Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,430 The battle to break the door

The tail jade hidden in the ice jade gourd has been relying on my Yang blood to replenish its strength since the last injury.

I have known her by blood for a long time. As long as my mind moves, she can know that there is no need to touch the gourd.

With a swish sound, the tail jade turned into a white light and landed on my shoulder.

"Bad brother..." She stretched out her arms, stretched her waist lazily, and smiled sweetly. But as soon as she said two words, the smile on her face suddenly froze.

"I want to go through that door, hurry! Open a passage for me." The situation was critical, and I didn't have time to explain to her in detail, so I ordered directly.

Oudama glanced at me, who was full of scars, with great distress, and then glanced at the half-lying man in a T-shirt. Without saying a word, he jumped off my shoulder and turned into a little loli in a kimono.

She closed her eyes slightly, moved her ten fingers together, and changed them very quickly, and suddenly shouted: "Spirit!"

As soon as I exhaled, I felt a chill all over my body, and a biting evil wind surged out.

The surrounding broken bones and debris were blown out at once, forming a large white storm that was constantly circling with us as the center.

In the storm, the white bones clashed and rattled, and the whole bone mountain kept shaking.

An extremely clear copper bell penetrated the wind wall and penetrated into my eardrums, shaking my heart.

Weiyu swayed slightly, quickly raised his two fingers together, and touched his temples. He stretched out his other small hand, as tender as a white lotus root, and pointed forward suddenly, facing the blood-red door.

The evil wind suddenly rises and rolls violently!

The bones were blown out, revealing a living passage between the few of us and the door.

It was a thick black long strip of stairs. It was unknown how many layers it had been soaked in blood, and after endless years of precipitation, it had already condensed like jade, and its crystal light was translucent.

"Let's go!" Oyu urged in a very brief voice. After saying that, she opened her legs and jumped forward quickly.

I quickly bent down, picked up the man in the T-shirt, and followed him.

The demonic wind howled, building a wind wall on both sides of the stone steps that reached directly to the top of the wall.

Outside the wind wall, thousands of skulls were showing their ferocious looks, and they were constantly hitting each other, each blow was like a heavy hammer or a big drum.

The sound of drums, bells, wind, and my breathing were so chaotically mixed together that my head almost exploded.

But there was only one thought in my mind: rush through that door quickly, and we must not let the man in the T-shirt die!

As he walked, Oudama's speed slowed down, and his weak figure kept trembling, but he still moved forward with great difficulty.


Suddenly, the evil wind became extremely cold, blowing on my body like a knife, and it was instantly covered with a layer of frost.

I know that this is because Oyu tried his best and used all his cultivation.

I braced my exhausted body and braved the evil wind, moving forward step by step, getting closer and closer to the door.


At this moment, the sound of the bell suddenly increased by several syllables.

Immediately afterwards, an explosion came from behind me, and my heart trembled suddenly, feeling the pressure of an extremely powerful Yin Qi.

Turning his head, he saw that all the bones were surging at the same time, rising and falling in waves, like a sea of ​​bones.

The whole world is constantly shaking and twisting with the bone waves... With a roar, the white waves turned up and crashed towards us like a tsunami!

"Run!" Oudama also touched his temple with his other hand and shouted loudly.

But she herself turned around and rushed towards the bone waves that were rushing towards her.

The moment I passed her by, I noticed that blood was overflowing from the corner of her mouth, and her originally red and pretty face had already turned pale, but her eyes were extremely firm, with a calmness about her death!

She wanted to block this blow for me at the cost of destroying her cultivation.

"Oudama!" I yelled.

But she didn't even look back, that weak figure was rushing away against the huge bone waves.

There was no room for me to hesitate any longer.

I hugged the man in the T-shirt tightly, spread my legs and ran towards the bright red door!

The evil wind like cold knives cut my body one after another, and the scars all over my body tore my skin, flesh and nerves, but I couldn't care about anything. There was only the door in front of me.

Ten meters, eight meters, five meters... getting closer and closer.

boom! ! !

The moment I touched the door, a loud bang suddenly exploded, which was devastating!

I was knocked out by the sound and rushed open the bright red door.

At the same moment, a stream of light came flying towards me. I knew it was Oudama without even looking at it, so I quickly hugged it in my arms.

With a bang, the blood door closed and the sound of the wind stopped.

I held the T-shirt man in my arms, held Oyu in my arms, broke through the gate, and fell down hard.

He fell into the water with a plop, his eyes were bright red, and his nose was filled with fishy odor.

In front of us was a huge pool of blood, and a few of us fell into it.

The blood pool was very deep and extremely buoyant, and all of us were floating on the water.

Oudama had almost lost all of his fairy cultivation, and was no longer able to maintain his human form, so he turned into a little fox again.

Her whole body was covered with blood, and she could no longer tell which drop was her own and which was the blood in the pool.

She moved her lips slowly, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she still failed to do so. She just raised the corners of her mouth at me, showing a naughty and pitiful smile, and then closed it in exhaustion. eyes.

"Weiyu!" I whispered, touched the fluff on the top of her head distressedly, and then hurriedly sent her back to the Ice Jade Gourd.

She knew clearly that fighting for me would definitely damage her cultivation and cause serious injuries, but she still had no hesitation.

If it weren't for her, I'd probably be buried in a sea of ​​bones by now!

The man in the T-shirt still closed his eyes tightly and lay quietly on the blood.

"First grade of junior high school, first grade of junior high school!" I lay next to his ear and called hoarsely, but he remained motionless, floating up and down with the blood waves.

His hands were cold and he was still holding on to the long sword. I was a little panicked and quickly touched his nose and heart.

No breathing, no heartbeat.

"First grade of junior high school!" I suddenly trembled all over and yelled.

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