Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1423: Ink Lotus Like the Sea

"Leave together?" The man in the T-shirt chuckled bitterly: "Mr. Dong, the Chou Emperor, the Father of Satan, and the old man in gray robes. In our current state, I'm afraid we can't deal with any of them. What's more, we are trapped in an ancient tomb. , there are so many unknown dangers..."

"Jilin, remember, the things you shoulder are far heavier than ours. Your responsibility is not to worry about our life and death, but..." He paused and said, "It is to complete your mission. As for What is this mission? The last living person among us will tell you. What you have to do now is to live well and continuously increase your strength. Only in this way can you live up to the hard work of the few of us."

"We didn't tell you before. We didn't even tell you about the existence of Bafang Mingdong. We were afraid that you would be too stressed. If it weren't for the critical situation this time, Lao Liu, Fenghuang and the others wouldn't have shown up yet. .”

"Also, if we don't show up at the same time, we are afraid that if we all die, no one will tell you the truth."

"So, all this time, I am the only one who has shown up. In fact, everyone is secretly helping, protecting you while trying every means to set up difficulties for you, working hard to hone you and make you stronger as soon as possible."

"The simple thing is that you have not let us down. In recent years, we have made rapid progress. It won't be long before we can... By then, the dead will be smiling and the living will be happy."

"No..." I still felt that I couldn't accept it.

These words of the man in the T-shirt were very much like his last words. I wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by him: "Listen to me, our mission is this, you are everyone's only hope. Master Feng has made it very clear, you are responsible for everyone fate. Everyone, do you understand?"


Another loud noise suddenly exploded.

Immediately, a burst of extremely heavy footsteps came over, bringing a strong wind from a distance.

The flame on the oil lamp swayed violently, and our two shadows on the stone wall also swayed, as if they would be broken at any time.

They're coming after us!

The man in the T-shirt stopped talking and ran forcefully.

After turning another corner, the corridor has reached the end, and there is another gate at the end.

The door is extremely tall, almost exactly the same as the five-element gate at the entrance to the tomb.

In front of the door stood two dark lotus lanterns more than three meters high. The flames on the lamp panels were blazing, illuminating the door.

This door is full of bright eyes, as bright as white jade. It is carved with countless white lotus flowers, which reflect the gleaming light against the lights.

Surrounded by blossoming white lotuses, there is a large bright red character over five meters high engraved: "Buddha!"

The word "Buddha" is majestic and free-spirited, but also full of Zen. It is extremely eye-catching with the red and white lotus flowers surrounding it.

The man in the T-shirt put me down from his back, glanced at the door, and breathed out: "The restriction on the door has been lifted. It seems that the old man in gray robe walking in front took action."

As he spoke, he stepped forward and held a white lotus in each hand, exuding a faint aura.

As soon as the spiritual energy came out, the two lotus flowers under his hands instantly changed from white to black, and then spread along the branches and leaves. The white lotuses then changed colors, mixed with black and white, rolling like clouds, extremely amazing!

The man in the T-shirt bit his fingertips and quickly drew a thunder talisman on the bright red word "Buddha".

Then, he stared at me very seriously for a while, and then said: "When the black lotus is covered with black lotus, the door will naturally open. This is called the ink lotus like the sea, the Buddha opens the cloud light, and it is also... the last one I will teach you. It’s a Dharma.”

I immediately became anxious. When I was about to say something, the man in the T-shirt waved his hand to stop me: "Jiulin, don't let me down!"

"In the first year of junior high school, you didn't disappoint me at all, hahaha." At this moment, a snow-white figure suddenly flew over from the corridor and landed lightly in front of us.

It's Dong Lao!

The man in the T-shirt immediately drew the Eight-sided Han Sword and stood in front of me.

Mr. Dong didn't take it seriously and laughed loudly: "When we triggered the zombie tide, I was worried that you and Fenghuang, two little bastards, wouldn't be able to protect this kid from the Zhang family. But fortunately, you didn't let me down. ,Hahaha."

The man in the T-shirt said nothing and glanced sideways at the black lotus on the door.

The black lotus has already infected most of the lotus, and only about one-fifth of the lotus is still white.

"You helped me very thoroughly. You even opened the last door for me." Mr. Dong also glanced at the door and laughed loudly: "Since you helped me such a favor, I will also give you a choice. Come on! Do you want me to send you to meet those old guys now, or wait until I refine this kid and then send you both to die together?"

The man in the t-shirt still didn't reply. He stared at him closely, and lightning burst out suddenly, continuously coiling around the Eight-sided Han Sword, making a sizzling sound.

I also quickly drew out my twin swords for killing ghosts and gods.

This old guy is the Supreme Elder of Longquan Villa. He is far stronger than the previous four elders and is more difficult to deal with.

Boom! Following a burst of extremely heavy footsteps, an extremely tall figure walked out of the corridor.

He is more than four meters tall, has arms as thick as a rafter, thighs as thick as a water tank, and is covered in black downy hair...

It is the Chou Emperor.

He looked down at us, stretched out his hand to wipe his nose, and then swallowed involuntarily.

Does this guy treat us both as food?

"This is yours!" Mr. Dong reached out and tapped the T-shirt man: But be careful when eating, this guy has a lot of thorns on his body. "

"Haha, then I'll add some seasoning."

When the Chou Emperor heard this, he let out a very happy whine, then strode forward, stretched out his hand with a roar, and grabbed the man in the T-shirt on the forehead.

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