Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,428 The Cunning Father of Satan

The two of us stepped on the bones of the fortress and crawled forward with great difficulty. The bones cracked and exploded, and echoes came through, making people's scalp numb.

"Those guys should be dead, right?" I couldn't stand the deathly silence, and I couldn't help being curious, so I turned to ask the man in the T-shirt.

When I think of the shocking explosion just now, I still have some palpitations - the crude oil spurting out everywhere on the ground exploded instantly. How powerful was that? If the two of us weren't leaning against the door, we wouldn't even be able to find the bones at this time. No matter how capable those guys are, they are still humans after all, so they shouldn't be able to survive, right?

"No." The man in the T-shirt shook his head slightly.

"Dong Lao is the supreme elder of Longquan Villa, and his ghost skills are unfathomable!"

"Although the Sad Sound Snake is ferocious and can dominate an area if others take it away, to him, it is just a handy little toy. Even if we destroy the Sad Sound Snake, we definitely haven't defeated Dong Lao. "

"Many, many years ago, he was accidentally injured by an American artillery shell in a secret base of a terrorist organization in Afghanistan. After a few of us learned the news, we rushed there immediately. But he actually did it when eight of us were full. He escaped. One can imagine how terrifying his strength is."

"However, he was seriously injured that time, and that's how the red scars on his face were left."

"Since then, although his strength has been greatly reduced and is not as good as before, he should be able to escape the explosion just now..."

"Lao Liu's Aoki body was cultivated by borrowing the ancient Aoki sword, but he was also nicknamed 'Heavenly Hard to Kill', while Dong Lao is born with a sinister body and will never die so easily."

"However, after such an explosion, he must have been seriously injured. It will take at least three or four years of seclusion to recover."

"As for the Chou Emperor, he will definitely not survive." The man in the T-shirt paused and said, "After swallowing the Pixiu Pearl, although he became rough-skinned and thick-bodied, he also inherited Pixiu's weakness and was particularly afraid of fire. This No matter how strong he is, he will definitely be blown to pieces."

"It's because I knew he was afraid of fire, so Phoenix and I dared to chase him in. As long as Phoenix releases a small fireball, the Chou Emperor will be completely useless. Although Mr. Dong is strong, we have Ivy Leaf , not afraid of poison. Mr. Dong is not very good at mechanism and forbidden arts, and he can't take advantage of fighting in this ancient tomb. The only omission is the father of Satan. I thought he was just a follower of the ghost sect before, but he didn't. I thought it was this big shot." The man in the T-shirt said.

If that guy had been there just now, no matter how lucky the T-shirt man and I were, we probably wouldn't have been able to escape.

But then again, where has this guy been?

The man in the T-shirt seemed to have noticed my doubts and continued: "The Father of Satan is good at controlling corpses, but he also has the biggest weakness, which is that he will change his shape when exposed to the Taoist Sanqing holy statues, Buddhist Bodhisattva statues, and Christian Heavenly Father statues. Very weak."

"The corridor is lined with giant stone Buddhas on both sides. Although we can't feel anything, to him, it is just like a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire. Therefore, he can only stay in the mirror maze, not daring to take a step forward, waiting for someone to destroy it. Access control, burn down the Buddha and then come in."

After hearing the explanation from the man in the T-shirt, I was stunned.

"You mean, the father of Satan is very familiar with the situation here and already knew that this corridor would explode? Those Buddha statues would be destroyed?"

"It's very possible!" The man in the T-shirt nodded: "I had doubts as early as the Tianwu Elements Gate entering the tomb."

"Among the three of them, the Chou Emperor's IQ is about the same as that of a four or five-year-old child, and it is impossible for him to crack the magic circle. Although Dong Lao is strong, he has been studying the art of Gu since he debuted, and he is extremely familiar with the mechanism. Strange. The only possibility is the father of Satan, but he is a foreigner. Even if he can barely speak some Chinese, trying to break the magic circle is a joke."

"Looking at the entire Yinwu Realm, no more than five people can crack such a mysterious magic circle within half an hour! If it weren't for the traces they left behind, we would still be in trouble."

"But not only did they easily break the magic circle, they even found a place to hide it that we couldn't detect, and secretly hid behind us. It can be seen that some of them must know this tomb very well!"

"At first, I thought this man was Mr. Dong, but now that I think about it, he must be the father of Satan."

"In order to fulfill his crazy dream of resurrecting Satan, he searched for ancient tombs everywhere. Maybe he learned the secrets here. However, he was afraid of the Buddha statues, so he got involved with Dong Lao, who was also obsessed with modrons."

"The Father of Satan has always been mysterious. He can change his appearance at will, and he kills everyone when he casts spells, so almost no one can recognize him. If Phoenix hadn't happened to see him perform magic and survived, I'm afraid that until now, we still don't know who this extremely dangerous enemy is..." The man in the T-shirt sighed deeply.

"He must have planned long ago to deal with Mr. Dong and Emperor Chou here, and then kill the two of us who were seriously injured."

"However, if this is the case, Longquan Villa will definitely list him as the number one enemy, which is a good thing for us."

"No!" I suddenly felt cold all over, remembering an extremely amazing possibility.

"Before you guys came, Lao Liu and I saw him on the top of the mountain - standing neatly behind Mr. Dong. He was even more obedient than the Chou Emperor. He looked like a newcomer to Longquan Villa, and Bingyin I just call him Ghost Bone. It can be seen from this that the only person who may know his true identity is Mr. Dong. If he takes the opportunity to kill Mr. Dong who is seriously injured, Longquan Villa will only record this account on us. , I can’t believe it was the father of Satan who did it.”

"It seems that this guy has planned everything long ago, and all of us have been plotted by him!" The man in the T-shirt was also shocked by my guess.

Ding! Ding!

As we were talking, suddenly, a very clear copper bell rang from far outside the jade door.

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