are very clever, so that they can reflect each other without blocking anything.

The images of the two of us were reflected in all directions, hundreds of them densely packed.

Suddenly, the T-shirt man and I were surrounded by hundreds of ourselves.

Click, click!

Two more alarming sounds were heard suddenly, and immediately after, the originally straight corridor also twisted.

The two walls suddenly split into dozens of passages. Each passage was exactly the same. They were all made of bronze mirrors, and both sides were lit with small oil lamps.

Turning around and taking a look, even I was a little confused: Where did I just come from? Where are you going again?

"Mirror maze!" the man in the T-shirt exclaimed.

"Have you ever seen such an institution?" I turned around and asked.

"No." The man in the T-shirt shook his head: "However, last time I saw the sand shadow maze with Lao Liu in the Sarke Tomb. After I came back, I studied it carefully. It's all a deception. It's basically a wall against ghosts. It’s the same principle, but it’s much more complicated.”

"The ghost hitting the wall only exudes Yin Qi, which confuses your mind. The scenery around you is still exactly the same as before. It's just that you have hallucinated it. It is obviously a passage, but you regard it as a wall and dare not cross it. But in the maze, the surrounding scenery has really changed, and it is exactly the same everywhere, making it difficult for you to distinguish between true and false. It is impossible to tell which is an illusion and which is real. What is even more difficult to understand is that the surrounding scenery The scenery will change as you move, and combined with the gusts of wind, it will be no different from a death row prison. If you can't find a way to break it, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out after wandering around here for the rest of your life!"

"No, be careful!" Suddenly, the man in the T-shirt yelled.

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