Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1419 Poison Mist, Flying Needle Array

In fact, he didn't need to shout. I also saw that at the upper and lower ends of each bronze mirror, two small black holes suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a blue light shot out from the small hole.

Poison needle!

Countless steel needles more than an inch long, stained with blue light, burst out from all the holes at the same time, heading straight towards the two of us!

The two of us hurriedly got close to the wall, facing away from each other, and swung our double swords at the same time.

Steel needles are like rain, densely packed! After looking at many mirrors, we couldn't tell the direction of the attack at all, so we simply ignored where the steel needle came from and just waved it wildly!

Bang, bang, bang... The sound of the steel needle falling to the ground is extremely clear, but it also echoes in waves, just like tens of thousands of chickens pecking at the copper basin, making a continuous clanging sound!

Suddenly, the steel needle stopped suddenly, and before we could recover, streams of black smoke spewed out from many small holes.

The black smoke was made of something unknown. As soon as it was sprayed out, it immediately dispersed into a dense fog. In the blink of an eye, the entire corridor was covered with a layer of light black. When it was illuminated by the fire again, the mirror surface reflected, and the scenery in front of me gradually became blurred.

As the black smoke dissipated, a sweet smell spread everywhere. As soon as it entered the mouth and nose, the mouth and tongue immediately became dry, the throat was tight, and the chest was stuffy, which was very uncomfortable.

"Poisonous!" The man in the T-shirt shouted: "Quickly, take out the ivy leaves! The ivy leaves from Lao Liu can avoid poison."

When I heard this, I quickly took out the leaf from my arms.

When we were about to enter the blood hole, the smell of blood was extremely strong. At the reminder of the man in the T-shirt, the three of us each picked a piece.

Later, in order to crack the Five Elements of Heaven array on the stone gate, the T-shirt man and Master Feng synthesized their own pieces into the origin of wood.

At this point, I was the only one left.

"Don't move!" I took out the leaf and was about to tear it open, wanting to give him half, but the man in the T-shirt looked at me in the mirror and stopped me loudly: "You can't tear this leaf. Once it is broken, it will lose its effect." , it’s no longer useful, just put it in your mouth!”

"Then... what should you do?" I asked worriedly.

"What did I tell you? Leave me alone! Hurry up and take it!" the man in the T-shirt urged urgently.

When I saw the man in the T-shirt getting angry, I quickly put the leaf in my mouth.

"Let me tell you again, as long as you live, we have hope of defeating Longquan Villa. If you die, all our efforts will be in vain! Ahem..." As he said this, the man in the T-shirt kept coughing. got up.

I don't know if it was too much damage when the tunnel was blown up, or if it was poisonous gas. He covered his mouth and nose with one hand and coughed several times, and his face became even paler.

"Don't move while you're standing here. I'm going to see where the organs are." As he said that, he bent down slightly and ran away into the distance.

The thick black fog became heavier and heavier, but after taking the ivy leaves, I was no longer affected by the poisonous gas. But the scene in front of him became increasingly blurry, and he could only see a distance of about a foot.

I pricked up my ears and listened quietly to the sounds around me, for fear that another poisonous needle would be fired.

I don’t know how long it took, but I suddenly noticed a person walking from a distance in the thick black mist.

I held the two swords tightly, ready to fight at any time.

But when he got closer, I finally recognized him. He turned out to be Master Feng.

"Master Feng? Are you okay?" I asked in surprise and joy.

Master Feng didn't answer and walked forward slowly.

His whole body was completely black, his beard and hair were all burnt, and several large bloody holes were blown out on his chest and belly, and his slowly squirming internal organs could be seen.

There was another person next to him, slightly shorter and slightly fatter, who turned out to be Li Mazi!

"Mazi, why are you here?" I asked in shock.

This is a modron! How did he come from the Devil's Valley in Siberia?

Li Mazi didn't say anything and continued to walk forward. I found that his leg seemed to be injured. He was limping when he walked. His face was also seriously injured, with red flesh and blood tumbling in all directions. His eyes were black and blue, and several of his teeth were missing.

How is this going?

Could it be that while Longquan Villa was using the Plessian Box to assassinate me, it also made other preparations to arrest Li Mazi?

At this moment, I noticed another figure behind him.

Yin Xinyue?

There was a long dagger stuck in her left eye, going straight to the hilt, and gurgling blood was running down her originally stunning face, staining her whole body. She was holding my son Fanfan with one hand. Fanfan had a broken hand, half of his face was swollen to the height of a fist, and he was grinning in extreme pain.


My heart trembled violently - it was heartbreaking and at the same time, I was extremely angry!

Who the fuck did this? I'm going to chop him alive!

I rushed forward to meet them, but at this moment, the three of them stopped moving, and someone walked out of the diagonal stab.

There was a tall, bald old man with long white hair scattered on the back of his head and under his ears. The beard on his chin was very short but as root-like as a needle. He was smiling ferociously.

Dong Lao from Longquan Villa!

I gritted my teeth fiercely and cursed in my voice: "You old bastard, just die!"

Then he picked up his two knives and slashed his head.

This guy had an extremely strong figure. He ducked out of the way and seemed to be reaching out to grab my knife.

My whole body trembled with hatred, and without saying a word, I slashed with the knife several times.

But he was like a ghost, hiding from my blade every time. He didn't fight back, just like a cat chasing a mouse, constantly hovering in front of me.

I slashed with the knife, then turned around, and found that at some point, there were still two people standing behind me.

One was wearing a crisp black suit, a pair of wide-rimmed sunglasses, and carrying a small silver-white suitcase in his hand. He was the father of Satan; With a big head and two big noses, long lines of snot dripping down to his chin, he was staring blankly at me with a pair of extremely dull eyes. It was the Chou Emperor.

These guys all showed up!


Aren't you going to arrest me?

Come on, let’s have a good fight with you today! I picked up my two swords and slashed at the ugly emperor who was closest to me.

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