Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,426 Saving the T-Shirt Man

I don’t know how long it took before I slowly woke up.

Before I could open my eyes, my first reaction was that my head hurt, as if it was going to explode.

I reached out and touched it, and found that a big bump had been knocked out on the back of my head. It was about the size of a quail egg, and it hurt like a fatal blow.

I sat up in pain, but I woke up because of it. I didn't have time to think about anything else, so I turned to look around.

At first glance, I was so frightened that I couldn't even move.

I was lying on a pile of bones. I looked around at the endless white bones, maybe tens of thousands!

Those bones were piled up into a giant bone mountain with a radius of 100 meters and a height of tens of meters.

I was sitting alone on the bone mountain. About ten meters away was the white jade stone door, but it had already been closed.

I stared blankly at this extremely shocking scene, and even had the illusion that I was one of them. Everything that happened just now, even the antique shop in Wuhan, Yin Xinyue, Li Mazi... were all dreams, or things that happened in my previous life.

"No!" I shook my head violently, trying hard not to think too much.

After a while, I finally came out of the hallucination.

But, what is this place? Where is the T-shirt man?

The two of us were rushed in together by the air wave from the crude oil explosion. Where is he and how is he doing now?

I hurriedly tried to stand up, but my feet got stuck in someone's bones, and I fell again.

It wasn't until I removed the bones that trapped my feet that I discovered that only half of my shoes were burned, my pants and clothes were all in pieces, and a large piece of my hair and eyebrows were singed.

The bones under my body were crushed a lot, and they also made several large gashes on my back in retaliation, but they were not too deep at all.

After living for so many years and experiencing so many dangers, this time it was extremely miserable.

"First grade of junior high school, first grade of junior high school!" I didn't care about bandaging the wound, shouting loudly and looking around.

However, the mountain of bones is really too big. The bones of corpses are stacked on top of each other and piled up in an extremely scattered manner. It is very shocking when you look at it.

Most of the bones were broken, with sharp fractures scattered all over the ground. My shoes were torn, making walking even more inconvenient.

I simply climbed up on Bone Mountain.

"First grade of junior high school, first grade of junior high school!" I stumbled up and down the bone mountain, shouting loudly as I climbed.

By accident, I rolled down the slope along with a large piece of white bones. Suddenly, he discovered that half of a long sword was exposed under the pile of bones more than ten meters away. It was Chu Yi's Eight-sided Han Sword.

Regardless of the danger of being punctured by broken bones, I quickly ran over and threw the bones covering it aside.

There was a hand tightly holding on the hilt of the sword, but the hand was not from the first year of junior high school, but... it was a pair of jet black arms.

My heart sank suddenly and I dug faster.

The forearm was exposed, and it was also pitch black, because the skin and flesh were all scorched black by the petroleum smoke.

My hands trembled involuntarily, and I suddenly remembered that at the moment when the huge wave of the explosion was coming towards us, the man in the T-shirt used his last bit of strength to block in front of me.

Will he be okay?

My heart was shaking extremely violently, and my hands and feet were a bit incessant.

The sharp bone cut my hand, and blood flowed across it. I didn't care at all, and I didn't even feel the pain at all...

Finally, the familiar face of the man in the T-shirt was revealed among the bones.

He closed his eyes tightly and remained motionless. There was blood all over the corners of his mouth and neck, but it had already dried up and turned pitch black.

"First grade of junior high school, first grade of junior high school! Wake up!" I shouted forgetfully, but couldn't cry.

While shouting, I threw away all the bones that were pressing on him, then gently picked him up and placed him on a relatively gentle pile of bones.

The hand he was holding on to the ancient sword was scorched from the forearm down, and was miserable and disfigured.

His back was also covered with dark bloodstains and was dotted with countless small holes - those were left by the poisonous needles he blocked for me in the Mirror Maze.

"First grade of junior high school, first grade of junior high school!" I shouted loudly in his ear!

I remember that I was in an extremely coma, and in that boundless darkness, I heard the shouts, and then I came around.

"First grade, I don't want anything to happen to you, I want you to wake up!"

Although I know that he, like several others in Bafang Famous Action, wants to protect me as much as possible and wants me to live until the end. But I really don’t want anyone to die again.

I shouted loudly: "Chu Yi, didn't you promise me that you would lead me to collect all the evil things in the world? Aren't you going to watch me become stronger?"

"Wake up quickly!"

I don’t know whether it was my shouting that really had an effect or the man in the T-shirt’s tenacious vitality. After I shouted for more than ten minutes, his eyelids moved and his lips pursed and he said something.

I quickly put it to my ear.

"Jilin, are you...are you okay?" His voice was very weak, but I heard it clearly.

Until this moment, when he was the weakest and most helpless in his life, even without realizing it - he was still thinking of me!

My eyes suddenly became wet: "Okay, I'm fine! In the first year of junior high school, please wake up quickly."

At this time, the man in the T-shirt seemed to hear my voice, smiled happily, and said softly: "That's good."

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