Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,425 The giant Buddha opens his eyes

Seeing the smoke getting bigger and thicker, it surrounded me and almost blocked all the escape routes.

The screams filled my eardrums, as if thousands of steel needles were piercing the pain-sensing nerves all over my body. They were no different from the Plessian Box.

"Jiulin, the stars are changing!" Suddenly, the man in the T-shirt reminded him.

After shouting, I suddenly came to my senses, raised my two swords and struck the Smoke Snake twice, then turned around and rushed towards the Chou Emperor.

At the same time, the man in the T-shirt feinted and headed straight for Smoke Snake.

Fighting in the blink of an eye is not a martial arts move, but a tactic of exchanging opponents.

Before entering the modron, Bafang Mingdong had already used this trick when fighting the guys at Longquan Villa.

At that time, the man in the T-shirt was facing the Lazy Arhat's Yang-Destroying Sword, and Master Feng was facing the Golden Snake Old Man.

Although the two are in perfect conflict, they can't help each other for a while.

However, once the positions were exchanged, Jin Shesou, who had broken through Master Feng's fireball technique, was caught off guard and was stabbed to death by the man in the T-shirt. Immediately, Master Feng, who had trapped the Sun-Destroying Knife, with the help of Xiao Bailong, shattered the lazy arhat's vagina and was killed by me with an invisible needle.

This tactic seems simple, but it can easily surprise the enemy and is extremely effective.

At this time, the T-shirt man's cultivation was greatly damaged and he could no longer use any fierce moves. Facing the thick-skinned and powerful Ugly Emperor, he had no choice but to do anything. Moreover, if one was not careful, he would probably be killed. The Chou Emperor was killed with one punch. But the Chou Emperor was scolded by Mr. Dong and did not dare to attack me. If I were to fight the Chou Emperor, he would definitely be cowardly and afraid to use his full strength.

Although the mournful sound snake released by Dong Lao is extremely vicious, it only has two ways of attack: sound and poisonous gas.

The eight-sided Han sword in the T-shirt man's hand can gather thunder and lightning, which can suppress the sound of the sad sound. Han Laoliu's ivy leaves are also with him, and the poisonous gas cannot hurt him at all. He can deal with Dong Lao's sad sound snake. But it's just right.

After the two of us used Dou Zhuan Xing Shift to exchange opponents, Chou Huang and Dong Lao were both stunned.

What we want is this extremely short chance of surprise!

The Chou Emperor punched me, but when he saw it was me, his pupils suddenly opened in fear.

He had already cornered the man in the T-shirt, but now he was murderous and wanted to kill the man in the T-shirt. Now that he found me standing under his fist, he suddenly panicked and hurriedly moved away. But the force was so great that even he couldn't control himself, and he rushed out diagonally with his extremely strong body.

I took the opportunity to step on the big hole in the stone wall, jumped up, and slashed at the lamp post that he had bent.

The oil lamp tipped over and spread into a small flame, falling on him.

The Chou Emperor's long, greasy black hair was immediately ignited in dozens of places.

"Woo!" He shouted repeatedly and rolled on the ground.

At the same time, the man in the T-shirt jumped up in front of Dong Lao and raised his two fingers together, pointing towards the center of his eyebrows, and shouted loudly: "We respectfully invite the God of Thunder, Tachibana Michyuki, to appear."

A thunder sounded out of nowhere!

The previously extremely pitiful whining sounds were immediately suppressed, and the giant black smoke snake coiled in the air slowly disappeared.

The little snake wrapped around Dong Lao's finger fell to the ground and broke into seven or eight pieces!

At this moment, the black lotus flowers on the jade gate had already fallen down, and the Buddhist characters engraved in the center suddenly flashed, creating an extremely dazzling halo.

Then, the huge golden light with Buddha characters flashed and became extremely bright, illuminating the entire corridor in an instant, and the scene in the corridor became clear.

The huge Buddha statues on both sides of the stone wall all revealed their true colors. Each one was tall and solemn, and there seemed to be a powerful pressure that made us all unable to lift our heads.

Buddha's mantras were shouted loudly, resounding throughout the corridor.

A strange grunting sound suddenly came from the ground beneath our feet.

"No, there is a mechanism on this door!" Mr. Dong was stunned for a moment, and he was the first to react. He swayed, opened his arms, and rushed towards us.

In the battle just now, the man in the T-shirt and I had already tried our best. Facing such a rapid attack by Mr. Dong, there was no way we could fight back, and we couldn't even dodge.

Just as Dong Lao was about to rush in front of us, suddenly, a thick black water column rushed out from the ground in front of us.

Dong Lao was startled, and quickly stopped and dodged.

At the same time, countless black water pillars spurted out from the ground and the gaps in the stone walls.

Immediately afterwards, all the Buddha statues opened their bright red eyes at the same time.


That's fire!

The eyes of the Buddha statue are the mechanism, and burning rockets are shot out one after another.

As soon as the rocket touched the black water column, it immediately exploded with a muffled sound and burned to pieces!

"It's oil!" the man in the T-shirt shouted.

At this time, I also discovered that those jets of black water were oil. The oil covered most of the corridor and exploded as soon as it caught an open flame!

The oil fountain in front of us and Mr. Dong has been completely ignited. The huge raging flames are constantly jumping and raging, covering all the scenes with a roar.

The ignited oil rolled forward, and the two of us were forced close to the door, with no way out.

A huge amount of crude oil was ignited at the same time, and there was a loud noise immediately!

Immediately afterwards, a huge overwhelming wave swept over.

At the same moment as the huge wave came, the door suddenly opened, and the man in the T-shirt and I were like two leaves, unable to struggle, and were sucked into it.

There was a bang, as if my head hit something extremely hard, and I fainted immediately.

All I could hear was a rattling sound, like the sound of bones breaking...

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