Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1424 Miao Jiang Gu Technique, Sad Sound Snake

The Chou Emperor may seem stupid, but he is extremely smart in his actions.

With such a casual move, all the T-shirt man's escape routes were blocked. Behind us was the jade gate. Mr. Dong was standing on the left. He came towards us and attacked from the right, forcing the T-shirt man to do nothing. Confront him head-on!

The man in the T-shirt did not dare to be careless, he raised the Eight-sided Han Sword full of blue light, and struck at the Chou Emperor's palm.

The palms of the swords collided, and an extremely shocking sound of gold and iron erupted.

The man in the T-shirt was seriously injured. This was originally a forced connection. With a startling sound, his whole body flew out like a sack, and hit the jade door with a bang.

But not only was the Chou Emperor unscathed, but he still managed to hit the lotus lamp post without using up all the power of his palm.

The two lampposts in front of the gate were as thick as a calf and made of solid pig iron, but they were bent by the Chou Emperor's palm.

The lamp oil in the pillar spilled out, and little sparks fell on his hairy arms, and they immediately caught fire!

"Woo!" The Chou Emperor yelled in pain, retracted his arm, and quickly put out the flames. Then his eyes widened, two fierce lights appeared, and he rushed forward again.

The man in the T-shirt wiped the blood from his lips, straightened his Eight-faced Han Sword, and faced him again.

If it weren't for protecting me, he could have gone around with the Chou Emperor and taken the opportunity to escape.

when! Dang Dang Dang!

In the blink of an eye, he fought another four or five moves with the Chou Emperor.

Although he tried his best to avoid the sharp edge of the Chou Emperor and only dealt with it with four ounces of skill, it was still extremely difficult and he was about to be overwhelmed.

"Woo!" Seeing that the Chou Emperor missed consecutively, he suddenly went crazy, clenched his fists and slapped his chest repeatedly!

Then, like an extremely violent gorilla, he opened his fists and struck wildly.

He forcefully smashed dozens of large pits into the stone walls on both sides, causing debris to burst out and smoke to spread everywhere.

The man in the T-shirt hurriedly jumped to avoid it, but his movements became slower and slower, and he might be hit at any time.

The Chou Emperor is extremely powerful. With the T-shirt man's current condition, if he gets hit by him, his bones will be broken even if he doesn't die.

I held the two knives tightly, my eyes widened, and my heart was already in my throat.

Suddenly, the man in the T-shirt's feet went weak and he stumbled suddenly.

The Chou Emperor's little eyes suddenly lit up, he raised two fists at the same time, and smashed them down with a roar.

I didn't care about anything else, I jumped up to meet him, wielded my two swords, and wanted to take the Chou Emperor's punch and protect the man in the T-shirt.

The Chou Emperor's punch was so powerful that it went straight to the top of my head!

I know very well that even if I am intact and not injured at all, I may not be able to catch this move, but I must not take a step back.

The wind from the Chou Emperor's fist blew up all my hair and clothes, and when he was about to hit me on the head, there was a sudden shout: "Stop!"

As if receiving an electric shock, the Chou Emperor trembled all over, and forcefully deflected his punches, one punch at a time, and fell diagonally from my side.

The thick stone slabs on the ground shattered, leaving two large craters half a meter deep.

"You can't hurt this kid, I'll keep him useful!" Mr. Dong cursed, floated over, pointed at the man in the T-shirt, and shouted angrily at the Chou Emperor: "Useless trash, even the little bastard has been injured." Are you still unable to deal with it now? If you can’t hold it for three minutes, you won’t be allowed to eat for ten days!”

When the Chou Emperor heard this, his eyes filled with anger, and he screamed strangely and rushed towards the man in the T-shirt.

I waved my swords and went to help again, but was stopped by Mr. Dong.

"Boy, I heard that you have grown a lot in the past few years and have reached the fifth level of cultivation that your grandfather used to have. Come, come, let me see if it is true." After finishing speaking, Mr. Dong slowly stretched out a hand.

His hand was thin and slender, black and shiny, and a small snake poked out its bright red triangular head dripping blood from the sleeve, spitting out its tongue and making a sizzling sound.

The little snake rushed out of the cuff, coiled itself around his finger, and blew out a stream of black smoke at me.

Han Laoliu has already introduced that this guy is good at poison. Although I don't know what kind of poison he is using? But he also knew that this black smoke was absolutely untouchable.

I hurriedly took a few steps back to get out of the way, but the black smoke did not dissipate and chased after me like a snake.

I swung my sword to kill ghosts and gods and slashed at him.

The black smoke was split instantly by the blade, but then merged into one place, floating lightly in the air, wrapping around me all the time, and it was still growing!

At the same time, there were also extremely weird sounds floating out of the smoke.

As the snake-like smoke became thicker, longer, and louder, I finally heard it clearly.

It was actually a scream!

It seemed as if thousands of people had been beaten to pieces and thrown into the sea together, screaming loudly in pain. As if they had just suffered a disaster, the dying people looked at the bones of their relatives and wailed in extremely miserable ways. Every note in the voice continues to penetrate into the mind as the smoke rolls, tugging at every nerve.

This is……

Sad sound snake?

I suddenly remembered that there were records similar to Gu magic in my grandfather's notes.

This kind of Gu technique is to make people drink a secret Yin water, and then use a small knife to stab him continuously. When the person is in pain, he will scream in agony, and at the same time, blood will flow out from the wound.

With his last scream, the blood just drained out. And if the person dies before the blood is exhausted, or the person dies before the blood is exhausted, then it has failed.

Feed the blood to a little snake that has just broken out of its shell, and then go through a special refining process to create a sad-sounding snake.

However, the mournful sound snake refined according to this method can only emit the scream of one person.

But the screams of grief emitted by this snake can be heard by thousands of people, which shows how many people Mr. Dong killed in order to refine this Gu.

Moreover, this guy's methods are surprisingly superb. He can actually make the Sad Sound Snake turn into smoke and chase after it with the wind!

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