Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1420 Mirror Maze

Unexpectedly, the Chou Emperor was so dexterous that he dodged with a cry. At the same time, he stretched his body fiercely, stretched out his arm, and lengthened several times, and held the blade with a bang!

I am so angry that I don't care about this much? He picked up the two swords and smashed them wildly.

But the Chou Emperor's ability is really amazing. Under my continuous fierce and rapid attacks, he actually advanced and retreated in a very orderly manner. Every move and every style was very in the style of everyone. He was not as stupid as he looked on the outside. Stupid.

It's just that he kept dodging and never took the initiative to attack. If there is a slight chance, I also want to get close enough to grab the knife with my bare hands. Several times, I almost got caught on the wrist by him!

Suddenly, his body shook violently, as if he was a little unsteady.

When I saw this opportunity, I naturally would not give up. I raised my two swords to block his left and right retreats, and slashed away with my shoulder and shoulder.

But who would have thought that this guy would not hide and rush straight into my arms. Then he jumped up suddenly, tapped me on the forehead, and shouted loudly: "Ding!"

My hands and feet immediately kept moving and I couldn't move an inch.

As soon as he exhaled, his vision blurred for a while, and all the scenes became distorted.

Master Feng, Li Mazi, Yin Xinyue and their son have all disappeared; Dong Lao, the father of Satan, has also disappeared.

The ugly emperor in front of him was also constantly changing. After a ripple-like turmoil, he turned into a man in a T-shirt.

The man in the T-shirt took out another magic talisman, lit it in front of me, then waved it twice in front of my eyes, and shouted: "Uncle!".

I seemed to have been drained of all my strength and fell down.

He quickly supported me: "Jiulin, are you okay?"

I looked around confusedly, and I didn't know when the black fog surrounding me had dissipated. But I was still in the mirror maze. On the mirrors in all directions, I saw my distracted and panicked face, with a bright red cinnabar mark on my forehead.

"Did I fall into an illusion just now?" Only then did I wake up.

"Yes!" The man in the T-shirt nodded: "I really underestimated this mirror maze! Mirror images, poisonous needles, and the smoke is also mixed with hallucinogenic drugs. Fortunately, we blew up a passage to get in. The smoke Let's all disperse from there, otherwise one of us will be poisoned to death, and the other will be exhausted to death by ourselves."

I was shocked when I heard this. If it weren't for the T-shirt man, I might have died long ago.

But when I thought about it again, Li Mazi, Yin Xinyue, and their son were all fine. It was just a fantasy, but I felt very relieved.

"Then have you found the mechanism here?" I asked.

The man in the T-shirt shook his head: "The mechanisms here are extremely cleverly designed. There is no master switch at all. Each mirror is an independent mechanism. Even if you smash them all and only one is left, they can still be fully activated. But there are hundreds of bronze mirrors here, and it’s simply impossible to destroy them all.”

"And, look!" He said, pointing to the ground in front: "Just when you were chopping at me, the ground where the steel needles were dropped turned over again, and all the small needles were collected. Go back, if my prediction is good. This maze can be regenerated. After a while, those steel needles will be stuck in the machine spring and launched again. As long as we don't escape from this maze, there will be no peace for a moment. .”

"What should I do?" When I heard the man in the T-shirt say this, I felt a little sad.

The man in the T-shirt frowned and shook his head. Obviously, he didn't have any good ideas now.


At this time, another startling sound suddenly came.

It felt as if I had been hit hard on the heart with a sledgehammer. The pain was so painful that I didn’t even have the strength to scream. My clothes that were not yet dry were wet with cold sweat again.

This is the fourth time I heard this sound since I stepped into the Devil's Valley!

If this voice is coming from the modron, I am getting closer and closer each time, and the pain is getting deeper and deeper. This time, I am on the verge of death!

I was so shocked that I couldn't move at all, my heart had stopped beating, and I only had a few minutes left to breathe.

I tilted my head, half-closed my eyes, and looked at the man in the T-shirt in confusion.

The man in the T-shirt is much stronger than me, but when he exploded the passage just now, he suffered a huge loss, so he is no better than me at this time.

He gritted his teeth tightly in extreme pain, struggled to crawl forward, and stretched out his hands to grab the Eight-sided Han Sword that had just fallen to the ground.

But at this critical moment, the sound of machine springs sounded again on both sides of the stone wall - the man in the T-shirt was right, it was the sound of steel needles being inserted into place.

Maybe after a while, those poisonous steel needles will be fired again.

But at this time, neither of us could move. What if the steel needles shot out together again?

The man in the T-shirt heard the sound of the machine spring and was so anxious that beads of sweat rolled down his face, and he crawled forward even harder.

As soon as we were shocked by the sound, every inch of our skin and every bone seemed to be shattered. The slightest movement would cause heart-breaking pain. But he still gritted his teeth and moved forward inch by inch.

One foot, eight inches, five inches...

The fingers of the man in the T-shirt were getting closer and closer to the Eight-faced Han Sword.

Crack, quack, quack... the mechanical spring behind the stone wall sounded again, and then, holes were exposed from the upper and lower sides of the mirror.

Lines of blue light flashed out.

Three inches, two inches...

The man in the T-shirt gritted his teeth, and drops of blood flowed down the corners of his mouth.

The not-too-long path was covered in blood, cold sweat, and body friction. He was like a white snail stuck on a bamboo stick, crawling forward tenaciously, inch by inch...

Whoosh whoosh!

But time waits for no one, the hole in the mirror suddenly shrank, and countless steel needles flew out, heading straight for the top of our heads!

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