Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,427 Human Faction and Ghost Faction

Although the man in the T-shirt was seriously injured, he was still alive and had regained his consciousness.

My hanging heart finally relaxed, and I fell asleep immediately.

When he woke up again, the man in the T-shirt was leaning on the pile of bones, using his teeth to wrap his blackened left hand.

His arms were shaking slightly, and drops of cold sweat rolled down his forehead, showing how painful it was.

But he remained silent, and his eyes were extraordinarily calm, as if there was just a small thorn in his finger.

He heard the sound of broken bones being crushed by me, turned around, smiled softly and said, "You don't have to worry about me, at least we are all alive, right?"

As he spoke, he used his hands and mouth very skillfully to tie the last knot. Then he grabbed the Eight-sided Han Sword with his injured arm and waved it: "Don't worry, I won't die easily."

Although he said it very casually, I noticed that when he swung the sword, he pursed the corners of his mouth tightly, and the veins on his forehead popped out.

"Since even Dong Lao has personally come out to arrest you, it seems that the ghost faction has the upper hand! This is what we have been worried about." The man in the T-shirt put down the Eight-sided Han Sword and said worriedly.

"Ghost sect, what ghost sect?" I asked a little strangely.

"Since the establishment of Longquan Villa, there has been a dispute between humans and ghosts. The so-called human faction wants to use evil objects to gain wealth and freedom in the world. But the ghost faction wants to explore the secrets of yin and yang, so as to obtain A more terrifying power. To put it bluntly, the human faction is for pleasure, and the ghost faction is for becoming stronger."

"Since your grandfather died, the human and ghost factions in Longquan Villa have been arguing endlessly about how to deal with you. The human faction wants stability. As long as we kill you, we will lose our trump card to completely shake Longquan Villa. .”

"But you have a huge secret. If you die, the Ghost Sect's lifelong wish will not be achieved."

"That's why the human and ghost factions have been arguing endlessly, and they didn't use their full strength when dealing with you!"

"The twelve dead animals who came to kill you before, the four elders, Ichiro Ryuzawa, etc. all belong to the human sect. They are not high in cultivation and have no possibility of going further. Naturally, they have no ambitions. They just want to rule the world. There is a dark side in it, so I don’t hesitate to kill you.”

"In addition, during the period when Long Qingqiu was in seclusion, the four elders secretly colluded and controlled almost most of the power in Longquan Villa, and even tried to sideline him."

"But what kind of character is Long Qingqiu?"

"He used a knife to kill people, pretending to support the people's party to attack you, but he spread the news in an extremely subtle way, and the spies of the Zhang family in Jiangbei learned about it."

"In order to use you as a shield in exchange for some time, the Zhang family naturally didn't want you to die so early, so we took precautions and you have been safe so far."

"In order to temper you, keep you alert at all times, and improve your strength as quickly as possible, we never told you the truth."

"But now, Mr. Dong has come out to personally investigate the matter. He also brought out half of the Ghost Sect's troops. He also went to great lengths to find the Plessian Box and led you here step by step. He also took the opportunity to Forcing a few of us to come together... It can be seen that Long Qingqiu is in full control of the situation now, and the ghost sect has completely gained the upper hand."

"In other words, they won't really kill you, but from now on, they will really and seriously deal with you!" the man in the T-shirt explained lightly.

"The so-called Longquan Villa masters you met were just careerists with low cultivation and who like to play with power. The real masters are almost all from the ghost sect!"

"They have already seen through the wealth and prosperity, and they only want to seek breakthroughs in ghost arts. Once these people take action, it will be far more dangerous than before. For example, those first-class worshipers you have seen these days, if they are unprepared Is it possible for you to escape?"

When I heard this, I couldn't help but be stunned, and finally understood the whole story!

I secretly thought for a moment, among these people, not to mention the Bing Yinzi who has never shown up, the Golden Snake Sou who possesses magical powers, the sword demon Ah Qi who died first, and Zhi Duoxing who has never faced each other head-on. These two guys It’s enough for me to eat a pot.

While I was frightened, I also secretly became cruel and determined to become stronger as soon as possible!

Although I still don’t know what my mission is and what the burden is on my shoulders, I will never let this mission kill more people.

Moreover, I must completely wipe out Longquan Villa.

"Don't worry, I can do it!" I clenched my fists and said seriously to the man in the T-shirt.

The man in the T-shirt saw my solemn expression and nodded happily. With my help, he stood up, glanced at the tall pile of bones in the distance and said, "Let's go, the core of the modron is in front of us. Let me see what secrets are hidden here!"

According to the map of the parchment, this is the last stone room near the blood-red area.

This stone chamber is extremely large, covering a hundred meters in diameter and about tens of meters high.

Dozens of large jet-black columns as thick as buckets stood in the middle. The dozens of meters below were buried by the bones of the fortress, with only a short section exposed near the ceiling. There seemed to be countless extremely weird shapes carved on it, but it was too high to see clearly what they were.

Looking around, there are bones in all directions, only half of the bright red door is exposed at the top of the high mountain of bones.

This is the only way.

Behind the door is the ultimate place for this modron!

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