Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1421 Carrying you on my back and never giving up

Almost at the same moment, the man in the T-shirt finally touched the Eight-sided Han Sword with his fingers.

There was a click, thunder flashed, and a bright light shot out from the sword and penetrated into his body.

The man in the T-shirt yelled loudly, flew into the air, used his remaining strength to sweep the flying needles all over the sky, and pounced on me.

Hundreds of unswept needles pricked his back.

With a bang, the Han sword fell to the ground.

But I, protected by him, was intact!

I don’t know what kind of toxin is fed on the needle. At the same moment as the steel needle fell, the face of the man in the T-shirt turned pale, and red threads like snakes spread everywhere, making the face that I am so familiar with His face suddenly became terrifying.

"Jiu...Jiulin, you, you must live, live..." The man in the T-shirt moved his purple-black lips and squeezed out the last word with great difficulty, and then his head sank and fell on my shoulder. superior.

Senior Rat, Zen Master Baimei, Master Feng, and the man in the T-shirt.

They all came to save me...

Seeing the miserable condition of the man in the T-shirt, my heart suddenly hurt, as if those steel needles were not piercing his back, but all of them were piercing my heart.

Uncontrollable tears burst out suddenly.

But at this time, not only did I have no spiritual power, I couldn't even move.

Can I just watch him die like this?

I calmed down and worked hard for a long time. Finally, I gathered some strength and spit out the ivy leaves under my tongue.

When I saw the leaf falling right into the mouth of the man in the T-shirt, I felt relieved. Immediately, he fainted due to exhaustion of energy.

I don’t know how long it took, but I woke up from the daze.

It was pitch black all around, and I was floating empty in the void, unable to tell the direction, as if even time had stopped.

Just when I lost my consciousness and was about to be submerged by this boundless darkness, a call suddenly came from far away.

The call was very soft and very vague, and I couldn't hear it clearly at all.

But he was like a green bud in the wild sand, like a candlelight in the endless night, which gave me an instinctive sense of intimacy and made me approach him involuntarily.

The call kept ringing, and I got closer and closer, and finally heard it clearly.

"Jiulin, Jiulin..."

The voice was familiar and kind, and my heart trembled suddenly, then beat slowly again.

In the endless darkness before his eyes, a ray of light flashed across, which was a bit dazzling. I only saw an extremely tall Buddha statue, and then I passed out again.

I don’t know how long it took, but I woke up again in a daze.

This time, I completely regained consciousness and remembered everything: I was currently in the Devil's Valley of Siberia, among the demon tombs in the Blood Cave of the Ice Field. Master Feng died to save me, and the man in the T-shirt also...

When I thought of this, I suddenly woke up and wanted to get up, but suddenly I felt that the ground was soft and was still trembling.

My whole body was soft and limp, without any strength, but I heard one after another extremely kind calls in my ears: "Jiulin, Jiulin..."

It’s a T-shirt man!

He is fine and not dead!

My heart suddenly warmed up, but I still didn't have the strength to respond to him, let alone open my eyes.

As my heart kept beating, I slowly gathered strength and opened my eyes. Only then did I realize that I was lying on the back of the man in the T-shirt.

He bent slightly, stepped forward with great difficulty, and kept calling my name.

This is no longer a mirror maze, but small oil lamps are still shining on both sides of the stone wall.

The oil lamp was miserable, not very bright, and could only illuminate a scene about two meters away.

On both sides of us are pairs of big feet, all carved from black stone, each pair is more than two meters long.

An extremely fishy smell spread out from the back of the man in the T-shirt and kept getting into my nostrils. The black blood dyed his clothes pitch black and stuck to his body.

He blocked hundreds of poisonous needles for me. Although he was not poisoned to death, these wounds were real.

"Jiulin, Jiu...cough..." The man in the T-shirt kept calling, and suddenly he coughed loudly, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and his body started to tremble.

But he still held me tightly, fearing that I would fall off his back.

I have known the T-shirt man for so long, and I have never seen him so weak or so seriously injured!

"Jiulin, Jiulin..." The man in the T-shirt coughed for a while and then shouted continuously.

Although I woke up, my body was still extremely weak. Not only could I not move, I didn't even have the strength to respond to him. But my tears rushed out unexpectedly and hit the man in the T-shirt on his shoulder.

The man in the T-shirt seemed to be aware of it. He turned around and shouted in surprise: "You finally woke up!"

At this time, he was in a miserable state, his hair was extremely messy and stuck to his forehead, and the dust on his face was washed away by sweat, like a messy river beach after a flood. The blood on the corner of his mouth had not dried up and was dripping down his chin. A neck. But his eyes were extremely bright, filled with light of extreme joy.

"Yeah." I nodded forcefully and made a soft sound from my nostrils.

"Great!" The man in the T-shirt shouted excitedly, then turned his head and continued to walk forward with difficulty.

"You used that ivy leaf to remove the toxins from my body. After I woke up, I suddenly figured out something." The man in the T-shirt walked and said to me in a hoarse voice: "Since that strange noise Such ferocity must come from the center of the modron, which is the red area we are going to."

"In other words, the direction in which the sound comes from is the correct path."

Bang bang!

While we were talking, a strange noise came from the dark corridor behind us.

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