Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1431 Origami Crane

The man in the T-shirt remained motionless, as if... he was really dead!

From the moment he saved my life by killing a snake with his sword, until now, scenes of our mutual acquaintance flashed through my mind like a revolving lantern.

I really don't dare and don't want to believe that all this is true.

He is a famous figure in the world, and for some reason, protecting me has become his only mission.

Senior Shu, Zen Master Baimei, and Master Feng are all like this.

But I really hope that this is all just a lie and that nothing exists——

I don't have any bullshit mission, and I'm not a dealer in femininity. I'm just an ordinary person who opens a small shop and drinks some wine. Occasionally, I can get drunk with the T-shirt man and Li Mazi, my closest friends.


I shook my head slightly and looked at the man in the T-shirt who was motionless with serious injuries, and my heart felt like a knife.

"You have saved me so many times, but can I just watch you die like this?"

"No!" I hit the blood pool with all my strength, and two pillars of blood rose and fell.

"In the first year of junior high school, I don't want you to die, but I should..." Suddenly, my mind flashed, and I took out a small crystal bottle from my arms.

Master Feng gave this to me. He said that this is the heavenly spirit liquid. If anything happens, especially if you encounter the father of Satan, you should drink this water immediately, turn around and run away.

It seems that he has long expected that the father of Satan is the most deadly enemy. The potion is probably the solution he left to me, and it may have some extremely magical effects.

Now, although I am also seriously injured, the man in the T-shirt...

When I thought of this, I pulled out the cork of the bottle without hesitation, pried open the T-shirt man's mouth, and poured in the remaining drop of spiritual fluid.

One minute, two minutes...

I stared at him closely, but the man in the T-shirt remained unchanged, and my newly ignited hope was shattered again.

"Do you want to save him?" At this moment, an extremely childish and crisp voice suddenly sounded in my ears.

I turned around and saw a little girl squatting on the steps on the other side of the blood pool.

She had long golden hair, a long skirt as bright as fire, and two white and tender little hands dragging her chin, staring at me with a pair of big eyes, looking at me very seriously.

Isn't this the little girl brought by the mysterious old man in gray robe?

But at this time, I didn't have time to be surprised, let alone think about it, so I nodded sincerely, although I had no illusions about whether she could save the man in the T-shirt.

"Do you have paper cranes?" the little girl asked inexplicably.

"Paper crane?" I was stunned.

Han Laoliu's detective crane was captured by her, and was later held down by the stone lock of the Tianwu Elements Gate. What was she asking for? Did she not have enough fun?

"I like paper cranes the most. My mother taught me how to fold them many times, but unfortunately I never learned how..." The little girl blinked her big eyes and said a little sadly. Then he stretched out his little hand: "Fold one for me, and I will tell you how to save him."

This request is extremely strange. There is no simpler request than this.

I didn't bother to ask her why, and I didn't even think about how she knew how to save people.

As long as I can save the man in the T-shirt, I will agree to any request, and I will pay any price!

I nodded quickly and said yes, wiped my bloody hands on the only clean collar, and took out a piece of yellow paper from the sealed charm bag.

Most of the charms I have on me have been made long ago, but I still need to keep some paper with me so that they can be used for different purposes in various situations.

But I never thought that one day I would use it to fold a toy for children.

The little girl kept holding her chin and staring at my hand folding the crane very seriously.

At the moment when the paper crane was folded, she stretched out her hand suddenly, and the paper crane fell out of my hand as if she had tied it with a thread beforehand. It flew far across the blood pool and landed lightly. In my hand.

The little girl was very happy, holding the paper crane and spinning it around for several times, and then she said to me, "Just give him two drops of your blood and he'll be fine."

"Grandpa said that the Heavenly Spirit Liquid must be drunk by the Heavenly Spirit Holy Body before it can be used. Any other use is a violent punishment of heavenly things!" The little girl put one hand behind her back and pretended to be an old man in a very cute way, speaking every word. said. Then he ignored me and jumped away holding the paper crane.

Heavenly Holy Body? What is that.

Why is this like those bloody fairy tales?

As soon as I heard what she said about the so-called way to save people, my heart immediately dropped. However, I couldn't care so much at this time, so I quickly bit the tip of my finger and dripped blood into the mouth of the man in the T-shirt.

Although I don't have much hope for this method that sounds extremely ridiculous, I don't have any other options to think about now. I can only hope for a miracle to happen.

Gululu, suddenly, a series of strange noises came from the chest of the man in the T-shirt.

At first I thought I heard it wrong, but the sounds continued one after another, and then his eyebrows moved slightly.

"Jiu...Jiulin..." He opened and closed his lips and muttered softly.

"I'm here." I was so shocked by this that I didn't know what to say, so I quickly leaned into his ear and shouted loudly: "First grade of junior high school, I'm here, I'm here."

But the man in the T-shirt didn't seem to hear my voice at all, and continued: "Jiulin, you, you must live! You still have to seal..."

With a breath, he seemed to suddenly remember something extremely important. He opened his eyes and reached out to pull out the white bone stuck in his stomach.

Whoosh! A blood arrow spurted out from the wound.

But what was extremely strange was that the blood around him immediately rushed over, as if he was lying in a large natural blood bag, and fresh blood was being continuously supplied to him.

Immediately, all the wounds on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye, only a very slight scar remained.

With two bangs, all the rags wrapped around his arms fell apart. The arm that had been burnt to black coal had long since recovered, but the skin was as bright red as blood, and it was so shiny.

This extremely astonishing scene was almost like a myth, but it really happened before my eyes.

Even the man in the T-shirt was extremely shocked. He stared blankly for a long time before turning his head and asking me: "Are you awake yet?"

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